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Senior Sophister Chemical Sciences Module Structure

Senior Sophister Coordinator: Prof. Bob Baker


In SS year, students attend a series of core modules (in Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry), specialised option topics of their choice and associated tutorials. In addition, students are required to attend research seminars and undertake a Capstone project in a research lab.

  • Chemistry/Med Chem/CMM/ChemBio Core Modules: 40 ECTS
  • (Including Capstone project for 20 ECTS)
  • Chemistry/Med Chem/CMM/ChemBio Options: 20 ECTS
  • Nanoscience Core Modules: 45 ECTS
  • (Including Capstone project for 20 ECTS)
  • Nanoscience Open Modules: 15 ECTS
  • Total: 60 ECTS
  • TR061 Chemical Sciences Sophister Handbook
  • Table showing SS course Structure