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Dr. Parvaneh Mokarian
Research Associate Professor, CRANN
Research Associate Professor, Chemistry


Parvaneh Mokarian is a Research Associate Professor in School of Chemistry and Principal Investigator at (SFI) Science Foundation Ireland Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research Centre (AMBER) in Trinity College Dublin. She is the coordinator of an €8.3 million European Horizon 2020 consortium called SUN-PILOT:1,2 Subwavelength Nanostructure Pilot Line (2018-2021). She has earned her PhD in 2009 in University of Sheffield in the UK being awarded a Dorothy Hodgkin's scholarship. Since then she worked as a Research Fellow in University College Cork in collaboration with Tyndall National Institute and Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN), before joining TCD in 2016. Her research interest are on polymer thin films, polymers at surfaces and interfaces, light- nanostructure interaction, cell-nanosurface interaction and soft nanotechnology. Her research team (Intelligent Nano Surfaces Group) is currently focused on using materials such as block copolymers as templates for sub-wavelength nanostructures for nanofabrication, photonics applications, antireflective surfaces, self-cleaning and functional/smart surfaces. Dr. Mokarian's team has won the 1st prize for the "Best Innovation Award" by a multilateral project or technology in SPIE, Europe's biggest optics conference held in Brussels in April 2016.3 She is the winner of the "One-to-Watch" Trinity Innovation Awards 2017.

1 / Twitter: @sun_pilot 2 3 village/2016-award-winners

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Mir, S.H. and Jennings, B.D. and Akinoglu, G.E. and Selkirk, A. and Gatensby, R. and Mokarian-Tabari, P., Functional nanostructures for photocatalysis and optical applications, 2022, pp496-497 Conference Paper, 2022

Brian D. Jennings, Riley Gatensby, Elsa C. Giraud, Andrew Selkirk, Sajjad Husain Mir, Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Large-area patterning for broadband, quasi-omnidirectional low-reflectance glass, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 32, (8), 2022, p085009 Journal Article, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Andrew Selkirk, Nadeza Prochukhan, Ross Lundy, Cian Cummins, Riley Gatensby, Rachel Kilbride, Andrew Parnell, Jhonattan Baez Vasquez, Michael Morris, & Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Optimization and Control of Large Block Copolymer Self-Assembly via Precision Solvent Vapor Annealing, Macromolecules, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Sajjad Husain Mir, Brian D. Jennings, Goekalp Engin Akinoglu, Andrew Selkirk, Riley Gatensby, Parvaneh Mokarian‐Tabari, Enhanced Dye Degradation through Multi‐Particle Confinement in a Porous Silicon Substrate: A Highly Efficient, Low Band Gap Photocatalyst, Advanced Optical Materials, 2002238, 2021, p1-9 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Neppalli, S.N. and Collins, T.W. and Gholamvand, Z. and Cummins, C. and Morris, M.A. and Mokarian-Tabari, P., Defining swelling kinetics in block copolymer thin films: The critical role of temperature and vapour pressure ramp, Polymers, 13, (23), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

GE Akinoglu, SH Mir, R Gatensby, G Rydzek, P Mokarian-Tabari, Block Copolymer Derived Vertically Coupled Plasmonic Arrays for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 2020, p23410 - 23416 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL

Sajjad Husain Mir, Gaulthier Rydzek, Larry Akio Nagahara, Ajit Khosla, and Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Review-Recent Advances in Block-Copolymer Nanostructured Subwavelength Antireflective Surfaces, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 , 2020, p037502- Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

Mir, S.H. and Rydzek, G. and Nagahara, L.A. and Khosla, A. and Mokarian-Tabari, P., Erratum: Reviewâ€"Recent advances in block-copolymer nanostructured subwavelength antireflective surfaces (Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2020) 167 (037502) DOI: 10.1149/2.0022003JES), Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 166, (14), 2019, pX7 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Mouhamad, Y. and Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Jones, R.A.L. and Geoghegan, M., Application of mean-field theory to the spin casting of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) blend films from toluene, Polymer, 178, 2019, p121578- Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Rydzek G, Pakdel A, Witecka A, Awang Shri D.N, GaudiÚre F, Nicolosi V, Mokarian-Tabari P, Schaaf P, Boulmedais F, Ariga K, PH-Responsive Saloplastics Based on Weak Polyelectrolytes: From Molecular Processes to Material Scale Properties, Macromolecules, 51, (12), 2018, p4424 - 4434 Journal Article, 2018 DOI URL

Sajjad Husain Mir, Larry Akio Nagahara, Thomas Thundat, Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Hidemitsu Furukawa, Ajit Khosla, Review Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Functional Materials: An Integrated Platform for Applied Technologies, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165, (8), 2018, pB3137--B3156 Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

Elsa C. Giraud, Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Daniel T. W. Toolan, Thomas Arnold, Andrew J. Smith, Jonathan R. Howse, Paul D. Topham, Michael A. Morris, Highly Ordered Titanium Dioxide Nanostructures via a Simple One-Step Vapor-Inclusion Method in Block Copolymer Films, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, p3426- Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Senthamaraikannan, R. and Glynn, C. and Collins, T.W. and Cummins, C. and Nugent, D. and O†Dwyer, C. and Morris, M.A., Large Block Copolymer Self-Assembly for Fabrication of Subwavelength Nanostructures for Applications in Optics, Nano Letters, 17, (5), 2017, p2973-2978 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Catalina Vallejo-Giraldo, Niccolò Paolo Pampaloni, Anuradha R. Pallipurath, Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, John O'Connell, Justin D. Holmes, Alexandre Trotier, Katarzyna Krukiewicz, Gemma Orpella-Aceret, Eugenia Pugliese, Laura Ballerini, Michelle Kilcoyne, Eilís Dowd, Leo R. Quinlan, Abhay Pandit, Paul Kavanagh, Manus Jonathan Paul Biggs, Preparation of Cytocompatible ITO Neuroelectrodes with Enhanced Electrochemical Characteristics Using a Facile Anodic Oxidation Process, Advanced Functional Materials, 28, (12), 2017, p1605035 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Daniel T. W. Toolan, Kevin Adlington, Anna Isakova, Alexis Kalamiotis, Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Georgios Dimitrakis, Christopher Dodds, Thomas Arnold, Nick J. Terrill, Wim Bras, Daniel Hermida Merino, Paul D. Topham, Derek J. Irvine, Jonathan R. Howse, Selective molecular annealing: in situ small angle X-ray scattering study of microwave-assisted annealing of block copolymers, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, (31), 2017, p20412--20419 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Biggs Manus, Mokarian-Tabari Parvaneh, Vallejo-Giraldo Catalina, Thomas Dilip, Morris Michael, Pandit Abhay, Nanopillar modified neuroelectrodes through block copolymer self-assembly, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 4, 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

Cummins, C. and Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Andreazza, P. and Sinturel, C. and Morris, M.A., Solvothermal Vapor Annealing of Lamellar Poly(styrene)-block-poly(d,l-lactide) Block Copolymer Thin Films for Directed Self-Assembly Application, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, (12), 2016, p8295-8304 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

P Mokarian, T W Collins and M A Morris, The kinetics of swelling in block copolymer thin films during``solvo-microwave''and solvo-thermal annealing: The effect of vapour pressure, APS Meeting Anbstracts, Physical Aspects of Polymer Science, Manchester, 8 -10 September 201, 2015, P.08- Published Abstract, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Erothu, H. and Kolomanska, J. and Johnston, P. and Schumann, S. and Deribew, D. and Toolan, D.T.W. and Gregori, A. and Dagron-Lartigau, C. and Portale, G. and Bras, W. and Arnold, T. and Distler, A. and Hiorns, R.C. and Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Collins, T.W. and Howse, J.R. and Topham, P.D., Synthesis, thermal processing, and thin film morphology of poly(3-hexylthiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) block copolymers, Macromolecules, 48, (7), 2015, p2107-2117 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Vallejo-Giraldo, C. and Fernandez-Yague, M. and Cummins, C. and Morris, M.A. and Biggs, M.J.P., Nanoscale neuroelectrode modification via sub-20 nm silicon nanowires through self-assembly of block copolymers, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 26, (2), 2015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Cummins, C. and Rasappa, S. and Simao, C. and Torres, C.M.S. and Holmes, J.D. and Morris, M.A., Study of the kinetics and mechanism of rapid self-assembly in block copolymer thin films during solvo-microwave annealing, Langmuir, 30, (35), 2014, p10728-10739 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Cummins, C. and Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Holmes, J.D. and Morris, M.A., Selective etching of polylactic acid in poly(styrene)-block-poly(d,l) lactide diblock copolymer for nanoscale patterning, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131, (18), 2014, p9493-9504 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Helgesen, M. and Carlé, J.E. and Helt-Hansen, J. and Miller, A. and Krebs, F.C. and Cummins, C. and Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Holmes, J.D. and Morris, M.A., Erratum: The following articles belong to this special issue on polymers for microelectronics and appear (Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2014) 131:18), Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131, (24), 2014 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Y. Mouhamad, P. Mokarian-Tabari, N. Clarke, R. A. L. Jones, M. Geoghegan, Dynamics of polymer film formation during spin coating, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (12), 2014, p123513 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

O'Driscoll, Benjamin; Kelly, Roisin A; Shaw, Matthew; Mokarian-Tabari, Parvaneh; Liontos, George; Ntetsikas, Konstantinos; Avgeropoulos, Apostolos A; Petkov, Nikolay; Morris, Michael A, Achieving Structural Control with Thin Polystyrene-b-Polydimethylsiloxane Block Copolymer Films: The Complex Relationship of Interface Chemistry, Annealing Methodology and Process Conditions, European Polymer Journal, 49, (11), 2013, 3445-3454 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Reginald H. Rice, Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, William P. King, Robert Szoszkiewicz, Local Thermomechanical Analysis of a Microphase-Separated Thin Lamellar PS-b-PEO Film, Langmuir, 28, (37), 2012, p13503--13511 Journal Article, 2012

Mokarian-Tabari, P., Brushless and controlled microphase separation of lamellar polystyrene-b-polyethylene oxide thin films for block copolymer nanolithography, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 50, (13), 2012, p904-909 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Parvaneh Mokarian-Tabari, Timothy W. Collins, Justin D. Holmes, Michael A. Morris, Cyclical "Flipping" of Morphology in Block Copolymer Thin Films, ACS Nano, 5, (6), 2011, p4617--4623 Journal Article, 2011

A. D. F. Dunbar P. Mokarian-Tabari A. J. Parnell S. J. Martin M. W. A. Skoda R. A. L. Jones, A solution concentration dependent transition from self-stratification to lateral phase separation in spin-cast PS: d-PMMA thin films, The European Physical Journal E, 2010, p369-375 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

P. Mokarian-Tabari, M. Geoghegan, J. R. Howse, S. Y. Heriot, R. L. Thompson, R. A. L. Jones, Quantitative evaluation of evaporation rate during spin-coating of polymer blend films: Control of film structure through defined-atmosphere solvent-casting, The European Physical Journal E, 33, (4), 2010, p283--289 Journal Article, 2010

Beamson, G. and Mokarian-Tabari, P. and Geoghegan, M., Composition depth profiling of polystyrene/poly(vinyl ethyl ether) blend thin films by angle resolved XPS, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 171, (1-3), 2009, p57-63 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Research Expertise


My research interest are on polymer thin films, polymers at surfaces and interfaces, light- nanostructure interaction, cell-nanosurface interaction and soft nanotechnology. My research team (Intelligent Nano Surfaces Group) is currently focused on using materials such as block copolymers as templates for sub-wavelength nanostructures for nanofabrication, photonics applications, antireflective surfaces, self-cleaning and functional/smart surfaces.


  • Title
    • Subwavelength Nanostructure Pilot (SUN-PILOT)
  • Summary
    • SUN-PILOT is a large-scale collaborative H2020 funded project on Subwavelength Nanostructures. The project has 13 partners located across Europe with TCD as Coordinator (Dr Parvaneh Mokarian). The projects aims to develop a novel and cost effective platform for up-scaling sub-wavelength nanostructures fabrication techniques that can be applied to curved surfaces such as optical lenses, and the mass production of metal moulds for injection moulding of plastic parts for the Optics and Automotive Industries. SUN-PILOT is hosted by the Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research Centre (AMBER) and School of Chemistry.
  • Funding Agency
    • Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (European Commission)
  • Date From
    • 2018
  • Date To
    • 2021
  • Title
    • A cost effective platform technology for structural antireflective surfaces for applications in optics
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Date To
    • 2020


BLOCK COPOLYMERS; Cell-Topography interaction; light-topography interaction; Nano-Materials; NANOSTRUCTURES; POLYMER; POLYMER SURFACES; polymer thin films; SELF-ASSEMBLY; SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY


Awards and Honours

The "One-to-Watch " Innovation Award, Trinity College Dublin. 2017

SFI/NSF I-Corps@SFI Entrepreneurial Training Programme 2017

1st Prize for "The Best Innovation Award" by a multilateral project, SPIE Photonics Europe, Innovation Village, Brussels, Belgium 2016

AMBER Director Fund. Visiting Fellowship. Neural Technology and Physiology lab, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy. 2015

Dorothy Hodgkin award (Prestigious postgraduate award), UK 2004

Chevening Scholarship (Prestigious British Council Scholarship). 2003


Institute Of Physics (IOP)

SPIE member and Conference Program Committee