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Dr. Aran Rafferty
Research Fellow, CRANN
Research Fellow, Chemistry

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Filippo Pota, Maida A. Costa de Oliveira, Christian Schröder, Marc Brunet Cabré, Hugo Nolan, Aran Rafferty, Olivier Jeannin, Franck Camerel, James A. Behan, Frédéric Barrière, and Paula E. Colavita, Dataset for Porous N-Doped Carbon-encapsulated Iron as Novel Catalyst Architecture for the Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of Benzaldehyde, Trinity College Dublin, 2024 Dataset, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Barwich, Sebastian; Medeiros de Araújo, Joao; Rafferty, Aran; Gomes da Rocha, Claudia; Ferreira, Mauro; Coleman, Jonathan, On the relationship between morphology and conductivity in nanosheet networks, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Malvika Nagrath; Alireza Rahimnejad Yazdi; Aran Rafferty; Dermot Daly; Saeed Ur Rahman; Parveen Arany; Mark R Towler,, The synthesis and characterization of tantalum-containing mesoporous glass fibres formed by electrospinning, Biomaterials, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Aran Rafferty, Alex Conway, Trevor Woods, Yurii Gun'ko, James Kennedy, Richard Coull, An investigation of open, interconnected porosity in 3D-printed alumina, Ceramics in Modern Technologies, 2, 2019, p145 - 151 Journal Article, 2019

Rezvani, E. and Rafferty, A. and McGuinness, C. and Kennedy, J., Adverse effects of nanosilver on human health and the environment, Acta Biomaterialia, 94, 2019, p145-159 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Properties of Glass Materials in, editor(s)M.S.J. Hashmi , Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2016, [M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Rafferty, M. Sajjia, A.-G. Olabi] Book Chapter, 2016

Production and Treatment of Porous Glass Materials for Advanced Usage in, editor(s)M.S.J. Hashmi , Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2016, [M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Rafferty, M. Sajjia, A.G. Olabi] Book Chapter, 2016

Hasanuzzaman, M, Rafferty, A, Olabi, AG, Effects of zircon on porous structure and alkali durability of borosilicate glasses, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 40, (1), 2014, p581 - 590 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Hasanuzzaman, M, Sajjia, M, Rafferty, A, Olabi, AG, Thermal behaviour of zircon/zirconia-added chemically durable borosilicate porous glass, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, 555, 2013, p81-88 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Ali Eltmimi, Leon Barron, Aran Rafferty, John P. Hanrahan, Olga Fedyanina, Ekaterina Nesterenko, Pavel Nesterenko, and Brett Paull. , Preparation, characterisation and modification of carbon-based monolithic rods for chromatographic applications, Journal of Separation Science, 33, 2010, p1 - 13 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

BOOK CHAPTER: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Nanostructures in, Emerging Nanotechnologies for Manufacturing, edited by Waqar Ahmed, M. J. Jackson. , Elsevier Inc., 2010, pp59 - 91, [Authors: D. Brabazon, A. Rafferty] Book Chapter, 2010 DOI

Rafferty, A. and Alsebaie, A.M. and Olabi, A.G. and Prescott, T., Properties of zirconia-toughened-alumina prepared via powder processing and colloidal processing routes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 329, (2), 2009, p310-315 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

A. Rafferty, S. Bakir, D. Brabazon, T. Prescott., Calibration and characterisation using a laser-based magnetostriction measurement system., Materials And Design, 30, (5), 2009, p1680 - 1684 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Rafferty, A. and Gun'ko, Y. and Raghavendra, R., An investigation of co-fired varistor-NiZn ferrite multilayers, Materials Research Bulletin, 44, (4), 2009, p747-752 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

A. Rafferty, A. M. Alsebaie, A. G. Olabi, T. Prescott., Alumina-zirconia nano-composites prepared via powder and colloidal processing methods., Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 329, (2), 2009, p310 - 315 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

M. Biswas, E. McGlynn, M. O. Henry, M. McCann, A. Rafferty., Carbothermal reduction vapor phase transport growth of ZnO nanostructures: effects of various carbon sources., Journal Of Applied Physics, 105, (9), 2009, p1-6 Journal Article, 2009 TARA - Full Text DOI

A. Rafferty, Y. Gunko, R. Raghavendra, Investigation of the co-firing behaviour of varistor and NiZn ferrite multilayers, Materials Research Bulletin, 44, (4), 2009, p747 - 752 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Rafferty, A. G. Olabi, T. Prescott, Sintering and characterisation of nano-sized yttria-stabilised zirconia, International Journal Of Nanoparticles, 1, (1), 2008, p50 - 65 Journal Article, 2008 TARA - Full Text DOI

A. Rafferty, D. Brabazon, T. Prescott, Sintering behaviour of cobalt ferrite ceramic, Ceramics International, 34, (1), 2008 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Rafferty, A.G. Olabi, T. Prescott., Approach for sintering nano-sized yttria-stabilised zirconia, International Journal Of Nanomanufacturing, 1, (4), 2007, p524 - 536 Journal Article, 2007 DOI

N.B. Ekreem, A.G. Olabi, T. Prescott, A. Rafferty, M.S.J. Hashmi., An overview of magnetostriction, its use and methods to measure these properties, Journal Of Materials Processing Technology,, 191, (1-3), 2007, p96 - 101 Journal Article, 2007 DOI

S. Balakrishnan, Y. K. Gun'ko, T. S. Perova, A. Rafferty, E. V. Astrova, R. A. Moore, Porous silicon - rare earth doped xerogel and glass composites, Physica Status Solidi A-applied Research, 202, (8), 2005, p1693 - 1697 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

Balakrishnan, S. , Gun'ko, Y.K. , Perova, T.S. , Rafferty, A. , Moore, R.A. , Astrova, E.V., Investigations on europium doped alumino-silicate xerogel incorporated in micro-channel glass and porous silicon, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , 5825, (647 ), 2005, p647-653 Journal Article, 2005 DOI TARA - Full Text

E V Astrova, T N Borovinskaya, A V Tkachenko, S Balakrishnan, T S Perova, A Rafferty and Y K Gunko, Morphology of macro-pores formed by electrochemical etching of p-type Si, Journal Of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 14, (2), 2004, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

A. Rafferty, Y. Gunko, R. Raghavendra, An investigation of co-fired varistor-ferrite materials, Journal Of The European Ceramic Society, 24, (7), 2004, p2005 - 2013 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

B. P. Kelleher, A. J. Simpson, K. O. Willeford, M. J. Simpson, R. Stout, A. Rafferty, W. L. Kingery, Acid phosphatase interactions with organo-mineral complexes: Influence on catalytic activity, Biogeochemistry, 71, (3), 2004, p285 - 297 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

A. Rafferty, R. Hill, B. P. Kelleher, T. F. O' Dwyer., An investigation of amorphous phase separation, leachability and surface area in an ionomer glass and a sodium-boro-silicate glass system, Journal Of Materials Science, 38, (19), 2003, p3891 - 3902 Journal Article, 2003 DOI

A. Rafferty, R. G. Hill, D. Wood, An investigation into the amorphous phase separation characteristics of an ionomer glass series and a sodium-boro-silicate glass system, Journal Of Materials Science, 38, (11), 2003, p2311 - 2319 Journal Article, 2003 DOI

Clifford, A. and Hill, R. and Rafferty, A. and Mooney, P. and Wood, D. and Samuneva, B. and Matsuya, S., The influence of calcium to phosphate ratio on the nucleation and crystallization of apatite glass-ceramics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 12, (5), 2001, p461-469 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

Clifford, A. Hill R, Rafferty, A. Mooney P, Wood D, Samuneva B, Matsuya S, J, The Influence of Calcium to Phosphate Ratio on the Nucleation and Crystallisation of Apatite Glass-Ceramics, Journal Of Materials Science : Materials In Medicine, 12, (5), 2001, p461 - 469 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

A. Rafferty, R. Hill, D. Wood, Amorphous Phase Separation of Ionomer Glasses, Journal Of Materials Science, 35, (15), 2000, p3863 - 3869 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

R. G. Hill, A. Rafferty, P. Mooney, D. Wood, The influence of Glass Composition on Nucleation, Crystallisation, Microstructure and Properties of Apatite-Mullite Glass-Ceramics, Glass Science And Technology, 73, (Suppl C1), 2000, p146 - 153 Journal Article, 2000

A. Rafferty, A. Clifford, R. Hill, D. Wood, B. Samuneva, M. Dimitrova-Lukacs, Influence of Fluorine Content in Apatite Mullite Glass-Ceramics, Journal Of The American Ceramic Society, 83, (11), 2000, p2833 - 2838 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

Burggraf C, Koenig C, Siffert P, Hage-Ali M, Winfield R, Kelly P, Rafferty A, Uggerhoj E, Medenwaldt R, Dunhill T, Skuse K, Developments of capillaries in glass for X-ray focussing: Application of X-ray microbeams in crystallography, Journal De Physique IV, 8, (5), 1998, p413 - 419 Journal Article, 1998

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Filippo Pota, Maida Aysla Costa de Oliveira,Christian Schröder,Aran Rafferty, Clara De Castro, Ludivine Rault, James A. Behan, Frédéric Barrière, Paula E. Colavita, Dataset of the manuscript Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of unsaturated organics using Mo and W porous carbon-encapsulated nanostructures: impact of metal type on properties and performances, Trinity College Dublin, 2024 Dataset, 2024 TARA - Full Text

Ali Eltmimi, Leon Barron, Pavel Nesterenko, Aran Rafferty, John Hanrahan and Brett Paull, Modified carbon monolithic columns for chromatographic applications, HPLC 2008, The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Kyoto, Japan, 02-05 DEC, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Ali Eltmimi, Pavel Nesterenko, Aran Rafferty, John Hanrahan and Brett Paull, Preparation, characterisation and modification of carbon monolithic columns for chromatographic applications, Analytical Research Forum, Hull, UK, 21-23 JUL, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

A. Clarke, A. G. Olabi, A. Rafferty, T. Prescott and K. Benyounis, Finite element analysis of homogeniser valve parts, CN CAE; International Conference on Simulation Based Enginering and Sciences, Venice, 16-17 OCT, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

N. B. Ekreem, A. Rafferty, S. A. Mazlan, T. Prescott and A. G. Olabi, Prediction and Measurement of Strong Magnetic Fields using Computational FEMM Modelling, TCN CAE; International Conference on Simulation Based Enginering and Sciences, Venice, 16-17 OCT, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

A. Rafferty, Prosthetic hip replacements; a review, Technology Ireland, 27, (2), 1995, p19 - 21 Journal Article, 1995

Research Expertise


CERAMIC MATERIALS: zirconia, alumina, ferrites, intermetallics GLASSY MATERIALS: controlled pore glass, sodium boro silicate, ionomer glasses. GLASS-CERAMICS: fluorapatite, zircon, alumino-silicate crystal phases. BIOMASS: Pre-treatment of biomass to increase gas yields during anaerobic digestion MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION: Expert in ceramics characterization and porous materials characterization. Vast experience of particle size analysis, mercury porosimetry, dilatometry, thermo-gravimetric analysis, pycnometry, BET surface area analysis, zeta potential. MATERIALS PROCESSING: Experience of heat-treating ceramic materials, spray drying, hammer milling, attrition milling, ball milling,screen printing, glass pouring, glass forming, and leaching to form porous glass. TESTING: Magnetostrictive testing, Young's Modulus testing.


  • Title
    • A new chromatographic media for bioseparations
  • Summary
    • Principal Investigator
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 01 May 2011
  • Date To
    • 30 April 2013
  • Title
    • Magnetostrictive cobalt ferrite for measurement of high currents
  • Summary
    • Principal Investigator
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • Jan 2009
  • Date To
    • Jan 2010
  • Title
    • Investigation of porous glass
  • Summary
    • Principal Investigator
  • Funding Agency
    • DCU
  • Date From
    • March 2008
  • Date To
    • March 2010


Amorphous Materials; Ceramic Engineering; Ceramic materials and powders; Ceramics/Refractories; Electromagnetic Fields; Ferrites; GLASS; Magnetic Materials; Magnetic oxides; MAIZE SILAGE; Materials Sciences; Materials Technology; Materials technology, engineering; Microelectronics; Microelectronics technology; Porous particles


Awards and Honours

Institute of Materials Prize 1995

Best Poster Prize, Analytical Research Forum 2007, University of Strathclyde , Glasgow . 16-18 July 2007


Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining. Chartered Engineer. 2008 – Present