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Professor John Kelly
Fellow Emeritus, Chemistry


Brief Overview of Career 1965 B.Sc. (Chemistry), Manchester University, UK 1967 M.Sc., McMaster University, Canada (Supervisor J.J. McCullough) - 1970 Ph.D. University of London, UK (Supervisor George Porter)

1970-1971 Leverhulme Fellow at the University of West Indies 1971/3

Royal Society Fellow, Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung,Abteilung Photochemie, Mülheim. (Ernst Koerner von Gustorf) 1973

Lecturer in the Physical Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin 1987 Associate Professor in Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin 1989 - 1992 Director of Science of Materials, Trinity College Dublin 1993 - 2000 Head of Chemistry Department, Trinity College Dublin 2000 - 2001

Berkeley Fellow 2006

Professor in Chemistry

- Member of the Royal Irish Academy - Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Research Interests and Track Record Research interests cover areas of photochemistry, fast chemical reactions, and nucleic acids Current research projects falls into the following main areas (A) The transient spectroscopy of nucleic acids and photosensitisers. (B) The use of photochemical reagents to carry out site-specific reactions on DNA, in particular those involving photo-induced electron transfer.

Previously also worked on nano-/micro-particles, especially (i) Silver nanoparticles of defined shape and size for biosensing, antibacterials and (ii) micro metal oxides and metal sulphides

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Frederico R. Baptista, Stephen J. Devereux, Sarah P. Gurung, James P. Hall, Igor V. Sazanovich, Michael Towrie, Christine J. Cardin, John A. Brazier, John M. Kelly, Susan J. Quinn, The influence of loops on the binding of the [Ru(phen)2dppz]2+ light-switch compound to i-motif DNA structures revealed by time-resolved spectroscopy, Chemical Communications, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

S. C. Padmanabhan, T.W. Collins, S.C. Pillai, D.E. McCormack, J. M. Kelly, J. D. Holmes and M. A. Morris, A conceptual change in crystallisation mechanisms of oxide materials from solutions in closed systems, Scientific Reports, 10, 2020, p18414- Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Sandra Estalayo-Adrián, Gavin J. McManus, Hannah L. Dalton, Aramballi J. Savyasachi, John M. Kelly, Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Functionalisation of gold nanoparticles with ruthenium(ii) polypyridyl complexes for their application in cellular imaging, Dalton Transactions, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

P. M. Keane, K. O'Sullivan, F. E. Poynton, B. C. Poulsen, I. V. Sazanovich, M. Towrie, C. J. Cardin, X.-Z.Sun, M. W. George, T. Gunnlaugsson, S. J. Quinn and J. M. Kelly, Understanding the factors controlling the photooxidation of natural DNA by enantiomerically pure intercalating ruthenium polypyridyl complexes through TA/TRIR studies with polydeoxynucleotides and mixed sequence oligodeoxynucleotides, Chemical Science, 11, 2020, p8600 - 8609 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Stephen J. Devereux, Fergus E. Poynton, Frederico R. Baptista, Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Christine J. Cardin, Igor V. Sazanovich, Michael Towrie, John M. Kelly, Susan J. Quinn, Caught in the Loop: Binding of the [Ru(phen) 2 (dppz)] 2+ Light-Switch Compound to Quadruplex DNA in Solution Informed by Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy, Chemistry - A European Journal, 26, 2020, p17103 - 17109 Journal Article, 2020

S. Estalayo-Adrian, S. Blasco, S. A. Bright, G. J. McManus, G. Orellana, D. C. Williams, J. M. Kelly and T. Gunnlaugsson,, Water-soluble amphiphilic ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes as potential light-activated therapeutic agents, Chemical Communications, 56, 2020, p9332 - 9335 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Keane, P.M. and Tory, J. and Towrie, M. and Sazanovich, I.V. and Cardin, C.J. and Quinn, S.J. and Hartl, F. and Kelly, J.M. and Long, C., Spectro-electrochemical Studies on [Ru(TAP)2(dppz)]2+ - Insights into the Mechanism of its Photosensitized Oxidation of Oligonucleotides, Inorganic Chemistry, 58, (1), 2019, p663-671 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Keane, P.M. and Kelly, J.M., Transient absorption and time-resolved vibrational studies of photophysical and photochemical processes in DNA-intercalating polypyridyl metal complexes or cationic porphyrins, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 364, 2018, p137-154 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Poynton, F.E. and Bright, S.A. and Blasco, S. and Williams, D.C. and Kelly, J.M. and Gunnlaugsson, T., The development of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes and conjugates for: In vitro cellular and in vivo applications, Chemical Society Reviews, 46, (24), 2017, p7706-7756 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Mac Mahon J., Pillai S., Kelly J., Gill L.W., Solar photocatalytic disinfection of E. coli and bacteriophages MS2, ΦX174 and PR772 using TiO2, ZnO and Ruthenium based complexes in a continuous flow system, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 170, 2017, p79 - 90 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Keane P.M, Hall J.P, Poynton F.E, Poulsen B.C, Gurung S.P, Clark I.P, Sazanovich I.V, Towrie M, Gunnlaugsson T, Quinn S.J, Cardin C.J, Kelly J.M, Inosine Can Increase DNA's Susceptibility to Photo-oxidation by a RuII Complex due to Structural Change in the Minor Groove, Chemistry - A European Journal, 23, (43), 2017, p10344-10351 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Cardin, C.J. and Kelly, J.M. and Quinn, S.J., Photochemically active DNA-intercalating ruthenium and related complexes-insights by combining crystallography and transient spectroscopy, Chemical Science, 8, (7), 2017, p4705-4723 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text

Poulsen B.C, Estalayo-Adrián S, Blasco S, Bright S.A, Kelly J.M, Williams D.C, Gunnlaugsson T, Luminescent ruthenium polypyridyl complexes with extended 'dppz' like ligands as DNA targeting binders and cellular agents, Dalton Transactions, 45, (45), 2016, p18208 - 18220 Journal Article, 2016 DOI URL

Keane, P.M. and Kelly, J.M., Ground and excited state interactions of metalloporphyrin PtTMPyP4 with polynucleotides [poly(dG-dC)]2and [poly(dA-dT)]2, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 15, (8), 2016, p980-987 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

P. M. Keane, F. R. Baptista, S. P. Gurung, S. J. Devereux, I. V. Sazanovich, M. Towrie, J. A. Brazier, C. J. Cardin, J. M. Kelly and S. J. Quinn, , Long-lived excited state dynamics of i-motif structures probed by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, ChemPhysChem., , 17, 2016, p1281 - 1287 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text

F. E. Poynton, J. P. Hall, P. M. Keane, C. Schwarz, I. V. Sazanovich, M. Towrie, T. Gunnlaugsson, C.J. Cardin, D.J. Cardin, S. J. Quinn, C. Long and J. M. Kelly, Direct observation by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of the bright and the dark excited states of the [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ light-switch compound in solution and when bound to DNA, Chemical Science, 7, 2016, p3074 - 3085 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

P. M. Keane, F. E. Poynton, J. P. Hall, I. P. Clark, I. V. Sazanovich, M. Towrie, T. Gunnlaugsson, S. J. Quinn, C. J. Cardin and J. M. Kelly, Monitoring guanine photo-oxidation by enantiomerically resolved Ru(II) dipyrido- phenazine complexes using inosine-substituted oligonucleotides, , Faraday Transactions, 185, 2015, p455 - 469 Journal Article, 2015

Keane P.M, Poynton F.E, Hall J.P, Sazanovich I.V, Towrie M, Gunnlaugsson T, Quinn S.J, Cardin C.J, Kelly J.M, Reversal of a Single Base-Pair Step Controls Guanine Photo-Oxidation by an Intercalating Ruthenium(II) Dipyridophenazine Complex, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54, (29), 2015, p8364-8368 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL

Keane P.M, Poynton F.E, Hall J.P, Clark I.P, Sazanovich I.V, Towrie M, Gunnlaugsson T, Quinn S.J, Cardin C.J, Kelly J.M, Enantiomeric conformation controls rate and yield of photoinduced electron transfer in dna sensitized by Ru(II) dipyridophenazine complexes, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, (4), 2015, p734 - 738 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL

J. P. Hall, F. E. Poynton, P. M. Keane, S. P. Gurung, J. A. Brazier, D. J. Cardin, G. Winter, T.Gunnlaugsson, I.V. Sazanovich, M.Towrie, C. J. Cardin, J. M. Kelly and S. J. Quinn,, Monitoring one-electron photo-oxidation of guanine in DNA crystals using ultrafast infrared spectroscopy, , Nature Chemistry, 7, 2015, p961 - 967 Journal Article, 2015

Hall,James P. J.P., Sánchez-Weatherby,Juan J., Alberti,Cora C., Quimper,Caroline Hurtado C.H., O'Sullivan,Kyra K., Brazier,John A. J.A., Winter,Graeme G., Sorensen,Thomas T., Kelly,John M. J.M., Cardin,David John D.J., Cardin,Christine J J C.J.J., Controlled dehydration of a ruthenium complex-DNA crystal induces reversible DNA kinking, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, (50), 2014, p17505-17512 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

M. P. Brandon, D.M. Ledwith, J. M. Kelly, Preparation of saline-stable, silica-coated triangular silver nanoplates of use for optical sensing, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 415, 2014, p77-84 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Zhang, Yi, Charles, Denise E., Ledwith, Deirdre M., Aherne, Damian, Cunningham, Stephen E., Voisin ,Muriel M., Blau, Werner Josef., Gun'Ko,Yurii K., Kelly, John M., Brennan-Fournet, Margaret E. , Wash-free highly sensitive detection of C-reactive protein using gold derivatised triangular silver nanoplates, RSC Advances, 4, (55), 2014, p29022-29031 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Devereux,Stephen J., Keane, Padraic M., Vasudevan,Suni, Sazanovich, Igor V., Towrie, Michael, Cao, Qian , Sun, Xuezhong , George, Michael W., Cardin, Christine J J , Kane-Maguire, Noel A P , Kelly, John M., Quinn Susan J. , Study of picosecond processes of an intercalated dipyridophenazine Cr(iii) complex bound to defined sequence DNAs using transient absorption and time-resolved infrared methods, Dalton Transactions, 43, (47), 2014, p17606-17609 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

S. Banerjee , S. A Bright , J. A Smith , J. Burgeat , M. Martínez-Calvo , D. C. Williams , J. M. Kelly , and T. Gunnlaugsson, A Supramolecular Approach to Enantioselective DNA Recognition using Enantiomerically Resolved Cationic 4-Amino-1,8-Naphthalimide based Tröger's Base., J Org. Chem., 79, 2014, p9272−9283. Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

Keane,Padraic M, Wojdya, Micha' Doorley, Gerard W., Kelly, John M., Parker, Anthony William, Clark, Ian P, Greetham, Gregory M., Towrie, Michael, Magno, Lua­s M., Quinn, Susan J. , Long-lived excited states in i-motif DNA studied by picosecond time-resolved IR spectroscopy, Chemical Communications, 50, (23), 2014, p2990-2992 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gallagher SA, Comby S, Wojdyla M, Gunnlaugsson T, Kelly JM, Gun'ko YK, Clark IP, Greetham GM, Towrie M, Quinn SJ, Efficient Quenching of TGA-Capped CdTe Quantum Dot Emission by a Surface-Coordinated Europium(III) Cyclen Complex., Inorganic chemistry, 52, (8), 2013, p4133-4135 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

J. P. Hall, D. Cook, S. Ruiz Morte, P. McIntyre, K. Buchner, H. Beer, D. J. Cardin, J. A. Brazier, G. Winter, J. M. Kelly, and C. J. Cardin, X-Ray Crystal Structure of rac-[Ru(phen)2dppz]2+ with d(ATGCAT)2 shows Enantiomer Orientations and Water Ordering, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135, 2013, p12652-12659 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Banerjee, S., Kitchen, J.A., Gunnlaugsson, T., Kelly, J.M., The effect of the 4-amino functionality on the photophysical and DNA binding properties of alkyl-pyridinium derived 1,8-naphthalimides, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 11, (34), 2013, p5642-5655 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

G. L. Keegan, D. Aherne, E. Defrancq, Y. K. Gun'ko and J. M. Kelly, Oligonucleotide Functionalization of Hollow Triangular Gold Silver Alloy Nanoboxes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, (1), 2013, p669-676 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Banerjee S, Kitchen JA, Bright SA, O'Brien JE, Williams DC, Kelly JM, Gunnlaugsson T, Synthesis, spectroscopic and biological studies of a fluorescent Pt(ii) (terpy) based 1,8-naphthalimide conjugate as a DNA targeting agent., Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 49, (76), 2013, p8522-8524 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

G.W. Doorley, M. Wojdyla, G. W. Watson, M. Towrie, A. W. Parker, J. M. Kelly, and S.J. Quinn, Tracking DNA Excited States by Picosecond-Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy: Signature Band for a Charge-Transfer Excited State in Stacked Adenine−Thymine Systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4, 2013, p2739-274 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

S. Banerjee, E. B. Veale, C.M. Phelan, S. A. Murphy, G. M. Tocci, L. J. Gillespie, D.O. Frimannsson, J. M. Kelly and T. Gunnlaugsson, Recent advances in the development of 1,8-naphthalimide based DNA targeting binders, anticancer and fluorescent cellular imaging agents. , Chemical Society Review, 42, (4), 2013, p1601- 1618 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

Suresh C. Pillai , John M. Kelly , Raghavendra Ramesh and Declan E. McCormack, Advances in the synthesis of ZnO nanomaterials for varistor devices, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, p1-14 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

Keane, PM, Wojdyla, M, Doorley, GW, Kelly, JM, Clark, IP, Parker, AW, Greetham, GM, Towrie, M, Magno, LM, Quinn, SJ, Ultrafast IR spectroscopy of polymeric cytosine nucleic acids reveal the long-lived species is due to a localised state, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 14, 2012, p6307-6311 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Tuite, E.M., Rose, D.B., Ennis, P.M., Kelly, J.M., Influence of polystyrenesulfonate on electron transfer quenching of ruthenium trisbipyridine luminescence by viologens: Non-covalent assembly and covalent tethering of the ruthenium complex, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14, (10), 2012, p3681-3692 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI

Farrell, DJ, McArdle, C, Doherty, M, Kelly, JM, Surface promoted redox cationic polymerization of epoxy monomers catalyzed by silver salts, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 50, (14), 2012, p2957-2966 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Niyazi, H, Hall, JP, O'Sullivan, K, Winter, G, Sorensen, T, Kelly, JM, Cardin, CJ, Crystal structures of Lambda-[Ru(phen)(2)dppz](2+) with oligonucleotides containing TA/TA and AT/AT steps show two intercalation modes, Nature Chemistry, 4, 2012, 621-628 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Wojdyla, M., Gallagher, S.A., Moloney, M.P., Gunko, Y.K., Kelly, J.M., Magno, L.M., Quinn, S.J., (...), Towrie, M., Picosecond to millisecond transient absorption spectroscopy of broad-band emitting chiral CdSe quantum dots, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, (30), 2012, p16226-16232 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

J.M. Kelly, G. Keegan and M.E. Brennan-Fournet, Triangular silver nanoparticles: their preparation, functionalisation and properties, Acta, Physica Polonica A, 122, 2012, p337-345 Journal Article, 2012 URL

Banerjee, S, Kitchen, JA, Gunnlaugsson, T, Kelly, JM, Synthesis and photophysical evaluation of a pyridinium 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide derivative that upon intercalation displays preference for AT-rich double-stranded DNA, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry , 10, 2012, p3033-3043 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Keane, P.M., Gallagher, S.A., Magno, L.M., Leising, M.J., Clark, I.P., Greetham, G.M., Towrie, M., (...), Quinn, S.J, Photophysical studies of CdTe quantum dots in the presence of a zinc cationic porphyrin, Dalton Transactions, 41, (42), 2012, p13159-13166 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI

Keane PM, Kelly JM, Triplet-state dynamics of a metalloporphyrin photosensitiser (PtTMPyP4) in the presence of halides and purine mononucleotides., Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 10, (10), 2011, p1578-1586 Journal Article, 2011 DOI TARA - Full Text

Cao Q, Creely CM, Davies ES, Dyer J, Easun TL, Grills DC, McGovern DA, McMaster J, Pitchford J, Smith JA, Sun XZ, Kelly JM, George MW, Excited state dependent electron transfer of a rhenium-dipyridophenazine complex intercalated between the base pairs of DNA: a time-resolved UV-visible and IR absorption investigation into the photophysics of fac-[Re(CO)3(F2dppz)(py)]+ bound to either [poly(dA-dT)]2 or [poly(dG-dC)]2., Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 10, (8), 2011, p1355-1364 Journal Article, 2011 DOI TARA - Full Text

Hall JP, O'Sullivan K, Naseer A, Smith JA, Kelly JM, Cardin CJ, Structure determination of an intercalating ruthenium dipyridophenazine complex which kinks DNA by semiintercalation of a tetraazaphenanthrene ligand., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, (43), 2011, p17610-17614 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

J.A. Smith, M.W. George, J.M. Kelly, Transient Spectroscopy of Dipyridophenazine Metal Complexes which undergo electron transfer with DNA, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 255, (21-22), 2011, p2666-2675 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Keane PM, Wojdyla M, Doorley GW, Watson GW, Clark IP, Greetham GM, Parker AW, Towrie M, Kelly JM, Quinn SJ, A comparative picosecond transient infrared study of 1-methylcytosine and 5'-dCMP that sheds further light on the excited states of cytosine derivatives., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, (12), 2011, p4212-4215 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Charles, D.E., Gara, M., Aherne, D., Ledwith, D.M., Kelly, J.M., Blau, W.J., Brennan-Fournet, M.E., Scaling of Surface Plasmon Resonances in Triangular Silver Nanoplate Sols for Enhanced Refractive Index Sensing, Plasmonics, 6, (2), 2011, p351-362 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Nagle PS, Quinn SJ, Kelly JM, O'Donovan DH, Khan AR, Rodriguez F, Nguyen B, Wilson WD, Rozas I, Understanding the DNA binding of novel non-symmetrical guanidinium/2-aminoimidazolinium derivatives., Organic & Biomolecular chemistry, 8, (24), 2010, p5558-67 Journal Article, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Synthesis of Anisotropic Noble Metal Nanoparticles in, editor(s)C.D. Geddes , The Role of Plasmonic Engineering in Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence, Weinheim, Wiley -VCH, 2010, pp295-362 , [D. Aherne, D.M. Ledwith and J.M. Kelly] Book Chapter, 2010

Vasudevan S, Smith JA, Wojdyla M, DiTrapani A, Kruger PE, McCabe T, Fletcher NC, Quinn SJ, Kelly JM, Substituted dipyridophenazine complexes of Cr(III): synthesis, enantiomeric resolution and binding interactions with calf thymus DNA., Dalton Transactions , 39, (16), 2010, p3990-8 Journal Article, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Shane A. Gallagher, Mícheál P. Moloney, Michal Wojdyla, Susan J. Quinn, John M. Kelly and Yurii K. Gun'ko, Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of chiral CdSequantum dots, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 2010, p8350-8355 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text

Denise E. Charles, Damian Aherne, Deirdre M. Ledwith, Yurii K. Gun'ko, John M. Kelly, Werner J. Blau, Margaret E. Brennan-Fournet, Versatile solution phase triangular silver nanoplates for highly sensitive plasmon resonance sensing, ACS Nano, 4, (1), 2010, p55 - 64 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Wojdyla M, Smith JA, Vasudevan S, Quinn SJ, Kelly JM, Excited state behaviour of substituted dipyridophenazine Cr(III) complexes in the presence of nucleic acids., Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 9, (9), 2010, p1196-202 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text DOI

Damian Aherne, Matthew Gara, John M. Kelly, Yurii K. Gun'ko, From Ag Nanoprisms to Triangular AuAg Nanoboxes, Advanced Functional Materials, 20, (8), 2010, p1329-1338 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

S. Vasudevan, J. A. Smith, M. Wojdyla, T. McCabe, N. C. Fletcher, S. J. Quinn, and J. M. Kelly, Substituted Dipyridophenazine Complexes of Cr(III): Synthesis, Enantiomeric Resolution and Binding Interactions with Calf Thymus DNA, Dalton Transactions, 39, 2010, p3990-3998 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text DOI

M. Towrie, G. W. Doorley, M. W. George, A.W. Parker, S. J. Quinn and J. M. Kelly, ps-TRIR Covers All the Bases - Recent Advances in the Use of Transient IR for the Detection of Ultrafast Species in DNA, Analyst, 134, 2009, p1265 - 1273 Journal Article, 2009 TARA - Full Text

Damian Aherne, Denise E. Charles, Margaret E. Brennan-Fournet, John M. Kelly, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Etching-Resistant Silver Nanoprisms by Epitaxial Deposition of a Protecting Layer of Gold at the Edges, Langmuir, 25, (17), 2009, p10165 - 10173 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

. C. Padmanabhan, D. Ledwith, S. C. Pillai, D. E. McCormack and J. M. Kelly, Microwave-assisted synthesis of ZnO micro-javelins, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 2009, p9250 - 9259 Journal Article, 2009 DOI TARA - Full Text

S. Quinn, G.W. Doorley, D.A. McGovern, A.W. Parker, K.L. Ronayne, M. Towrie and J.M. Kelly, A Time-resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy Study on Adenine/Thymine Nucleic Acid Systems, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Ultrafast Phenomena XV1, edited by P. Corkum, S. De Silvestri, K.A. Nelso, E. Reidle and R.W. Schoenlein , 92, Springer, 2009, pp595-597 Conference Paper, 2009 DOI

G. W. Doorley, D. A. McGovern, M.W. George, M. Towrie, A.W. Parker, J. M. Kelly, and Susan J. Quinn, Picosecond Transient Infrared Study of the Ultrafast Deactivation Processes of Electronically Excited B-DNA and Z-DNA Forms of [poly(dG dC)]2. , Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48, (1), 2009, p123-127 Journal Article, 2009 DOI URL

Approaches to the synthesis and characterisation of spherical and anisotropic silver nanomaterials in, editor(s)C. S. S. Kumar , Metallic Nanomaterials, Wiley -VCH, Weinheim, 2009, pp99-148 , [Deirdre M. Ledwith, Damian Aherne and John M. Kelly] Book Chapter, 2009

D. A. McGovern, G.W. Doorley, A. M. Whelan, A. W. Parker, M. Towrie, J. M. Kelly, and S. J. Quinn., A Study of the pH Dependence of Electronically Excited Guanosine Compounds by Picosecond Time-resolved Infrared Spectroscopy, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 8, 2009, p542-548. Journal Article, 2009 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Damian Aherne, Deirdre M. Ledwith, Matthew Gara, John M. Kelly., Optical properties and growth aspects of silver nanoprisms produced by a highly reproducible and rapid synthesis at room temperature, Advanced Functional Materials, 18, (14), 2008, p2005 - 2016 Journal Article, 2008 DOI URL

Helen Cathcart, Valeria Nicolosi, J. Marguerite Hughes, Werner J Blau, John M Kelly, Susan J. Quinn, Jonathan N Coleman, Ordered DNA- wrapping switches on luminescence in single-walled nanotube dispersions, The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, (38), 2008, p12734-12744 Journal Article, 2008 URL DOI

B. Elias, C. Creely, G. W. Doorley, M. M. Feeney, C. Moucheron, A. Kirsch - De Mesmaeker, J. Dyer, D. C. Grills, M. W. George, P. Matousek, Anthony W. Parker, Michael Towrie, and John M. Kelly, Photo-oxidation of Guanine by a Ruthenium Dipyridophenazine Complex Intercalated in a Double-Stranded Polynucleotide Monitored Directly using Picosecond Visible and Infrared Transient Absorption Spectroscopy, Chemistry - A European Journal , 14, (1), 2008, p369-375 Journal Article, 2008 URL DOI

Denise Charles, Patrick Fournet, Stephen Cunningham, Deirdre Ledwith, John M. Kelly, Werner Blau, and Margaret Brennan Fournet , A sensitivity study of the localised surface plasmon resonance of high-definition structured silver nanoparticles in solution , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7032, 2008, p70322G- Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Pillai, S. C., Kelly, J. M., McCormack, D. E. and Ramesh, R., High performance ZnO varistors prepared from nanocrystalline precursors for miniaturised electronic devices, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18, 2008, p3926 - 3932 Journal Article, 2008 TARA - Full Text

M. P. Moloney, Y.K. Gun'ko and J. M. Kelly, Chiral highly luminescent CdS quantum dots, Chemical Communications, 14, (38), 2007, p3900 - 3902, Journal Article, 2007 DOI URL

H. Cathcart, S. Quinn, V. Nicolosi, J. M. Kelly, W. J. Blau, J. N. Coleman, Spontaneous Debundling of SWNTs in DNA based Dispersions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, (1), 2007, p66 - 74 Journal Article, 2007 URL DOI

J. Dyer, C. M. Creely, J. C. Penedo, D. C. Grills, S. Hudson, P. Matousek, A. W. Parker, M. Towrie, J. M. Kelly and M. W. George, Solvent dependent photophysics of fac-[Re(CO)3(11,12-X2dppz)(py)]+ (X = H, F or Me), Photochem. Photobiol. Sci, 6, 2007, p741 - 748 Journal Article, 2007 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

McGovern, D.A., Quinn, S., Doorley, G.W.a , Whelan, A.M., Ronayne, K.L., Towrie, M., Parker, A.W., Kelly, J.M., Picosecond infrared probing of the vibrational spectra of transients formed upon UV excitation of stacked G-tetrad structures, Chemical Communications , 48, 2007, p5158-5160 Journal Article, 2007 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

D. M. Ledwith, A. M. Whelan and J. M. Kelly, A rapid, straight-forward method for controlling the morphology of stable silver nanoparticles, J. Mater. Chem., 17, (23), 2007, p2459 - 2464 Journal Article, 2007 URL DOI

Sibu C. Padmanabhan, Suresh C. Pillai, John Colreavy, Sivakumar Balakrishnan, Declan E. McCormack, Yurii Gun'ko, John M. Kelly, A Simple Sol-Gel Processing for the Development of High-Temperature Stable Photoactive Anatase Titania, Chemistry of Materials, 19, (18), 2007, p4474-4481 Journal Article, 2007 DOI URL

S. Quinn, G. W. Doorley, G. W. Watson, A. J. Cowan, M. W. George, A. W. Parker, K. L. Ronayne, M. Towrie and J. M. Kelly, Ultrafast IR spectroscopy of the short-lived transients formed by UV excitation of cytosine derivatives, Chemical Communications, 21, 2007, p2130 - 2132 Journal Article, 2007 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

J.J. Doyle, B. Ballesteros, G. De la Torre, D.A. McGovern, J.M. Kelly, T. Torres, and W.J. Blau, Combination of phthalocyanine and fullerene moieties for optical limiting , Chemical Physics Letters, 428 , (4-6), 2006, p307 - 311 Journal Article, 2006 DOI URL

J.G. Vos, J.M. Kelly, Ruthenium Polypyridyl Chemistry: From Basic Research to Applications and Back Again, Dalton Trans, 2006, p4869 - 4883 Journal Article, 2006 URL DOI

S.C. Pillai, J.M. Kelly, D.M. McCormack, R. Ramesh, Effect of step sintering on breakdown voltage of varistors prepared from nanomaterials by sol gel route, Adv. Appl. Ceramics, 105, (3), 2006, p158 - 160 Journal Article, 2006 DOI URL

Brennan ME, Whelan AM, Kelly JM, Blau WJ , Silver nanoparticle self-organization into dendritic fractals , Synthetic Metals, 154, (1-3), 2005, p205 - 208 Journal Article, 2005 URL DOI

M. K Seery, S. M Draper, J. M Kelly, T. McCabe and T. B. H. McMurry, The Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Photochemistry of Some 3- Phenylindenones, Synthesis, 2005, p470 - 474 Journal Article, 2005 URL DOI

K. O"Donoghue, J. C. Penedo, J. M. Kelly and P. E. Kruger, Photophysical study of a family of [Ru(phen)2(Mendpq)]2+ complexes in different solvents and DNA: a specific water effect promoted by methyl substitution, Dalton Trans., 2005, p1123 - 1128 Journal Article, 2005 DOI URL

D. A. McGovern, A. Selmi, J. E. O'Brien, J. M. Kelly, and C. Long, Reduction of Dipyrido [3,2-a:2',3'-c] phenazine (dppz) by Photolysis in Ethanol Solution, Chemical Commun., 11, 2005, p1402 - 1404 Journal Article, 2005 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Michael K. Seery, Sylvia M. Draper, John M. Kelly, Thomas McCabe, Brian T.H. McMurry, The synthesis, structural characterization and photochemistry of some 3-phenylindenones, Synthesis, 3, 2005, p470 - 474 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

M. K. Kuimova, J. Dyer, M. W. George, D. C. Grills, J. M. Kelly, P. Matousek, A. W. Parker, X. Z. Sun, M. Towrie and A. M. Whelan, Monitoring the Effect of Ultrafast Deactivation of the Electronic Excited States DNA bases, Polynucleotides and DNA Following 266 nm Laser Excitation using Picosecond Time-resolved Infrared Spectroscopy, Chemical Commun., 9, 2005, p1182 Journal Article, 2005 DOI URL

D. Ledwith, S.C. Pillai, G.W. Watson, and J.M. Kelly, Microwave induced preparation of a-axis oriented double-ended needle-shaped ZnO microparticles, Chem. Commun, 10, (20), 2004, p2294 - 2295 Journal Article, 2004 DOI URL

I. Ortmans, B. Elias, J. M. Kelly, C. Moucheron, A. Kirsch-DeMesmaeker, [Ru(TAP)2(dppz)]2+: a DNA intercalating complex, which luminesces strongly in water and undergoes photo-induced proton-coupled electron transfer with guanosine-5 -monophosphate, Dalton Trans., 4, 2004, p668 - 676 Journal Article, 2004 URL DOI

S.J. Byrne, S.A. Corr, Y. K. Gun'ko, J. M. Kelly, D. F. Brougham, S. Ghosh, Magnetic nanoparticle assemblies on denatured DNA show unusual magnetic relaxivity and potential applications for MRI, Chemical Communications, 10, (22), 2004, p2560 - 2561 Journal Article, 2004 URL DOI

C. W. Crean, M.P. Lawler, C. Stevenson, R.J.H. Davies, P.H. Boyle and J.M. Kelly, Synthesis of N3- and 2-NH2-substituted 6,7-diphenylpterins and their use as intermediates for the preparation of oligonucleotide conjugates designed to target photooxidative damage on single-stranded DNA representing the bcr-abl chimeric gene, Org. Biomol.Chem., 2, (24), 2004, p3588 - 3601 Journal Article, 2004 URL DOI

S.C. Pillai, J.M. Kelly, D.E. McCormack and R. Ramesh, , Self-assembled arrays of ZnO nanoparticles and their application as varistor materials, J. Mater. Chem., 14, (10), 2004, p1572 - 1578 Journal Article, 2004 URL DOI

K. A. O'Donoghue, J. M. Kelly and P. E. Kruger, Unusual photophysical switching in a Ru(II) diimine DNA probe caused by amide functionalisation,, Dalton Trans., 1, 2004, p13 - 14 Journal Article, 2004 DOI URL

S.C. Pillai, J.M. Kelly, D.E. McCormack and R. Ramesh, Microstructural Analysis of Varistors made from nano-size ZnO, Mater. Sci. Tech., 20, (8), 2004, p964 - 968 Journal Article, 2004 URL DOI

A.M. Whelan, M.E. Brennan, W.J. Blau and J.M. Kelly, Enhanced Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity of Silver Nanoparticles with a tunable Surface Plasmon Resonance, J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 4, (1-2), 2004, p66 - 68 Journal Article, 2004 DOI URL

R.A. McBride, J.M. Kelly and D.E. McCormack, Growth of well defined ZnO microparticles by hydroxide ion hydrolysis of zinc salts, J. Mat. Chem., 13, 2003, p1196 - 1201 Journal Article, 2003 URL DOI

S.C. Pillai, J.M. Kelly, D.E. McCormack, P. O'Brien and R. Ramesh, The effect of processing conditions on varistors prepared from nanocrystalline ZnO, J. Mater. Chem., 13, (10), 2003, p2586 - 2590 Journal Article, 2003 DOI URL

C.M. Creely, J.M. Kelly, M.M. Feeney, S. Hudson, J.C. Penedo, W.J. Blau, B. Elias, A. Kirsch- De Mesmaeker, P. Matousek, M. Towrie, A. W. Parker, J. S. Dyer, M. W. George, C.G. Coates and J.J. McGarvey, Ultrafast Transient Absorption Studies of Ruthenium and Rhenium Dipyridophenazine Complexes Bound to DNA and Polynucleotides, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , 4876, (1), 2003, p92 - 102 Journal Article, 2003 DOI URL

J. Dyer, W.J. Blau, C.G. Coates, C.M. Creely, J.D. Gavey, M.W. George, D.C. Grills, S. Hudson, J.M. Kelly, P. Matousek, J.J. McGarvey, J. McMaster, A.W. Parker, M. Towrie and J. A. Weinstein, The photophysics of fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz)(py)]+ in CH3CN: a comparative picosecond flash photolysis, transient infrared, transient resonance Raman and density functional theoretical study, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2, (5), 2003, p542 - 554 Journal Article, 2003 DOI URL

T. Gunnlaugsson, J. M. Kelly, M. Nieuwenhuyzen, and A. M. K. O'Brien, Synthesis and characterisation of novel 3"-O- and 5"-O- modified azobenzene-thymidine phosphoramidites and their oligonucleotide conjugates as colorimeter DNA probes and FRET quenchers, Tetrahedron Letters, 44, (47), 2003, p8571 - 8575 Journal Article, 2003 URL DOI

C.M. Creely, J.M. Kelly, A.M. Selmi, D.A. McGovern, W.J. Blau, P. Matousek, M. Towrie and A.W. Parker, Picosecond Transient Absorption Studies of Dipyridophenazine, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , (4991), 2003, pp482 - 489 Conference Paper, 2003 DOI URL

L. Ujj, C.G. Coates, J.M. Kelly, P.E. Kruger, J.J. McGarvey and G.H. Atkinson, Picosecond Coherent Vibrational Spectroscopy (CARS) of a DNA-Intercalating Ru complex, J.Phys.Chem., 106, (B), 2002, p4854 - 4862 Journal Article, 2002 URL DOI

A.M. Whelan, S. Benrezzak, M.E. Brennan, J.M. Kelly and W.J. Blau, Nonlinear optical properties of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles, Proc. SPIE, 4876, (2), 2002, p1257 - 1264 Journal Article, 2002 URL DOI

Gavin D. Reid,* Douglas J. Whittaker, Mark A. Day, David A. Turton, Veysel Kayser, John M. Kelly, and Godfrey S. Beddard , Femtosecond Electron-Transfer Reactions in Mono-and Polynucleotides and in DNA,, J. Am. Chem.Soc., 124, (19), 2002, p5518 - 5527 Journal Article, 2002 DOI URL

C. W. Crean, Y.T. Kavanagh, C.M. O'Keeffe, M.P. Lawler, C. Stevenson, R.J.H. Davies, P.H. Boyle and J.M. Kelly, Targeting of photooxidative damage on single-stranded DNA representing the bcr-abl chimeric gene using oligonucleotide-conjugates containing [Ru(phen)3]2+-like photosensitiser groups, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 1, 2002, p1024 - 1033 Journal Article, 2002 URL DOI

Grainne B. Biddlecombe, Yurii K. Gun'ko, John M. Kelly, Suresh C. Pillai, J. Michael D. Coey, Munuswamy Venkatesan and Alexis P. Douvalis, Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles and their assemblies using a new Fe(II) alkoxide precursor, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11, (12), 2001, p2937 - 2939 Journal Article, 2001 DOI URL

Biddlecombe, G.B., Gun'ko, Y.K., Kelly, J.M., Pillai, S.C., Coey, J.M.D., Venkatesan, M., Douvalis, A.P. , Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles and their assemblies using a new Fe(II) alkoxide precursor , Journal of Materials Chemistry , 11, (12), 2001, p2937-2939 Journal Article, 2001 DOI URL

G. D. Reid, D. J. Whittaker, M. A. Day, C. M. Creely, E. M. Tuite, J. M. Kelly, G. S. Beddard, Ultrafast Electron Transfer Reactions between Thionine and Guanosine Bases, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123, 2001, p6953 - 6954 Journal Article, 2001 DOI URL

B. Biddlecombe, Y.K. Gun'ko, J.M.Kelly, S.C.Pillai, JMD Coey, M. Venkatesan and A.P. Douvalis, Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles and their assemblies using a new Fe(II) alkoxide precuror, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11, (12), 2001, p2937 - 2939 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

Colin G. Coates, Phillip Callaghan, John J. McGarvey, John M. Kelly, Luc Jacquet and A. Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Spectroscopic studies of structurally similar DNA-binding Ruthenium (II) complexes containing the dipyridophenazine ligand , Journal of Molecular Structure, 598, (1), 2001, p15 - 25 Journal Article, 2001 DOI URL

E. Bourdin, F. Z. Henari, W. J. Blau, J. M. Kelly, Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of CdS nanoparticles in Nafion membranes, J. Telecom. Inform. Tech., 1-2, 2000, p29 - 36 Journal Article, 2000 URL

Colin G. Coates, Philip L. Callaghan, John J. McGarvey, John M. Kelly , Paul E. Kruger , Michelle E. Higgins , ransient resonance Raman investigation of excited states of [Rn(phen)(2)dppz](2+) and deuterated analogues in aqueous and non-aqueous environments , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 31, (4), 2000, p283 - 288 Journal Article, 2000 DOI URL

Fiona M. O'Reilly and John M. Kelly, Photophysical Study of DNA-Bound Complexes Containing Two Covalently linked [Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)3]2+-Like Centers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104, (30), 2000, p7206 - 7213 Journal Article, 2000 URL DOI

J.F.D. Kelly, J.M. Kelly and T.B.H. McMurry, Photochemistry of substituted cyclic enones. Part 12. Photocycloaddition of 3-Phenylcyclopentenone and 3-Phenylcyclohexenone to (E)- and (Z)- 1-Phenyl-propene, J.Chem.Soc., Perkin Trans., 2, 1999, p1933 - 1941 Journal Article, 1999 DOI URL

Luc Jacquet, John M. Kelly, and Andrée Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Formation of a covalently-linked bimetallic compound upon irradiation of tris(1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene)ruthenium(II) in the presence of 5′-guanosine-monophosphate, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2, (4), 1999, p135 - 138 Journal Article, 1999 URL DOI

C.G. Coates, J.J. McGarvey, S.E.J. Bell, L. Jacquet, J.M. Kelly, T. Keyes, J.G. Vos, Transient Resonance Raman Studies of Ru(II) Complexes in DNA and in Homogeneous Media, Laser Chem., 19, (1-2), 1999, p237 - 243 Journal Article, 1999 DOI URL

C. Moucheron, A. Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, J. M. Kelly, Photophysics and Photochemistry of Metal Polypyridyl and Related Complexes with Nucleic Acids, Structure and Bonding, 92, 1998, p163 - 216 Journal Article, 1998 URL DOI

Fiona M. O'Reilly and John M. Kelly, Binding of bimetallic 1,10-phenanthroline ruthenium(II) complexes to DNA, New Journal of Chemistry , 22, 1998, p215 - 217 Journal Article, 1998 DOI URL

John J. McGarvey, Philip Callaghan, Colin G. Coates, Jon R. Schoonover, John M. Kelly, Luc Jacquet, and Keith C. Gordon, Comment on "Resonance Raman Investigation of [Ru(phen)2(dppz)2+] and Related Complexes in Water and in the Presence of DNA, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102, (30), 1998, p5941 - 5942 Journal Article, 1998 DOI URL

C.J. Breheny, J.M. Kelly, C. Long, S. O'Keeffe, M.T. Pryce, G. Russell and M.M. Walsh, Photochemistry of ([ETA]6-arene) Mo(CO)3 and the Role of Alkane Solvents in Modifying the Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Metal Carbonyl Fragments, Organometallics, 17, 1998, p3690 - 3695 Journal Article, 1998 URL DOI

J. F. Daniel Kelly, Máire E. Doyle, Madhumita Guha, Pierce V. Kavanagh, John M. Kelly and T. Brian H. McMurry, Photochemistry of substituted cyclic enones. Part 11.1 Synthesis and photophysics of 5-arylalkyl-3-phenylcyclopentenones, Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 1998, p1635 - 1641 Journal Article, 1998 DOI URL

J.F.D. Kelly, J.M. Kelly and T.B.H. McMurry, Photochemistry of phenyl-substituted cyclic enones, The Spectrum, 1997, p13 - 15 Journal Article, 1997

Cécile Moucheron, Andrée Kirsch-De Mesmaeker and John M. Kelly, Photoreactions of ruthenium (II) and osmium (II) complexes with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 40, (2), 1997, p91 - 106 Journal Article, 1997 DOI URL

Colin G. Coates, Luc Jacquet, John J. McGarvey,* Steven E. J. Bell, Ala H. R. Al-Obaidi, and John M. Kelly, Resonance Raman Probing of the Interaction between Dipyridophenazine Complexes of Ru(II) and DNA, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, (30), 1997, p7130 - 7136 Journal Article, 1997 URL DOI

J. M. Kelly, M. M. Feeney, L. Jacquet, A. Kirsch-De Mesmaeker and J.-P. Lecomte , Photoinduced electron transfer between ruthenium complexes and nucleotides or DNA, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69, (4), 1997, p767 - 772 Journal Article, 1997 URL DOI

Luc Jacquet, R. Jeremy H. Davies, Andrée Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, and John M. Kelly, Photoaddition of Ru(tap)2(bpy)2+ to DNA: A New Mode of Covalent Attachment of Metal Complexes to Duplex DNA , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, (49), 1997, p11763 - 11768 Journal Article, 1997 DOI URL

Colin G. Coates, Luc Jacquet, John J McGarvey, Steven E. J. Bell, Ala H. R. Al-Obaidi and John M. Kelly, Resonance-Raman probing of the interaction between dipyridophenazine complexes of ruthenium(II) and DNA, Chemical Communications, 1996, p35 - 36 Journal Article, 1996 DOI URL

Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Andrée, Lecomte, Jean-Paul and Kelly, John M. , Photoreactions of metal complexes with DNA, especially those involving a primary photo-electron transfer , Topics in Current Chemistry, 177, 1996, p25-76 Review, 1996 DOI URL

Jean-Paul Lecomte, Andree Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Martin M. Feeney, John M. Kelly, Ruthenium(II) Complexes with 1,4,5,8,9,12-Hexaazatriphenylene and 1,4,5,8-Tetraazaphenanthrene Ligands: Key Role Played by the Photoelectron Transfer in DNA Cleavage and Adduct Formation , Inorganic Chemistry, 34, (26), 1996, p6481 - 6491 Journal Article, 1996 URL

Colmenarejo G, Gutiérrez-Alonso MC, Bárcena M, Kelly JM, Montero F, Orellana G., Interaction with DNA of photoactive viologens based on the 6-(2- pyridinium)phenanthridinium structure., Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 12, (4), 1995, p827 - 846 Journal Article, 1995

Eimer Tuite, John M. Kelly, The interaction of methylene blue, azure B, and thionine with DNA: Formation of complexes with polynucleotides and mononucleotides as model systems, Biopolymers, 35, (5), 1995, p419 - 433 Journal Article, 1995 DOI URL

Luc Jacquet, John M. Kelly and Andrée Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Photoadduct between tris(1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene)ruthenium(II) and guanosine monophosphate-a model for a new mode of covalent binding of metal complexes to DNA, Chemical Communications, 9, 1995, p913 - 914 Journal Article, 1995 DOI URL

Feeney, M.M., Kelly, J.M., Tossi, A.B., Kirsch-de Mesmaeker, A., Lecomte, J.-P. , Photoaddition of ruthenium(II)-tris-1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene to DNA and mononucleotides , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 23, (1), 1994, p69 - 78 Journal Article, 1994 URL DOI

Tuite, E., Kelly, J.M., Beddard, G.S., Reid, G.D., Femtosecond deactivation of thionine singlet states by mononucleotides and polynucleotides , Chemical Physics Letters, 226, (5-6), 1994, p517 - 524 Journal Article, 1994 DOI URL

Lecomte, J.P., Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, A., Kelly, J.M., Photochemistry of ruthenium(II)-tris-1,4,5,8- tetraazaphenanthrene with mononucleotides. Role of ligand photosubstitution , Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 103, 1994, p193 - 200 Journal Article, 1994

Tuite EM,, Photochemical interactions of methylene blue and analogues with DNA and other biological substrates, Kelly JM. , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 21, (2-3), 1993 Review, 1993 URL DOI

Murphy, GM & Kelly, J.M., Photobiological Research in Ireland, 1993, - Miscellaneous, 1993 URL

Jean-Paul Lecomte, Andrée Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, John M. Kelly, Alex B. Tossi, Helmut Görner, Photo-induced electron transfer from nucleotides to ruthenium-tris-1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene: model for photosensitized DNA oxidation, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 55, (5), 1992, p681 - 689 Journal Article, 1992 URL DOI

Natalie M. Rowley, Stefan S. Kurek, Michael W. George, Stephan M. Hubig, Paul D. Beer, Christopher J. Jones, John M. Kelly and Jon A. McCleverty, Intramolecular electron transfer in peripherally metallated tetraphenyl porphyrin derivatives containing molybdenum mononitrosyl redox centres, Chemical Communications, 1992, p497 - 499 Journal Article, 1992 URL DOI

François de Buyl, Andrée Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Alessandro Tossi and John M. Kelly, Medium dependence of the spectroscopic and photophysical properties of Ru(bpy)2(HAT)2+. The effect of solvent, pH and binding to polyelectrolytes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 60, 1991, p27 - 45 Journal Article, 1991 DOI URL

Godfrey S. Beddard, John M. Kelly, Wilhelm J. M. van der Putten, J., Picosecond study of the luminescence and transient absorption of methylene blue-polynucleotide complexes, Chemical Communications, 19, 1990, p1346 - 1347 Journal Article, 1990 URL DOI

John M. Kelly, Hubert M. Meunier and Declan E. McCormack & Athanase Michas and Michel Pineri , Uranyl ions in perfluorinated (Nafion and Flemion) membranes: spectroscopic and photophysical properties and reactions with potassium hydroxide, Polymer, 31, 1990, p387 - 394 Journal Article, 1990 URL DOI

Kelly, J.M., McMurry, T.B.H., Work, D.N. , Photochemistry of substituted cyclic enones. Part 7. Flash photolysis of 3-phenylcyclopent-2-enones and 3-phenylcyclohex-2-enone, Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 1990, p981 - 983 Journal Article, 1990 URL DOI

Kelly, J.M., Feeney, M.M., Tossi, A.B., Lecomte, J.-P., Mesmaeker, A.K.-D. , Interaction of tetra-azaphenanthrene ruthenium complexes with DNA and oligonucleotides. A photophysical and photochemical investigation , Anti-Cancer Drug Design, 5, (1), 1990, p69 - 75 Journal Article, 1990

Tossi, A.B., Kelly, J.M. , A study of some polypyridylruthenium(II) complexes as DNA binders and photocleavage reagents. , Photochemistry and Photobiology, 49, (5), 1989, p545 - 556 Journal Article, 1989 URL DOI

van der Putten, W.J., Kelly, J.M. , Laser flash spectroscopy of methylene blue with nucleic acids. Effects of ionic strength and pH. , Photochemistry and Photobiology, 49, (2), 1989, p145 - 151 Journal Article, 1989 DOI URL

Ennis, P.M., Kelly, J.M. , Photoredox reactions of a positively charged water-soluble polymer containing covalently bound tris(2,2 -bipyridyl)ruthenium(II)-like centers: N-ethylated copolymers of 4-vinylpyridine and bis(2,2 -bipyridyl)(4-methyl-4 -vinyl-2,2 -bipyridyl) ruthenium(II) , Journal of Physical Chemistry , 93, (15), 1989, p5735 - 5740 Journal Article, 1989 URL DOI

David T. Choke, Werner Blau, Colm Ohuigin, John M. Kelly, David J. Mcconnell , Photolysis of phosphodiester bonds in plasmid DNA by high intensity UV laser irradiation., Photochemistry and Photobiology, 47, (4), 1988, p527 - 536 Journal Article, 1988 DOI URL

Croke, D.T., Blau, W., OhUigin, C., Kelly, J.M., McConnell, D.J. , Photolysis of phosphodiester bonds in plasmid DNA by high intensity UV laser irradiation. , Photochemistry and Photobiology, 47, (4), 1988, p527 - 536 Journal Article, 1988 DOI URL

J. M. Kelly, C. Maloney, H. Byrne, W. M. Dennis and W. Blau., Picosecond optical phase conjugation using conjugated organic molecules , Chemical Physics, 121, (1), 1988, p21 - 39 Journal Article, 1988 DOI URL

Bernadette S. Creaven, Andrew J. Dixon, John M. Kelly, Conor Long, and Martyn Poliakoff, Structure and reactivity of (.eta.5-C5H5)Mn(CO)2 in room-temperature solution. Evidence for formation of a dinuclear intermediate detected by flash photolysis and time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, Organometallics, 6, (12), 1988, p2600 - 2605 Journal Article, 1988 DOI URL

John M. Kelly, David J. McConnell, Colm OhUigin, Alessandro B. Tossi, Andree Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Axel Masschelein and Jacques Nasielski, Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes; their interaction with DNA and their role as sensitisers for its photocleavage, Chemical Communications, 1987, p1821 - 1823 Journal Article, 1987 DOI URL

C OhUigin, D J McConnell, J M Kelly, and W J van der Putten, Methylene blue photosensitised strand cleavage of DNA: effects of dye binding and oxygen., Nucleic Acids Research, 15, 1987, p7411 - 7427 Journal Article, 1987 URL URL

John M. Kelly, T. Brian H. McMurry and D. Neil Work, Laser flash photolysis of 3-phenylcyclopent-2-enone: absorption spectrum and reactivity of its triplet excited state, Chemical Communications, 1987, p280 - 281 Journal Article, 1987 URL DOI

Werner Blau, David T. Croke, John M. Kelly, David J. McConnell, Colm OhUigin and Wilehlm J. M. Van der Putten, Base-specific photocleavage of DNA induced by nanosecond U.V. pulsed laser radiation or methylene blue sensitisation, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications , 10, 1987, p751 - 752 Journal Article, 1987 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Kelly JM, van der Putten WJ, McConnell DJ., Laser flash spectroscopy of methylene blue with nucleic acids, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 45, (2), 1987, p167 - 175 Journal Article, 1987 URL DOI

Magan, J.D., Blau, W., Croke, D.T., McConnell, D.J., Kelly, J.M. , One-dimensional photoconductivity in DNA, Chemical Physics Letters, 141, (6), 1987, p489 - 492 Journal Article, 1987 DOI URL

Kelly JM O'Connell CM Vos JG, Preparation, spectroscopic characterisation. Electrochemical and photochemical properties of cis-bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)carbonylruthenium(II) complexes, Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 1986, p253 - 258 Journal Article, 1986

Michas, A, Kelly, JM, Perfluorosulfonated ion exchange membranes containing surface concentrated ruthenium and uranium hydrated oxide particles - Their characterization and possible catalytic applications, Annales de Physique, 11, 1986, p121 - 124 Journal Article, 1986

Kelly, JM and Vox, J, Synthesis, characterisation, electrochemical properties, photochemical properties, and reactivity of bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)hydridoruthenium complexes, Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 5, 1986, p1045 - 1048 Journal Article, 1986

A. Michas, J. M. Kelly, R. Durand, M. Pineri, J. M. D. Coey, Preparation, characterization and catalytic properties of perfluorosulfonated ion-exchange membranes containing surface-concentrated, hydrated ruthenium oxide particles, Journal of Membrane Science, 29, (3), 1986, p239 - 257 Journal Article, 1986 URL DOI

Ennis, P. M.; Kelly, J. M.; O'Connell, C. M., Preparation and photochemical properties of water-soluble polymers with pendant tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) groups. N-ethylated copolymers of vinylpyridine and cis-bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)(4-methyl-4'-vinyl-2,2'-bipyridyl)-ruthenium(II), Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 11, 1986, p2485 - 2491 Journal Article, 1986

J M Kelly, A B Tossi, D J McConnell, and C OhUigin, A study of the interactions of some polypyridylruthenium (II) complexes with DNA using fluorescence spectroscopy, topoisomerisation and thermal denaturation., Nucleic Acids Research, 13, (17), 1985, p6017 - 6034 Journal Article, 1985 URL URL

Stephen P. Church, Friedrich-Wilhelm Grevels, Horst Hermann, John M. Kelly, Werner E. Klotzbücher and Kurt Schaffner, I.r.-monitored flash photolysis of Fe(CO)5 in benzene solution, Chemical Communications, 1985, p594 - 596 Journal Article, 1985 URL DOI

Blau, W.; Byrne, H.; Dennis, W. M.; Kelly, J. M., Reverse saturable absorption in tetraphenylporphyrins, Optics Communications, 56, (1), 1985, p25 - 29 Journal Article, 1985 DOI URL

Kelly JM, Murphy MJ, McConnell DJ, OhUigin C., A comparative study of the interaction of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin and its zinc complex with DNA using fluorescence spectroscopy and topoisomerisation., Nucleic Acids Research, 13, (1), 1985, p167 - 184 Journal Article, 1985 URL URL

Kelly, JM, Trautman, RJ, Photochemical properties of Cis-1,2-Diphenylethenyltrimethyltin(IV) and trans1-2-diphenylethylethenyltrimethyltin (iv) and Cis-1,2-diphenylpropenyltrimethyltin(IV) - organometallic derivatives of stilbene, Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 1984, p909 - 914 Journal Article, 1984

J. M. D. Coey, A. Meagher, J. M. Kelly, J. G. Vos , A Mössbauer study of polymers prepared from polyvinylpyridine and ferric chloride or ferric nitrate, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition, 22, (2), 1984, p303 - 318 Journal Article, 1984 DOI URL

Conor Long, Johannes G. Vos, R. Alan Howie, John M. Kelly, The crystal and molecular structure of tetracarbonyl(6-p-styryl-2,2′-bipyridyl)tungsten(0). An examination of the affect of a bulky group α to one coordinating nitrogen atom in a bidentate ligand, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 272, (3), 1984, p385 - 390 Journal Article, 1984 URL DOI

J.M. Kelly and C. Long, The photochemistry of compounds of the main group elements, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 13, 1983, p211 - 219 Journal Article, 1983

Kelly, J.M., Long, C., Bonneau, R., Laser flash photolysis of M(CO)6 (M = Cr, Mo, or W) in perfluoromethylcyclohexane. The generation of highly reactive coordinatively unsaturated species , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 87, (17), 1983, p3344 - 3349 Journal Article, 1983 URL DOI

James M. Clear, John M. Kelly , Johannes G. Vos, Polyvinylpyridine complexes of ruthenium(III) chloride, Die Makromolekulare Chemie- Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 184, (3), 1983, p613 - 625 Journal Article, 1983 DOI URL

Cardin, C.J., Cardin, D.J., Kelly, J.M., Norton, R.J., Roy, A., Hathaway, B.J., King, T.J. , Synthesis, properties, and X-ray crystal and molecular structures of homoleptic alkenyls of tin and chromium , Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkins Transactions 2, 4, 1983, p671 - 677 Journal Article, 1983 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

J.M. Kelly and C. Long, The photochemistry of transition metal organometallic compounds, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 13, 1983, p196 - 210 Journal Article, 1983

Kelly, J.M. , Long, C. , O'Connell, C.M. , Vos, J.G. , Tinnemans, A.H.A., Preparation, spectroscopic characterization, and photochemical and electrochemical properties of some bis(2,2 -bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) and tetracarbonyltungsten(0) complexes of 6-p-Tolyl-2,2 -bipyridyl and of 6-p-styryl-2,2 -bipyridyl and its copolymers, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 22, (20), 1983, p2818 - 2824 Journal Article, 1983 DOI URL

J.M. Kelly and C. Long, Photochemistry of compounds of the main group elements, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 12, 1982, p175 - 187 Journal Article, 1982

Kelly, JM & Vos, Johannes G., cis-[Ru(bpy)2(CO)H]+ - A Possible Intermediate in the Photochemical Production of H2 from Water Catalyzed by [Ru(bpy)3]2+?, 1982, - 628 - 629 Miscellaneous, 1982 URL DOI

Polymer-bound porphyrins and polymer-bound coordination compounds as converters of solar energy into chemical fuels in, editor(s)D.O. Hall and W. Palz , Solar Energy R & D in the European Community Series D. Volume 1, Dordrecht, D. Reidel, 1982, pp50 - 55,58, [D.H. Grayson, J.M. Kelly, E. Moran, C.M. O'Connell, M.M. O'Kane, D.C. Pepper, J.G. Vos, and A.Yague-Ferrer] Book Chapter, 1982

John M. Kelly, Catherine M. O'Connell and Johannes G. Vos, Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of [Ru(bpy)2(CO)2](PF)6)2, Inorganica Chimica Acta Letters, 64, 1982, pL75 - L76 Journal Article, 1982 URL DOI

David J. Cardin, John M. Kelly, Gerard A. Lawless and Raymond J. Trautman, C.I.D.N.P. enhancement of both organometallic and organic compounds in the thermal reaction of [Ti(CH2Ph)Cl(ç-C5H 5)2] with CCl4 , Chemical Communications, 4, 1982, p228 - 229 Journal Article, 1982 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Kelly, JM and Long, C, Group via metal pentacarbonyl complexes of 2- and 4-vinylpyridine and their copolymers. preparation, spectroscopic characterisation and photochemical properties, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 235, (3), 1982, p315 - 326 Journal Article, 1982 DOI URL

John M. Kelly and Conor Long, Dicarbonyl(methylcyclopentadienyl)manganese complexes of 4-vinylpyridine, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 231, (1), 1982, pC9 - C11 Journal Article, 1982 DOI URL

J.M. Kelly and J.G. Vos, Cis-bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)carbonylhydridoruthenium(II) cation - a possible intermediate in the photochemical production of hydrogen from water by visible light? , Angew. Chem. Internat. Ed, 21, 1982, p628 - 629. Journal Article, 1982

J.M. Kelly, The photochemistry of transition-metal organometallic compounds, carbonyls and low oxidation state complexes, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 11, 1981, p259 - 279 Journal Article, 1981

J. M. Kelly, C. Long and J. G. Vos, J. G. Haasnoot and G. Vos , Group VI Metal Pentacarbonyl Complexes of 1,2,4-Triazoles, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 221, (2), 1981, p165 - 176 Journal Article, 1981 URL DOI

Clear, JM, Kelly, JM, Preparation, characterization, and photochemical properties of some bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) complexes of 4-vinylpyridine, poly-4-vinylpyridine, and co-polymers, Journal of Chemical Research, 1981, p260 - 261 Journal Article, 1981

Clear, J.M., Kelly, J.M., O'Connell, C.M., Vos, J.G., Cardin, C.J., Costa, S.R., Edwards, A.J. , Isolation, Structure, Chemistry and Photochemistry of cis¬bis(2,2'-bipyridyl)carbonylchlororuthenium(II) perchlorate, Chemical Communications, 16, 1980, p750 - 751 Journal Article, 1980 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

R. Bonneau and J.M. Kelly, Flash photolysis of chromium hexacarbonyl in perfluorocarbon solvents. Observation of a highly reactive chromium penta¬carbonyl, J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 102, (2), 1980, p1220 - 1221 Journal Article, 1980 URL

J.M. Kelly, D.H. Grayson, D.C. Pepper, J.G. Vos, A. Yague-Ferrer, J.M. Clear, A. McCague, E.M. Moran, C.M. O'Connell, and M.M. O'Kane, Polymer-bound porphyrins and polymer-bound coordination compounds as converters of solar energy into chemical fuels, Munchen, EEC Solar Energy Project D, Contractors' meeting EUR 7199 EN, 1980 Report, 1980

J.M. Clear, J.M. Kelly, D.C. Pepper and J.G. Vos, Preparation, reactions and photoreactions of bis(bipyridyl) poly-4-vinylpyridineruthenium(II) complexes, Inorg.Chim.Acta, 33, 1979, pL139 - L140 Journal Article, 1979

J.M. Kelly , Photochemistry of compounds of the main group elements, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 10, 1979, p270 - 278 Journal Article, 1979 TARA - Full Text DOI

J.M. Kelly , The photochemistry of transition-metal organometallic compounds, carbonyls, and low-oxidation-state complexes, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 10, 1979, p246 - 269 Journal Article, 1979

J.M. Kelly, The photochemistry of inorganic and organometallic compounds, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 9, 1978 Journal Article, 1978

J.M. Kelly, The photochemistry of inorganic and organometallic compounds, Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 8, 1977, p167 - 233 Journal Article, 1977

C.J. Cardin, D.J. Cardin, J.M. Kelly, R.J.Norton and A. Roy, Homoleptic alkenyls of the early transition metals and related compounds, J.Organometal.Chem., 132, (3), 1977, pC23 - C25 Journal Article, 1977 URL DOI

C.J. Cardin, D.J. Cardin, J.M. Kelly, D.J.H.L. Kirwan, R.J. Norton, and A. Roy, Preparation and properties of some novel alkenyl-tin compounds, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 77, 1977, p365 - 369 Journal Article, 1977 URL

J.M. Kelly, The photochemistry of inorganic and organometallic compounds, in Specialist Periodical Reports, Photochemistry, 7, 1976, p153 - 210 Journal Article, 1976

A. Gilbert, J.M. Kelly and E. Koerner von Gustorf, The photochemistry of benzene-chromium complexes, Z. NaturforschungB, 31b, 1976, p1091 Journal Article, 1976

J.M. Kelly, Inorganic and organometallic photochemistry, Specialist Periodical Reports, photochemistry, 6, 1975, p259 - 301 Journal Article, 1975

A. Gilbert, J.M. Kelly and E. Koerner von Gustorf, Quenching of triplet fluorenone by organometallic compounds, Mol. Photochem., 6, 1974, p225 - 230 Journal Article, 1974

J.M. Kelly, D.V. Bent, H. Hermann, D. Schulte-Frohlinde and E. Koerner von Gustorf, Pentacarbonylchromium-solvent complexes - flash spectroscopic determination of rate constants of formation and of stability constants and their application as solvent parameters to catalytic butadiene oligomerisation, J. Organometal. Chem., 69, (2), 1974, p259 - 269 Journal Article, 1974 URL DOI

J.M. Kelly, H. Hermann and E. Koerner von Gustorf, Observation of pentacarbonylchromium on flash photolysis of exacarbonylchromium in cyclohexane solution, J.C.S. Chem. Comm., 1973, p105-106 Journal Article, 1973 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

I. Fischler, J.M. Kelly, P. Kirsch and E. Koerner von Gustorf, Inorganic and organometallic photochemistry 1972, Mol. Photochem, 5, 1973, p497 - 515 Journal Article, 1973

J.M. Kelly and A. Morris, A flash photolysis study of chromium hexacarbonyl in solution, Rev. Latinoamericana Quim, 2, 1972, p163 - 166 Journal Article, 1972

J.M. Kelly and G. Porter, The interaction of photo-excited chlorophyll-a with duroquinone, a-tocopherylquinone and vitamin Kl, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 319, 1970, p319 - 329 Journal Article, 1970 URL

J.M. Kelly, L.K. Patterson, G. Porter, and P. Suppan, Primary photo-processes in organic materials, U.S. Govt. Res. Develop. Rep., 70, 1970, p79 Journal Article, 1970

J.J. McCullough, J.M. Kelly and P.W.W. Rasmussen, A study of the photoaddition reactions of norbornadiene with 2-cyclohexenones, J. Org. Chem, 34, (10), 1969, p2933 - 2943 Journal Article, 1969 DOI URL

J.J. McCullough and J.M. Kelly, The photo-addition of 2-cyclohexenone and norbornadiene, J. Amer.Chem.Soc, 88, (24), 1966, p5935 - 5937 Journal Article, 1966 URL DOI

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

P.M. Keane, M. Wojdyla, G.W. Doorley, J. M. Kelly, S. J. Quinn, I.P. Clark, G.M. Greetham, M. Towrie and A.W. Parker, Unravelling the Photodynamics of Cytosine-Rich Systems using Ultrafast Transient Infrared Spectroscopy - Central Laser Facility, Annual Report 2008-2009, Science and Technology Facilities Council,, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2009, 183-186 Report, 2009

M. Wojdyla, S. Gallagher, Y.K. Gun'ko, J. M. Kelly, S. J. Quinn, I.P. Clark, G.M. Greetham, M. Towrie and A.W. Parker, Ultrafast Transient Absorption Studies on CdTe and Chiral CdSe Quantum Dots - Central Laser Facility, Annual Report 2008-2009, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2009, 193-196 Report, 2009

G.W. Doorley, J.M. Kelly, D.A. McGovern, S. Quinn, A.M. Whelan, K.L. Ronayne, Picosecond Processes in DNA monitored by transient infra-red absorption spectroscopy, Central Laser Facility, Annual Report 2005-2006, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2006, 129, 132 Report, 2006

J.M. Kelly, C.M. Creely, M.M. Feeney, S. Hudson, W.J. Blau, B. Elias, A. Kirsch- De Mesmaeker, P. Matousek, M. Towrie, A. W. Parker, Picosecond Studies of Ruthenium and Rhenium dipyridophenazine complexes in solution and when bound to polynucleotides, Central Laser Facility, Annual Report 2001-2002, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2002, 111 , 114 Report, 2002

J.M. Kelly, D.H. Grayson, D.C. Pepper, J.G. Vos, A. Yague-Ferrer, J.M. Clear, A. McCague, E.M. Moran, C.M. O'Connell, and M.M. O'Kane, Polymer-bound porphyrins and polymer-bound coordination compounds as converters of solar energy into chemical fuels , Munchen, EEC Solar Energy Project D, Contractors' meeting, EUR 7199 EN, 1980 Report, 1980

Research Expertise


Research interests cover areas of photochemistry, fast chemical reactions, and nucleic acids Current research projects falls intothe following main areas (A) The transient spectroscopy of nucleic acids and photosensitisers. (B) The use of photochemical reagents to carry out site-specific reactions on DNA, in particular those involving photo-induced electron transfer. Previously also worked on nano-/micro-particles, especially (i) Silver nanoparticles of defined shape and size for biosensing, antibacterials and (ii) micro metal oxides and metal sulphides





Chairman of Royal Irish Academy Chemical and Physical Sciences Committee (2007-10) President of the Chemistry Division of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 2005. Founding vice-chairman of the Irish Research Scientists Association

Awards and Honours

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Berkeley Fellow 2000 - 2001

Leverhulme Fellow at the University of West Indies 1970/1

Rita and John Cornforth Award (Royal Society of Chemistry) 2016

Boyle-Higgins Medal of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland 2018


Member of the Royal Irish Academy

Member of Royal Society of Chemistry