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Coordination Chemistry

Dr. Colm Delaney

Brief introduction - why study metal complexes?

What is a metal complex?

Overview of concepts and definitions: Lewis Acid-base concept.

Classification of common ligands

Donor atoms and functional groups. Multidentate and chelating ligands; stereochemistry and formation of chelate rings.

Stereochemistry of metal complexes

Coordination numbers 2-6 and geometry of metal complex; square planar, tetrahedral; trigonal bi-pyramid; square based pyramid; octahedral; distortion of geometries.

Electronic structure and properties of transition metal complexes

Ionic vs. covalent bonding models; crystal field theory; energy level diagrams in tetrahedral - octahedral fields.

Consequences and applications of orbital splitting

Electronic configurations of metal complexes; crystal filed stabilization energies (CFSE); Factors affecting Delta; spectrochemical series; HS and LS configurations; magnetic properties and the spin-only formula.

Electronic spectra of metal complexes

UV-vis. Spectra; interpretation of data; Laporte and spin selection rules; extinction coefficients and wavelength; Jahn-Teller effect.

Formation and stability of metal complexes

Complex formation and dissociation; cumulative stability constants and trends; the 'chelate effect'; factors affecting stability.

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