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Professor John Boland
Professor, Chemistry
Principal Investigator, CRANN


Prof. Boland received his BSc degree from University College Dublin and PhD from the California Institute of Technology. He is a Professor in the School of Chemistry at Trinity College Dublin and Director of the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN). Prof. Boland was previously a researcher at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre, and the J.J. Hermans Professor of Chemistry and Applied and Materials Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His current research interests involve the electrical and mechanical properties of nanoscale materials, and molecular recognition and assembly and nanoscale contact formation.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Shi, Y. and Li, D. and Hill, C. and Yang, L. and Sheerin, E.D. and Pilliadugula, R. and Wang, J.J. and Boland, J. and Xiao, L., Micro and nano plastics release from a single absorbable suture into simulated body fluid, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 466, (133559), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gabbett, Cian and Kelly, Adam G. and Coleman, Emmet and Doolan, Luke and Carey, Tian and Synnatschke, Kevin and Liu, Shixin and Dawson, Anthony and O†Suilleabhain, Domhnall and Munuera, Jose and Caffrey, Eoin and Boland, John B. and Sofer, ZdenÄ k and Ghosh, Goutam and Kinge, Sachin and Siebbeles, Laurens D. A. and Yadav, Neelam and Vij, Jagdish K. and Aslam, Muhammad Awais and Matkovic, Aleksandar and Coleman, Jonathan N., Understanding how junction resistances impact the conduction mechanism in nano-networks, Nature Communications, 15, (1), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Zhang, X. and Boland, J.J., Core shift controls grain boundary energy scaling in Cu and Al, Acta Materialia, 265, (119606), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text DOI

Esteki, K. and Curic, D. and Manning, H.G. and Sheerin, E. and Ferreira, M.S. and Boland, J.J. and Rocha, C.G., Thermo-electro-optical properties of seamless metallic nanowire networks for transparent conductor applications, Nanoscale, 15, (24), 2023, p10394-10411 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Zhang, X. and Wang, M. and Wang, H. and Upmanyu, M. and Boland, J.J., Restructuring of emergent grain boundaries at free surfaces â€" An interplay between core stabilization and elastic stress generation, Acta Materialia, 242, (118432), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Luming Yang, Dunzhu Li, Yunhong Shi, Christopher Hill, Rekha Pilliadugula, Laura Page, Jing Jing Wang, John J. Boland, Liwen Xiao, High levels of microparticles release from biodegradable polylactic acid paper cups compared with polyethylene-lined cups, Chemical Engineering Journal, 468, 2023, p143620 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Zhang, X. and Demirel, I. and Boland, J.J., Wedge disclination description of emergent core-shifted grain boundaries at free surfaces, Scripta Materialia, 234, (115562), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Zhang, X. and Boland, J.J., Universal preference for low-energy core-shifted grain boundaries at the surfaces of fcc metals, Physical Review Research, 5, (1), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Yunhong Shi, Dunzhu Li, Liwen Xiao*, Daragh Mullarkey, Daniel K. Kehoe, Emmet D. Sheerin, Sebastian Barwich, Luming Yang, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Igor V. Shvets, Matthias E. Möbius, John J. Boland*, Jing Jing Wang* , Real-world natural passivation phenomena can limit microplastic generation in water, Chemical Engineering Journal, 425, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL TARA - Full Text

Yunhong Shi, Dunzhu Li, Liwen Xiao, Daragh Mullarkey, Daniel K. Kehoe, Emmet D. Sheerin, Sebastian Barwich, Luming Yang, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Igor V. Shvets, Matthias E. Möbius, John J. Boland, Jing Jing Wang, "Real-world natural passivation phenomena can limit microplastic generation in water", Chemical Engineering Journal, 428, (132466), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 Handle DOI

Shi, Y. and Li, D. and Xiao, L. and Sheerin, E.D. and Mullarkey, D. and Yang, L. and Bai, X. and Shvets, I.V. and Boland, J.J. and Wang, J.J., The influence of drinking water constituents on the level of microplastic release from plastic kettles, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425, (127997), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Dunzhu Li, Emmet D. Sheerin, Yunhong Shi, Liwen Xiao, Luming Yang, John Boland, Jing Jing Wang, Alcohol Pretreatment to Eliminate the Interference of Micro Additive Particles in the Identification of Microplastics Using Raman Spectroscopy, Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (17), 2022, p12158--12168 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Lynes, A.D. and Lovitt, J.I. and Rotella, C. and Boland, J.J. and Gunnlaugsson, T. and Hawes, C.S., Crystal engineering studies of a series of pyridine-3,5-dicarboxamide ligands possessing alkyl ester arms, and their coordination chemistry, Results in Chemistry, 4, (100679), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Li D; Sheerin ED; Shi Y; Xiao L; Yang L: Boland JJ; Wang JJ, "Alcohol Pre-treatment to Eliminate the Interference of Micro Additive Particles in the Identification of Microplastics Using Raman Spectroscopy"., Environmental science & technology [Environ Sci Technol] , 56, (17), 2022, p12158 - 12168 Journal Article, 2022 TARA - Full Text DOI

Dunzhu Li, Luming Yang, Rachel Kavanagh, Liwen Xiao, Yunhong Shi, Daniel K Kehoe, Emmet D Sheerin, Yurii K Gun'ko, John J Boland, Jing Jing Wang, Sampling, Identification and Characterization of Microplastics Release from Polypropylene Baby Feeding Bottle during Daily Use, Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove, 173, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text URL

K. Esteki, H. G. Manning, E. Sheerin, M. S. Ferreira, J. J. Boland, and C. G. Rocha, Tuning the Electro-Optical Properties of Nanowire Networks, Nanoscale, 13, 2021, p15369- Journal Article, 2021

Boland, C.S. and O†Driscoll, D.P. and Kelly, A.G. and Boland, J.B. and Coleman, J.N., Highly Sensitive Composite Foam Bodily Sensors Based on the g-Putty Ink Soaking Procedure, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, (50), 2021, p60489-60497 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

K. Esteki, H. G. Manning, E. Sheerin, M. S. Ferreira, J. J. Boland, and C. G. Rocha. , "Tuning the Electro-Optical Properties of Nanowire Networks", Nanoscale, 13, 2021, p15367 - 15379 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text

Biswas, S. and Doherty, J. and Galluccio, E. and Manning, H.G. and Conroy, M. and Duffy, R. and Bangert, U. and Boland, J.J. and Holmes, J.D., Stretching the Equilibrium Limit of Sn in Ge1- xSnxNanowires: Implications for Field Effect Transistors, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4, (2), 2021, p1048-1056 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Biswas, S., Doherty, J., Galluccio, E., Manning, H. G., Conroy, M., Duffy, R., Bangert, U., Boland, J. J. and Holmes, J. D., 'Stretching the Equilibrium Limit of Sn in Ge1-xSnx Nanowires: Implications for Field Effect Transistors',, ACS Applied Nano Materials, , 4, (2), 2021, p1048 - 1056 Journal Article, 2021 Handle DOI

D. Li, Y. Shi, L. Yang, L. Xiao, D. K. Kehoe, Y. K. Gun'ko, J. J. Boland, J. J. Wang, Microplastic release from the degradation of polypropylene feeding bottles during infant formula preparation, Nature Food, 1, 2020, p746 - 751 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Hugh G. Manning, Patrick F. Flowers, Mutya A. Cruz, Claudia Gomes da Rocha, Colin O' Callaghan, Mauro S. Ferreira, Benjamin J. Wiley, and John J. Boland , The Resistance of Cu Nanowire-Nanowire Junctions & Electro-Optical Modeling of Cu Nanowire Networks , Applied Physical Letters, 116, 2020, p251902 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Boland, J.B. and Tian, R. and Harvey, A. and Vega-Mayoral, V. and Griffin, A. and Horvath, D.V. and Gabbett, C. and Breshears, M. and Pepper, J. and Li, Y. and Coleman, J.N., Liquid phase exfoliation of GeS nanosheets in ambient conditions for lithium ion battery applications, 2D Materials, 7, (3), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Shubhadeep Bhattacharjee, Rient Wigchering, Hugh G. Manning, John. J. Boland & Paul K. Hurley, Emulating synaptic response in n- and p-channel MoS2 transistors by utilizing charge trapping dynamics, Scientific Reports, 10, (1), 2020, pArticle number: 12178 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text

Lebre F, Boland JB, Gouveia P, Gorman AL, Lundahl MLE, I Lynch R, O'Brien FJ, Coleman J, Lavelle EC., Pristine graphene induces innate immune training., Nanoscale, 12, (20), 2020, p11192-11200 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Sahar Alialy , Koorosh Esteki , Mauro Ferreira , John J. Boland and Claudia Gomes da Rocha , Nonlinear ion drift-diffusion memristance description of TiO2 RRAM devices, Nanoscale Advances, 2020, p1 - 11 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Zhang, C.J. and Liang, M. and Park, S.-H. and Lin, Z. and Seral-Ascaso, A. and Wang, L. and Pakdel, A. and Coileaín, C.Ã". and Boland, J. and Ronan, O. and McEvoy, N. and Lu, B. and Wang, Y. and Xia, Y. and Coleman, J.N. and Nicolosi, V., Extra lithium-ion storage capacity enabled by liquid-phase exfoliated indium selenide nanosheets conductive network, Energy and Environmental Science, 13, (7), 2020, p2124-2133 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Manning, H.G. and Flowers, P.F. and Cruz, M.A. and Rocha, C.G.D. and Callaghan, C.O. and Ferreira, M.S. and Wiley, B.J. and Boland, J.J., The resistance of Cu nanowire-nanowire junctions and electro-optical modeling of Cu nanowire networks, Applied Physics Letters, 116, (25), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Davitt, Fionán; Manning, Hugh G.; Robinson, Fred; Hawken, Samantha L.; Biswas, Subhajit.; Petkov, Nikolay; van Druenen, Mart; Boland, John J.; Reid Gillian; Holmes, Justin D, Crystallographically controlled synthesis of SnSe nanowires: potential in resistive memory devices, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10, (16), 2020, p2000474 (10 pp). Journal Article, 2020 Handle DOI

Alialy, S. and Gabriel, M. and Davitt, F. and Holmes, J.D. and Boland, J.J., Switching at the contacts in Ge9Sb1Te5 phase-change nanowire devices, Nanotechnology, 30, (33), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Boland, J.B. and Harvey, A. and Tian, R. and Hanlon, D. and Vega-Mayoral, V. and Szydlowska, B. and Griffin, A. and Stimpel-Lindner, T. and Jaskaniec, S. and Nicolosi, V. and Duesberg, G. and Coleman, J.N., Liquid phase exfoliation of MoO2 nanosheets for lithium ion battery applications, Nanoscale Advances, 1, (4), 2019, p1560-1570 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Adam G Kelly , VictorVega-Mayoral , John B Boland and Jonathan N Coleman, Whiskey-phase exfoliation: exfoliation and printing of nanosheets using Irish whiskey, 2D Materials, 6, (045036), 2019, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Jadwiszczak, J. and Keane, D. and Maguire, P. and Cullen, C.P. and Zhou, Y. and Song, H. and Downing, C. and Fox, D. and McEvoy, N. and Zhu, R. and Xu, J. and Duesberg, G.S. and Liao, Z.-M. and Boland, J.J. and Zhang, H., MoS2 Memtransistors Fabricated by Localized Helium Ion Beam Irradiation, ACS Nano, 13, (12), 2019, p14262-14273 Journal Article, 2019 DOI URL

Borislav Naydenov, Samuel Torsney, Alejandro Santana Bonilla, Andrea Gualandi, Luca Mengozzi, Pier Giorgio Cozzi, Rafael Gutierrez, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and John J. Boland, Mapping Conformational Changes in a Self-Assembled Two-Dimensional Molecular Network by Statistical Analysis of Conductance Images, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 11, (03), 2019, p034070-1 - 034070-7 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

Alialy, S, Gabriel, M, Davitt, F, Holmes, JD, Boland, JJ, "Switching at the contacts in Ge9Sb1Te5 phase-change nanowire devices" , NANOTECHNOLOGY, 30, (33), 2019, pArticle Number 335706 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

H. G. Manning, C. G. Rocha, C. O'Callaghan, M. S. Ferreira and J. J. Boland, The Electro-Optical Performance of Silver Nanowire Networks, Scientific Reports, 9, 2019, p11550- Journal Article, 2019 URL

Zheng, JY, Manning, HG, Zhang, YH, Wang, JJ, Purcell-Milton, F, Pokle, A, Porter, SB , Zhong, C, Li, J , Meehan, RO, Enright, R, Gun'ko, YK, Nicolosi, V , Boland, JJ, Sanvito, S, Donegan, JF, "Synthesis of centimeter-size free-standing perovskite nanosheets from single-crystal lead bromide for optoelectronic devices", Scientific Reports, 9, 2019, pArticle Number 11738 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Manning, HG, da Rocha, CG, O'Callaghan, C, Ferreira, MS, Boland, JJ, "The Electro-Optical Performance of Silver Nanowire Networks", Scientific Reports, 9, 2019, pArticle Number 11550 Journal Article, 2019 Handle DOI

Naydenov, B, Torsney, S, Bonilla, AS, Gualandi, A, Mengozzi, L, Cozzi, PG, Gutierrez, R; Cuniberti, G; Boland, JJ., "Mapping Conformational Changes in a Self-Assembled Two-Dimensional Molecular Network by Statistical Analysis of Conductance Images", Physical Review Applied, 11, (3), 2019, pArticle Number 034070 Journal Article, 2019 Handle DOI

D. McAteer, IJ Godwin, Z. Ling, A. Harvey, L. He, CS Boland, VV Mayoral, B. Szydlowska, AA Rovetta, C. Backes, MEG Lyons, JN Coleman, Liquid exfoliated Co(OH)2 nanosheets as low cost high performance catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction, Advanced energy materials, 1702965, 2018, p11 pages Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Harvey, A. and Backes, C. and Boland, J.B. and He, X. and Griffin, A. and Szydlowska, B. and Gabbett, C. and Donegan, J.F. and Coleman, J.N., Non-resonant light scattering in dispersions of 2D nanosheets, Nature communications, 9, (1), 2018, p4553 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Sun, H. and Hanlon, D. and Dinh, D.A. and Boland, J.B. and Del Rio Castillo, A.E. and Di Giovanni, C. and Ansaldo, A. and Pellegrini, V. and Coleman, J.N. and Bonaccorso, F., Carbon nanotubes-bridged molybdenum trioxide nanosheets as high performance anode for lithium ion batteries, 2D Materials, 5, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Mills, S., Rotella, C., McCarthy, E.K., Hill, D.J., Wang, J.-J., Donegan, J.F., Cahoon, J.F., Sader, J.E., Boland, J.J., Solvent-Engineered Stress in Nanoscale Materials, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, (50), 2018, p44183-44189 Journal Article, 2018

Borislav Naydenov, Samuel Torsney, Alejandro Santana Bonilla, Mohamed El Garah, Artur Ciesielski, Andrea Gualandi, Luca Mengozzi, Pier Giorgio Cozzi, Rafael Gutierrez, Paolo Samorì, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and John J. Boland, Self-Assembled Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Networks Characterized by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Air and under Vacuum, Langmuir, 34, 2018, p7698 - 7707 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Borislav Naydenov, Samuel Torsney, Alejandro Santana Bonilla, Mohamed El Garah, Artur Ciesielski,, Andrea Gualandi|, Luca Mengozzi, Pier Giorgio Cozzi, Rafael Gutierrez, Paolo Samorì, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and John J. Boland, "Self-Assembled Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Networks Characterized by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Air and under Vacuum", Langmuir,, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Manning, H.G. and Biswas, S. and Kumar, S. and Holmes, J.D. and Boland, J.J., Neuromorphic- Inspired Behaviour in Core-Shell Nanowire Networks, 2018-July, (8626353), 2018 Conference Paper, 2018 DOI

Hossain, M; Kumar, GS; Prabhava, SNB; McCloskey, D; Acharya, S; Rao, KDM; Boland, JJ., Transparent, Flexible Silicon Nanostructured Wire Networks with Seamless Junctions for High-Performance Photodetector Applications, ACS NANO, 12, (5), 2018, p4727 - 4735 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

C'O'Callaghan, C.G.Rocha, F. Niosi, H.G Manning, J,J Boland and M.S Ferreira , Collective capacitive and memristive responses in random nanowire networks: Emergence of critical connectivity pathways, Journal of Applied Physics , 124, 2018, pArticle Number 152118 Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

Mochizuki, S. and Colombeau, B. and Yu, L. and Dube, A. and Choi, S. and Stolfi, M. and Bi, Z. and Chang, F. and Conti, R.A. and Liu, P. and Winstel, K.R. and Jagannathan, H. and Gossmann, H.-J. and Loubet, N. and Canaperi, D.F. and Guo, D. and Sharma, S. and Chu, S. and Boland, J. and Jin, Q. and Li, Z. and Lin, S. and Cogorno, M. and Chudzik, M. and Natarajan, S. and McHerron, D.C. and Haran, B., Advanced Arsenic Doped Epitaxial Growth for Source Drain Extension Formation in Scaled FinFET Devices, 2018-December, (8614543), 2018, pp35.2.1-35.2.4 Conference Paper, 2018 DOI

Filipa Lebre, Damien Hanlon, John B. Boland, Jonathan Coleman, Ed C. Lavelle, Exfoliation in Endotoxin"Free Albumin Generates Pristine Graphene with Reduced Inflammatory Properties, Advanced Biosystems, 2018, p1800102 Journal Article, 2018

Jakub Jadwiszczak, Colin O'Callaghan, Yangbo Zhou, Daniel S Fox, Eamonn Weitz, Darragh Keane, Conor P. Cullen, Ian O'Reilly, Clive Downing, Aleksey Shmeliov, Pierce Maguire, John J. Gough , Cormac McGuinness , Mauro S. Ferreira, A. Louise Bradley , John J. Boland, Georg S. Duesberg, Valeria Nicolosi & Hongzhou Zhang, Oxide-mediated recovery of field effect mobility in plasma-treated MoS2, Science Advances, 4, (2), 2018, peaao5031- Journal Article, 2018 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Yue, Y. and Wang, J.J. and Basheer, P.A.M. and Boland, J.J. and Bai, Y., A Raman spectroscopy based optical fibre system for detecting carbonation profile of cementitious materials, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 257, 2018, p635-649 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

John J. Gough , Niall McEvoy, Maria O'Brien, Alan P. Bell , John McManus, David McCloskey, John B. Boland, Jonathan N. Coleman, Georg S. Duesberg, and A. Louise Bradley, Nonradiative energy transfer and photocurrent enhancements in hybrid quantum dots-MoS2 Devices, ICTON, Bucharest, Romania, 2018, ICTON Invited Talk, 2018

Boland, C.S. and Khan, U. and Binions, M. and Barwich, S. and Boland, J.B. and Weaire, D. and Coleman, J.N., Graphene-coated polymer foams as tuneable impact sensors, Nanoscale, 10, (11), 2018, p5366-5375 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Shaun Mills, Chiara Rotella, Eoin K. McCarthy, David J. Hill, Jing-Jing Wang,, "Solvent-Engineered Stress in Nanoscale Materials", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 2018, p44183 - 44189 Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gough, J.J. and McEvoy, N. and O'Brien, M. and Bell, A.P. and McCloskey, D. and Boland, J.B. and Coleman, J.N. and Duesberg, G.S. and Bradley, A.L., Dependence of Photocurrent Enhancements in Quantum Dot (QD)-Sensitized MoS2 Devices on MoS2 Film Properties, Advanced Functional Materials, 28, (13), 2018, p1706149- Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

Hugh G. Manning, Fabio Niosi, Claudia Gomes da Rocha, Allen T. Bellew, Colin O'Callaghan, Subhajit Biswas, Patrick F. Flowers, Benjamin J. Wiley, Justin D. Holmes, Mauro S. Ferreira & John J. Boland , Emergence of winner-takes-all connectivity paths in random nanowire networks, Nature Communications, 9, 2018, pArticle No: 3219 Journal Article, 2018 Handle DOI

Mills, S. and Sader, J.E. and Boland, J.J., Material characterisation of nanowires with intrinsic stress, Nanotechnology, 28, (35), 2017 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Manning, Hugh G. and Biswas, Subhajit and Holmes, Justin D. and Boland, John J., Nonpolar Resistive Switching in Ag@TiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires, ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces, 2017, pnull Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text

Barimar, Prabhava S. N., Naydenov, Borislav., Li, Jing., Boland, John J. , Spreading resistance at the nano-scale studied by scanning tunneling and field emission spectroscopy, Applied Physiscs Letters, 110, 2017, p263111- Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text URL

Zheng, J.-Y. and Wang, J.J. and Manning, H. and Zhong, C. and Purcell-Milton, F. and Meehan, R.O. and Cunningham, G. and Enright, R. and Gun'ko, Y.K. and Boland, J. and Donegan, J.F., Synthesis of millimeter-size freestanding perovskite nanofilms from single-crystal lead bromide for optoelectronic devices, 2017-January, 2017, pp1-2 Conference Paper, 2017 DOI

Zhang, X. and Han, J. and Plombon, J.J. and Sutton, A.P. and Srolovitz, D.J. and Boland, J.J., Nanocrystalline copper films are never flat, Science, 357, (6349), 2017, p397-400 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Mills, S., Sader, J.E., Boland, J.J, "Material characterisation of nanowires with intrinsic stress" , Nanotechnology , 28, (35), 2017 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text

Samuel Torsney, Borislav Naydenov, John J. Boland, Ordering and interactions between Cl adatoms on Cu(111) and their influence on the local electronic properties as measured by STM and STS, Physical Review B, 96, (24), 2017, p245411-1 - 245411-7 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Lee S, Park J.-B, Lee M.-J, Boland J.J, Multilevel resistance in ZnO nanowire memristors enabled by hydrogen annealing treatment, AIP Advances, 6, (12), 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

C. O'Callaghan, C. G. Rocha, H. G. Manning, J. J. Boland and M. S. Ferreira, Effective medium theory for the conductivity of disordered metallic nanowire networks, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, (59), 2016, p27564 - 27571 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text DOI

Lin, K.L. and Cross, G.L.W. and Gleeson, P. and De Silva, J.P. and Levander, A. and Muñoz, J.A. and Pawashe, C. and Potie, A. and Theofanis, P. and Boland, J.J. and Kuhn, K.J., Adhesion limits and design criteria for nanorelays, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, (1), 2016, p465-470 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

O'Kelly C.J, Fairfield J.A, McCloskey D, Manning H.G, Donegan J.F, Boland J.J, Associative Enhancement of Time Correlated Response to Heterogeneous Stimuli in a Neuromorphic Nanowire Device, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2, (6), 2016, p1500458 - Journal Article, 2016 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Ronan Daly, John E. Sader, and John J. Boland, "Taming Self-Organization Dynamics to Dramatically Control Porous Architectures", ACS NANO, 10, (3), 2016, p3087-3092 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

J. A. Fairfield, C. G. Rocha, C. O'Callaghan, M. S. Ferreira and J. J. Boland, Co-percolation to tune conductive behaviour in dynamical metallic nanowire networks, Nanoscale, 8, (43), 2016, p18516 - 18523 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text DOI

O'Kelly C.J, Jung S.J, Boland J.J, Metal Nanostructure Synthesis via Surface Energy Driven Growth, Crystal Growth and Design, 16, (12), 2016, p7318 - 7324 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Prabhava S. N. Barimar, Catherine M. Doyle, Borislav Naydenov, and John J. Boland, Study of the effect of thermal treatment on morphology and chemical composition of silicon-on-insulator, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 34, 2016, p041806- Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Oliver S.M, Fairfield J.A, Bellew A.T, Lee S, Champlain J.G, Ruppalt L.B, Boland J.J, Vora P.M, Quantum point contacts and resistive switching in Ni/NiO nanowire junctions, Applied Physics Letters, 109, (20), 2016, p203101- Journal Article, 2016 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Galanti A, Kotova O, Blasco S, Johnson C.J, Peacock R.D, Mills S, Boland J.J, Albrecht M, Gunnlaugsson T, Exploring the Effect of Ligand Structural Isomerism in Langmuirâ€"Blodgett Films of Chiral Luminescent EuIIISelf-Assemblies, Chemistry - A European Journal, 22, (28), 2016, p9709 - 9723 Journal Article, 2016 URL DOI

Harte NP, Klyubin I, McCarthy EK, Min S, Garrahy SA, Xie Y, Davey GP, Boland JJ, Rowan MJ, Mok KH, Amyloid Oligomers and Mature Fibrils Prepared from an Innocuous Protein Cause Diverging Cellular Death Mechanisms., The Journal of biological chemistry, 290, (47), 2015, p28343 - 28352 Journal Article, 2015 DOI TARA - Full Text

Bell A.P, Fairfield J.A, McCarthy E.K, Mills S, Boland J.J, Baffou G, McCloskey D, "Quantitative study of the photothermal properties of metallic nanowire networks", ACS Nano, 9, (5), 2015, p5551 - 5558 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

C. G. Rocha, C. O'Callaghan, C. Ritter, H. Manning, A. T. Bellew, J. J. Boland and M. S. Ferreira,, "Ultimate Conductivity Performance in Metallic Nanowire Networks", Nanoscale, 7, (30), 2015, p13011 - 13016 Journal Article, 2015 DOI TARA - Full Text

Martinez-Calvo M, Kotova O, Mobius M.E, Bell A.P, McCabe T, Boland J.J, Gunnlaugsson T, Healable luminescent self-assembly supramolecular metallogels possessing lanthanide (Eu/Tb) dependent rheological and morphological properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, (5), 2015, p1983 - 1992 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

Naydenov, B. Rungger, I. Mantega, M. Sanvito, S. Boland, J.J., "Single-atom based coherent quantum interference device structure", Nano Letters, 15, (5), 2015, p2881 - 2886 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Kotova O, Daly R, Dos Santos C.M.G, Kruger P.E, Boland J.J, Gunnlaugsson T, Cross-Linking the Fibers of Supramolecular Gels Formed from a Tripodal Terpyridine Derived Ligand with d-Block Metal Ions, Inorganic Chemistry, 54, (16), 2015, p7735 - 7741 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

Peter Gleeson, Kevin Lin, Alexis Potie, Chytra Pawashe, Johann P de Silva, Graham L W Cross and John J Boland, "The effect of device fabrication on quasi-static elastic behaviour of silicon nanocantilever arrays", J. MICROMECH MICROENG, 25 (125007), 2015, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Jung S.J, O'Kelly C.J, Boland J.J, Position Controlled Growth of Single Crystal Cu3Si Nanostructures, Crystal Growth and Design, 15, (11), 2015, p5355 - 5359 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

A.T. Bellew, Hugh G. Manning, Claudia Gomes da Rocha, Mauro S. Ferreira and John J. Boland. , "Resistance of Single Ag Nanowire Junctions and Their Role in the Conductivity of Nanowire Networks", ACS NANO, 9, (11), 2015, p11422 - 11429 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text DOI

J. A. Fairfield, C. Ritter, A. T. Bellew, M. S. Ferreira and J. J. Boland, "Effective Electrode Length Enhances Electrical Activation of Nanowire Networks: Experiment and Simulation", ACS Nano, 8, (9), 2014, p9542 - 9549 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

Byrne,Joseph P. J.P., Kitchen,Jonathan A. J.A., Kotova,Oxana V. O.V., Leigh,Vivienne V., Bell,Alan P. A.P., Boland,John J. J.J., Albrecht,Martin M., Gunnlaugsson,Thorfinnur T., "Synthesis, structural, photophysical and electrochemical studies of various d-metal complexes of btp [2,6-bis(1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine] ligands that give rise to the formation of metallo-supramolecular gels", Dalton Transactions, 43, (1), 2014, p196 - 209 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

O'Kelly, C. Fairfield, J.A. Boland, J.J., "A single nanoscale junction with programmable multilevel memory", ACS Nano, 8, (11), 2014, p11724 - 11729 Journal Article, 2014 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

McCarthy, E.K. Bellew, A.T. Sader, J.E. Boland, J.J., "Poisson's ratio of individual metal nanowires", Nature Communications, 5, 2014, p11422 - 11429 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Bellew, A.T. Bell, A.P. McCarthy, E.K. Fairfield, J.A. Boland, J.J., "Programmability of nanowire networks", Nanoscale, 6, (16), 2014, p9632 - 9639 Journal Article, 2014 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Daly R, Kotova O, Boese M, Gunnlaugsson T, Boland JJ, "Chemical nano-gardens: growth of salt nanowires from supramolecular self-assembly gels", ACS nano, 7, (6), 2013, p4838-45 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

O'Regan, C, Biswas, S, O'Kelly, C, Jung, SJ, Boland, JJ, Petkov, N, Holmes, JD, "Engineering the Growth of Germanium Nanowires by Tuning the Supersaturation of Au/Ge Binary Alloy Catalysts", CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 25, (15), 2013, p3096-3104 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Naydenov, B, Boland, JJ, "Engineering the electronic structure of surface dangling bond nanowires of different size and dimensionality", NANOTECHNOLOGY, 24, (27), 2013, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Yue, Y. Bai, Y. Muhammed Basheer, P.A. Boland, J.J. Wang, J.J., "Monitoring the cementitious materials subjected to sulfate attack with optical fiber excitation Raman spectroscopy", Optical Engineering, 52, (10), 2013, p104107-1 - 104107-10 Journal Article, 2013 DOI URL

Daly, R, Sader, JE, Boland, JJ, "The dominant role of the solvent-water interface in water droplet templating of polymers", SOFT MATTER, 9, (33), 2013, p7960-7965 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text DOI

Sheridan, JG, Heidelberg, A , Brougham, DF , Nellist, PD , Langford, RM , Boland JJ., "Self-Assembly of LiMo3Se3 Nanowire Networks from Nanoscale Building-Blocks in Solution", LANGMUIR, 28, (43), 2012, p15344 - 15349 Journal Article, 2012 URL DOI

Soon Jung Jung, Terek Lutz, Alan P. Bell, Eoin K. McCarthy and John J. Boland, "Free Standing, Single-Crystal Cu3Si Nanowires", J. Crystal Growth & Design, 12, (6), 2012, p3076 - 3081 Journal Article, 2012 DOI URL

Oxana Kotova, Ronan Daly, Cidalia M. G. dos Santos, Markus Boese, Paul E. Kruger, John J. Boland, and Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, "Europium-Directed Self-Assembly of a Luminescent Supramolecular Gel from a Tripodal Terpyridine-Based Ligand", ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION , 51, (29), 2012, p7208 - 7212 Journal Article, 2012 DOI URL

R. Daly, J.E. Sader and J.J. Boland, "Existence of Micrometer-Scale Water Droplets at Solvent/Air Interfaces", Langmuir, 28, (37), 2012, p13218 - 13223 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

M. Mantega, I. Rungger, B. Naydenov, J. J. Boland and S. Sanvito, "Spectroscopic characterization of a single dangling bond on a bare Si(100)-c(4×2) surface for n- and p-type doping", Physical Review B, 86, (3), 2012, pArticle No 035318 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Curtis O'Kelly, Soon Jung Jung, Alan P. Bell and John J. Boland, "Single Crystal Iron Nanocube Synthesis via the Surface Energy Driven Growth Method" , NANOTECHNOLOGY, 23, (43), 2012, p1 - 6 Journal Article, 2012 DOI URL

P.N. Nirmalraj, A.P. Bell , A.T. Bellew, J.A. Fairfield, E.K. McCarthy , C. O Kelly, L/F.C Pereira, S. Sorel , J.N. Coleman, M.S. Ferreira and J.J. Boland, "Manipulating Connectivity and Conductivity in Metallic Nanowire " , Nano Lett, 12, (11), 2012, p5966 - 5971 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Soon Jung Jung, Tarek Lutz, Markus Boese, Justin D. Holmes, and John J. Boland, Surface Energy Driven Agglomeration and Growth of Single Crystal Metal Wires, Nano Letters, 11, (3), 2011, p1294-1299 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Barth, S., Boland, J.J., Holmes, J.D., "Defect transfer from nanoparticles to nanowires", Nano Letters, 11, (4), 2011, p1550-1555 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Keith J. Fraser and John J. Boland, Modelling of Atomic Imaging and Evaporation in the Field Ion Microscope, Journal of Sensors, 2012, (2012), 2011 Journal Article, 2011 DOI TARA - Full Text

Peter N. Nirmalraj, Terek Lutz, Shishir Kumer, Georg Duesberg and John J. Boland, Nanoscale Mapping of Electrical Resistivity and Connectivity in Graphene Strips and Networks, Nano Letters, 11, (1), 2011, p16 - 22 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Keith J. Fraser and John J. Boland, "Modelling of Atomic Imaging and Evaporation in the field Ion Microscope", Journal of Sensors, 2012, (2012), 2011, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Ryan, P.M, Teague, L.C, Meehan, D.E , Boland, J.J., Stereoselective Cycloaddition of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene on Si(100): A Simple Algorithm for Product Identification Based on Secondary Orbital Interactions, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, (36), 2011, p14287 - 14292 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Coleman, JN, Lotya, M, O'Neill, A, Bergin, SD, King, PJ, Khan, U, Young, K, Gaucher, A, De, S, Smith, RJ, Shvets, IV, Arora, SK, Stanton, G, Kim, HY, Lee, K, Kim, GT, Duesberg, GS, Hallam, T, Boland, JJ, Wang, JJ, Donegan, JF, Grunlan, JC, Moriarty, G, Shmeliov, A, Nicholls, RJ, Perkins, JM, Grieveson, EM, Theuwissen, K, McComb, DW, Nellist, PD, Nicolosi, V, "Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Produced by Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Materials", Science, 331, (6017), 2011, p568-571 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text DOI

P. Lyons, Philip; S. De, Sukanta; J. Elias, A. Bellew, JJ Boland and JN Coleman, "High Performance Transparent Conductors from Networks of Gold Nanowires", Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2, (24), 2011, p3058 - 3062 Journal Article, 2011 DOI URL

Jung, S.J, Lutz, T, Boland J.J. , Anisotropic etching induced by surface energy driven agglomeration, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 29, (5), 2011 Journal Article, 2011 DOI URL

Borislav Naydenov, Mauro Mantega, Ivan Rungger, Stefano Sanvito, and John J. Boland, "Scattered surface charge density: A tool for surface characterization", Physical Review B, 84, (19), 2011, pArticle No: 195321 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text DOI

O'Neill, A., Khan, U., Nirmalraj, P.N., Boland, J., Coleman, J.N., Graphene dispersion and exfoliation in low boiling point solvents, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 115, (13), 2011, p5422-5428 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

G. Behan, J. F. Feng, H. Z. Zhang, P. N. Nirmalraj, and J. J. Boland, Effect of sample bias on backscattered ion spectroscopy in the helium ion microscope, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 28, (6), 2010, p1377 - 1380 Journal Article, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Peter N. Nirmalraj and John J. Boland , "Selective Tuning and Optimisation of the Contacts to Metallic and Semiconducting Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes" , ACS Nano , 4, (7), 2010, p3801 - 3806 Journal Article, 2010 URL DOI

J.J. Boland, Flexible Electronics: within touch of artificial skin, Nature Materials, 9, (10), 2010, p790 - 792 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Borislav Naydenov, and John J. Boland, Variable-height scanning tunneling spectroscopy for local density of states recovery based on the 1D-WKB approximation, Physical Review B, 82, (245411), 2010 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text

G. Collins, P. Fleming, S. Barth, C. O'Dwyer, J.J. Boland, M.A. Morris, J.D. Holmes, Alkane and Alkanethiol Passivation of Halogenated Ge Nanowires, Chemistry of Materials, 22, (23), 2010, p6370 - 6377 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Kinahan NT, Meehan DE, Narushima T, Sachert S, Boland JJ, Miki K, Site-Specific Evolution of Surface Stress during the Room-Temperature Oxidation of the Si(111)-(7x7) Surface., Physical Review Letters, 104, (14), 2010 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text DOI

P.N. Ryan, A. Verhulst, T. Hantschel Thomas; D. Cott, N.A. Romo and J.J. Boland , "Optimization of multi-walled carbon nanotube - metal contacts by electrical stressing", Nanotechnology, , 21, (4), 2010 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

D. Bazou, G. Behan, C. Reid, J.J. Boland, H.Z. Zhang, Imaging of human colon cancer cells using He-Ion scanning microscopy, Journal of Microscopy, 242, (3), 2010, p290 - 294 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Peter N. Nirmalraj, Philip E. Lyons, Sukanta De, Jonathan N. Coleman and John J. Boland, Electrical Connectivity in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks, Nano Letters, 9, (11), 2009, 3890 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

De S , Lyons PE , Sorel S, Doherty EM , King PJ, Blau WJ, Nirmalraj PN, Boland JJ, Scardaci V, Joimel J, Coleman JN , Transparent, Flexible, and Highly Conductive Thin Films Based on Polymer - Nanotube Composites, ACS Nano , 3, (3), 2009, p714 - 720 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Sukanta De, Thomas M. Higgins, Philip E. Lyons, Evelyn M. Doherty, Peter N. Nirmalraj, Werner J. Blau, John J. Boland and Jonathan N. Coleman , Silver Nanowire Networks as Flexible, Transparent, Conducting Films: Extremely High DC to Optical Conductivity Ratios, ACS Nano, 3, (7), 2009, p1767 - 1774 Journal Article, 2009 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Andzane J, Petkov N, Livshits AI, Boland JJ, Holmes JD, Erts D, Two-Terminal Nanoelectromechanical Devices Based on Germanium Nanowires, Nano Letters, 9 , (5), 2009, p1824 - 1829 Journal Article, 2009 DOI URL

Peter M Ryan, Lucile Teague and John J. Boland. , "Frontier Orbital Description of the Si(100) Surface: A Route to Symmetry-Allowed and Concerted [2+2] Cycloadditions", J. Amer Chem Soc, 131, (19), 2009, p6768 - 6774 Journal Article, 2009 URL DOI

Dorothee Almecija, David Blond, John E Sader, Jonathan N. Coleman, John J. Boland, Mechanical properties of individual electrospun polymer-nanotube composite nanofibers, Carbon, 47, (9), 2009, p2253 - 2258 Journal Article, 2009 TARA - Full Text DOI

Evelyn Doherty, Sukanta De, Philip E Lyons, Aleksey Shmeliov, Peter N. Nirmalraj, Vittorio Scardaci, Jerome Joimel, Werner J Blau, John J Boland, Jonathan N Coleman, The spatial uniformity and electromechanical stability of transparent, conductive films of single walled nanotubes, Carbon, 47, (10), 2009, p2466 - 2473 Journal Article, 2009 TARA - Full Text DOI

P. Ryan, L. Teague, B. Naydenov, D. Borland and J.J. Boland., "Emergence and Visualisation of an Interface State during Contact Formation with a Single Molecule"., Physical Review Letters, 101, (9 ), 2008 Journal Article, 2008 DOI URL

Shane D. Bergin, Valeria Nicolosi, Philip V. Streich, Silvia Giordani, Zhenyu Sun, Alan H. Windle, Peter Ryan, N. Peter P. Niraj, Zhi-Tao T. Wang, Leslie Carpenter, Werner J. Blau, John J. Boland, James P. Hamilton, Jonathan N. Coleman, Towards Solutions of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Common Solvents, Advanced Materials, 20, (10), 2008, p1876 - 1881 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Wen, B. M., Huang, Y.Z., Boland J.J., "A simple solvothermal route to controlled diameter geranium nanowires"., Journal of Materials Chemistry, , 18, (17 ), 2008, p2011 - 2015 Journal Article, 2008 DOI URL

Xueyan Wu, Jaideep S. Kulkarni, Gillian Collins, Nikolay Petkov, Dorothée Almecija, John J. Boland, Donats Erts and Justin D. Holmes, "Synthesis, Electrical and Mechanical Characterisation of Silicon and Germanium Nanowires" , Chemistry of Materials, 20, (19), 2008, p5954 - 5967 Journal Article, 2008 DOI URL

B. Wen, JE Sader and J.J. Boland, "The Mechanical Properties of ZnO Nanowires" , Phys. Rev. Lett. , 101, (17), 2008 Journal Article, 2008 URL DOI

Hernandez, Y, Nicolosi, V, Lotya, M, Blighe, FM, Sun, ZY, De, S, McGovern, IT, Holland, B, Byrne, M, Gun'ko, YK, Boland, JJ, Niraj, P, Duesberg, G, Krishnamurthy, S, Goodhue, R, Hutchison, J, Scardaci, V, Ferrari, AC, Coleman, JN, High-yield production of graphene by liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite, Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 2008, p563 - 568 Journal Article, 2008 DOI TARA - Full Text

Yenny Hernandez, Valeria Nicolos1, Mustafa Lotya, Fiona M Blighe, Zhenyu Sun, Sukanta De, IT McGovern, Brendan Holland, Michele Byrne, Yurii Gun'ko, John Boland, Peter Niraj, Georg Duesberg, Satheesh Krishnamurthy, Robbie Goodhue, John Hutchison, Vittorio Scardaci, Andrea C. Ferrari, and Jonathan N Coleman, High yield production of graphene by liquid phase exfoliation of graphite, Nature Nanotechnology , 3, (9), 2008, p563 - 568 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Baomei Wen, Yizhong Huang, John J. Boland, "Controllable Growth of ZnO Nanostructures by a simple solvothermal Process",, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, (1), 2008, p106 - 111 Journal Article, 2008 URL DOI

J.J. Boland, , "The best of both worlds - a novel approach to macromolecular STM studies". , Surf. Sci. , 602, , (1), 2008, p1 - 2 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Birjukovs P, Petkov N, Xu J, Svirksts J, Boland J, Holmes J, Erts D, , "Electrical characterisation of bismuth sulfide nanowire arrays by conductive atomic force microscopy", Journal of Physical Chemistry C,, 112 , (49), 2008, p19680 - 19685 Journal Article, 2008 DOI URL

Martin O'Toole and John J. Boland, "A solid-liquid-vapour mechanises for anisotropic silicon etching", Applied Physics Letters , 93, (26), 2008 Journal Article, 2008 URL DOI

Narushima T, Kinahan NT , Boland JJ, "Simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy and stress measurements to elucidate the origins of surface forces", Review of Scientific Instruments, , 78, (5), 2007 Journal Article, 2007 URL DOI

A. Heidelberg, L.T. Ngo, B Wu, J. Sader and J.J. Boland., "A generalized description of the elastic properties of nanowires". , Nano Lett. , 6, ((6) Jun 2006), 2006, p1101 - 1106 Journal Article, 2006

B. Naydenov, P.Ryan, L.C. Teague and J.J. Boland. , Measuring the force of interaction between a metallic probe and a single molecule", Phys. Rev. Lett. , 97, ((9) 098304 Sept), 2006 Journal Article, 2006 TARA - Full Text

B. Naydenov, P. Ryan, L.C. Teague and J.J. Boland., "Contact Formation Dynamics: bond formation between a molecule and metallic probe", Nano Lett , 6, ((8) Aug), 2006, p1752 - 1756 Journal Article, 2006

L.T. Ngo, D. Almecija, J. E. Sader, B. Daly, J. D. Holmes, D. Erts, and J. J. Boland. , "Ultimate Strength Ge Nanowires". , Nano Lett 2964-2968, , 6, ((12) Dec ), 2006 Journal Article, 2006

J. Boland , Semiconductor physics - Transport news., Nature 439 (7077): , 671, (Feb ), 2006 Journal Article, 2006

B.Wu and J.J. Boland., "Synthesis and Dispersion of Isolated High Aspect Ratio Gold Nanowires". , J. Coll. Interface Sci. , 303(2) , (611-616 Nov), 2006 Journal Article, 2006

Theis T, Parr D, Binks P, Ying J, Drexler KE, Schepers E , Mullis K , Bai CL, Boland JJ, Langer R, Dobson P , Rao CNR , Ferrari M, nan'' n., Nature Nanotechnology (1) 8-10 OCT 2006., (1), (8-10 Oct), 2006 Journal Article, 2006

D. Erts, B. Polyakov, B. Daly, M.A. Morris, S. Ellingboe, J. Boland, J.D. Holmes, "High density germanium nanowire assemblies: contact challenges and electrical characterisation", J. Phys. Chem. , B, (110, 820-826.Jan), 2006 Journal Article, 2006

Bin Wu, Andreas Heidelberg, John J. Boland, XiaoMing Sun, and YaDong Li., Microstructure-hardened silver nanowires, Nano Letters, 6, ((3) March), 2006, p468 - 472 Journal Article, 2006

Harrison BC, Ryan P, Boland JJ., "STM and DFT study of the Gd wetting layer reconstructions on the Si(001)-2 x 1 surface" , Surface Science. , 582, ((1-3) 10 May), 2005, p79 - 89 Journal Article, 2005

Wu B, Heidelberg A, Boland JJ., " Mechanical properties of ultrahigh-strength gold nanowires"., Nature Materials , 4, ((7) July), 2005, p525 - 529 Journal Article, 2005

Harrison BC, Boland JJ., "Real-time STM study of inter-nanowire reactions: GdSi2 nanowires on Si(100)" , Surface Science , 594, ((1-3) 1 Dec), 2005, p93 - 98 Journal Article, 2005

Narushima T, Kinahan NT, Boland JJ., "Simple controlled heating method for a free-standing sample using bimetallic strips" , Review of Scientific Instruments., 76, ((9) 095113 Sep), 2005 Journal Article, 2005

Rusakov KI, Gladyshchuk AA, Rakovich YP, Boland JJ, Donegan JE., "Modification of photon states in photonic molecules with semiconductor nanocrystals." , Optics and Spectroscopy , 99, ((3) September), 2005, p493 - 497 Journal Article, 2005

Rakovich YP, Boland JJ, Donegan JE., "Tunable photon lifetime in photonic molecules: a concept for delaying an optical signal"., Optics Letters , 30, ((20) 15 October ), 2005, p2775 - 2777 Journal Article, 2005

T A. Crowley, B. Daly, M. A. Morris, D. Erts, O. Kazakova, J. J. Boland, B. Wu and J. D. Holmes , "Probing the Magnetic Properties of Cobalt-Germanium Nanocable Arrays", J. of Materials Chem. 15 (24):, 15, (24), 2005, p2408 - 2413 Journal Article, 2005

Stadermann M, Papadakis SJ, Falvo MR and Boland JJ , "Exponential decay of local conductance in single-wall carbon nanotubes"., Physical Review B, 72, ((24): 245406 Dec.), 2005 Journal Article, 2005

Rakovich, Yu.P.; Gerlach, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Boland, J.; Connolly, T.; Przyjalgowski, M.; Ryder, A.; Gaponik, N.; Rogach, A.L., Spontaneous emission from semiconductor nanocrystals in coupled spherical microcavities, Physica Status Solidi C, (2), 2005, p858 - 861 Journal Article, 2005 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Yu.P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, T.M. Connolly, J.J.Boland, M.A. Przyjalgowski, A. Ryder, N.Gaponik and A.L. Rogach,, "Confined optical modes in small photonic molecules with semiconductor nanocrystals" , Journal of Applied Physics,, 96, (11), 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Teague LC, Boland JJ , Kinetically controlled reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene on Si(100), THIN SOLID FILMS, 1-4, (OCT), 2004, p464 - 465 Journal Article, 2004

Rakovich, Y. P., Donegan, J. F., Gerlach, M., Bradley, A. L., Connolly, T. M., Boland, J. J., Gaponik, N. and Rogach, A., Observation of coupled cavity modes in photonic molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Boland, J. J., Papadakis, S. J., Falvo, M. R., Snow, E., Fu, Q., Liu, J., Fridman, Y., Superfine, R., Washburn S. , Nanoscale Study of Conduction through Carbon Nanotube Networks, PHYSICAL REVIEW, B 69 (20), (Art. No. 201402 MAY), 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Chen, Dongxue and Boland, John J. , Dimer-Anticorrelation-Induced Stabilization of Adsorbate Clustering on Si(100)-2x1 Surface, Physical Review Letters, 92, (9, March 5), 2004, part. no. 096103 Journal Article, 2004

Teague, L. C. and Boland, J. J. , DFT Investigation of the Product Distribution following Reaction of 1,3-cyclobutadiene on the Si(100) surface, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, B 108 (23), (JUN 10), 2004, p7827 - 7830 Journal Article, 2004

D. Chen and J.J Boland. , "Spontaneous roughening of low-coverage Si(100)-2x1 : Cl surfaces: Patch formation on submonolayer halogenated Surface. , Phys. Rev B, 70, (20), 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Teague, L. C. and Boland, J. J., Organic Thin Film: Kinetically Controlled Reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadine on Si(100) substrate, Thin Film Solids, 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Heidelberg, A., Bloess, H., Schultze, J. W., Booth, C. J., Samulski, E. T., and Boland, J. J., Electronic properties of LiMo3Se3-Nanowires and Mo3Se3-nanowire-networks for nanoscale electronic devices, Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal Of Research In Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 217, (5), 2003, p573 - 585 Journal Article, 2003

Teague L. C., Boland J. J, STM study of multiple bonding configurations and mechanism of 1,3-cyclohexadiene attachment on Si(100)-2 x 1, Journal Of Physical Chemistry B , 107, (16), 2003, p3820 - 3823 Journal Article, 2003

Chen, D. X., Boland, J. J., Steric interaction model of roughening and vacancy reorganization on halogen-terminated Si(100)-2x1 surfaces, Physical Review B , 67, (19), 2003, p195328 Journal Article, 2003

Stadermann, M., Grube H., Boland, John J., Papadakis, S. J., Falvo, M.R., Superfine, R., Washburn, S. , Simultaneous atomic force microscopy measurement of topography and contact resistance of metal films and carbon nanotubes, Review Of Scientific Instruments , 74, (8), 2003, p3653 - 3655 Journal Article, 2003

Chen, D. X., Boland, J. J., Chemisorption-induced disruption of surface electronic structure: Hydrogen adsorption on the Si(100)-2x1 surface, PHYS REV B , 65, (16 (April 15)), 2002, art. no. 165336 Journal Article, 2002

Herrmann, C. F., Chen, D. X. and Boland, John J., Spontaneous roughening: Fundamental limits in Si(100) halogen etch processing, PHYS REV LETT , 89, (9 Aug 26), 2002, art. no. 096102 Journal Article, 2002

Chen, D. X., Boland, J. J., Spontaneous roughening and vacancy dynamics on Si(100)-2x1 : Cl , SURF SCI , 518, (3 Oct 20), 2002, pL583 - L587 Journal Article, 2002

Grube, H., Harrison, B. C., Jia, J. F., and Boland, John J., Stability, resolution, and tip-tip imaging by a dual-probe scanning tunneling microscope, REV SCI INSTRUM , 72, (12 (Dec)), 2001, p4388 - 4392 Journal Article, 2001

Herrmann, C. F., Boland, John J. , Vacancy dynamics and reorganization on bromine-etched Si(100)-(2x1) surfaces , PHYS REV LETT , 87, (11 (Sept 10)), 2001, p115503 Journal Article, 2001

Buehler, E. J. and Boland, John J. , Dimer Preparation that Mimics the Transition State for the Adsorption of H2 on the Si(100)-2x1 Surface, Science, October, 2000 Journal Article, 2000

Herrmann, C. F. and Boland, John J., The Role of Repulsive Interactions in Molecular Bromine Adsorption and Patterning of Si(100)-2x1, Surface Science, 460, 2000, p233 Journal Article, 2000

Buehler, E. J. and Boland, John J, Identification of a Novel Hydride Species on the Si(100)-2x1 Surface, Surface Science , 425, 1999, pL363 Journal Article, 1999

Herrmann, C. F. and Boland, John J., Probing Repulsive Interactions on the Si(100)-2x1 Surface by Tip-Induced Excitation, J. Phys. Chem, 103, 1999, p4207 Journal Article, 1999

Boland, John J. and Weaver, J. H., A Surface View of Etching, Physics Today, August, 1998, p34 Journal Article, 1998

Grube, H. and Boland, John J., Origin of Homoepitaxial Faulted Island Growth on the Si(111) Surface, Surface Science , 407, 1998, p152 Journal Article, 1998

McEllistrem, M. T., Buehler, J., Itchkawitz, B. S. and Boland, John J., Abstraction of Chemisorbed Bromine Atoms on the Si(111) surface by Incident Atoms, J. Chem. Phys, 108, 1998, p7384 Journal Article, 1998

Fouchier, M. and Boland, John J., Energy of Si(111) Dimer-Stacking Fault Structures, Phys. Rev, B57, , 1998, p8997 Journal Article, 1998

McEllistrem, M. T., Allgeier, M. and Boland, John J., Dynamics of Dangling Bond Diffusion and Recombination on the Si(100)-2x1 Surface, Science, , 279, 1998, p545 Journal Article, 1998

M. Fouchier, M., McEllistrem, M. T. and Boland, John J., Novel Adatom-Terminated Steps on the Ge(111)-1x1:Br Surface, Surf. Sci, 385, 1997, pL905 Journal Article, 1997

Itchkawitz, B. S., McEllistrem, M. T., Grube, H. and Boland, John J., Role of Dimer-Stacking Fault Structures in Si(111) Etching and Growth , Surf. Sci, 385, 1997, p281 Journal Article, 1997

Itchkawitz, B. S., McEllistrem, M. T. and Boland, John J. , Equivalent Step Structures along Inequivalent Crystallographic Directions on Halogen-Terminated Si(111)-1x1 Surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett, 78, 1997, p98 - 101 Journal Article, 1997

Kubby and Boland, John J., Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Semiconductor Surfaces, Surf. Sci, 26, 1996, p61 - 204 Journal Article, 1996

Boland, John J., Manipulating Chlorine Atom Bonding on the Si(100)-2x1 with the STM, Science, 262, 1993, p1703 - 1706 Journal Article, 1993

Boland, John J, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of the Interaction of Hydrogen with Silicon Surfaces, Adv. Phys, 42, 1993, p129 - 171 Journal Article, 1993

Boland, John J., Hydrogen as a Probe of Semiconductor Surface Structure: The Ge(111)-c(2x8) Surface, Science, 255, 1992, p186 - 188 Journal Article, 1992

Boland, John J. and Parsons, Gregory N, Selective Deposition and Bond Strain Relaxation in Silicon PECVD Using Time Modulated Silane Flow, J. Appl.Phys, 31, 1992, p1743 - 1748 Journal Article, 1992

Boland, John J., A Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of the Adsorption and Recombinative Desorption of Hydrogen from the Si(100)-2x1 Surface, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A10, 1992, p2458 - 2464 Journal Article, 1992

Boland, John J. and Parsons, Gregory N., Bond Selectivity in Silicon Film Growth, Science, 256, 1992, p1304 - 1306 Journal Article, 1992

Boland, John J., Role of Bond Strain in the Chemistry of Hydrogen on the Si(100) Surface, , Surf. Sci, 261, 1992, p17 - 28 Journal Article, 1992

Takamori, Takeshi and Boland, John J. , On Pyrochlore-Type Bismuth Platinum Oxide, J. Cryst. Growth, 112, 1991, p660 - 662 Journal Article, 1991

Boland, John J., The Importance of Structure and Bonding in Semiconductor Surface Chemistry: Hydrogen on the Si(111)-7x7 Surface, Surf. Sci, 244, 1991, p1 - 14 Journal Article, 1991

Boland, John J., Evidence of Pairing and its Role in the Recombinative Desorption of Hydrogen from the Si(100)-2x1 Surface, Phys. Rev. Lett, 67, 1991, p1593 - 1596 Journal Article, 1991

Boland, John J., The Driving Force Behind the Chemistry of Hydrogen on the Si(111)-7x7 Surface, J. Vac. Sci. Technol, B9, 1991, p764 - 769 Journal Article, 1991

Boland, John J., Nature of the Hydride Species on the Hydrogenated Si(111)-7x7 Surface, J. Phys. Chem, 95, 1991, p1521 - 1524 Journal Article, 1991

Boland, John J., Role of Hydrogen Desorption in the Chemical-Vapor Deposition of Epitaxial Si(100) Films using Disilane, Phys. Rev, B44, 1991, p1383 - 1386 Journal Article, 1991

Takamori, Takeshi and Boland, John J., Platinum Erosion during Growth of Sillenite-Type Crystals, , Mater. Sci. Lett, 10, 1991, p972 - 974 Journal Article, 1991

Takamori, Takeshi., Boland, John J. and Dove, Derek B., Controlled Levitation of a Large Magnet above a Superconductor, Rev. Sci. Instrum, 61, 1990, p1984 - 1986 Journal Article, 1990

Boland, John J. and Villarrubia, J. S., The Formation of Si(111)1x1-Cl, Phys. Rev, B41, 1990, p9865 - 9870 Journal Article, 1990

Boland, John J., Structure of the H-Saturated Si(100) Surface, Phys. Rev. Lett, 65, 1990, p3325 - 3328 Journal Article, 1990

Boland, John J. and Villarrubia, J. S., Identification of the Products from the Reaction of Chlorine with the Si(111)-7x7 Surface, Science, 248, 1990, p838 - 840 Journal Article, 1990

Boland, John J. and Villarrubia, J. S, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Si(111)-7x7 Rest-Atom Layer Following Adatom Removal by Reaction with Cl, Phys. Rev. Lett, 63, 1989, p306 - 309 Journal Article, 1989

Takamori, Takeshi., Boland, John J. and Dove, Derek B., Magnetic Field Controlled Levitation and Suspension of a Magnet above and below Type II Superconductors, Appl. Phys. Lett, 55, 1989, p1454 - 1456 Journal Article, 1989

Boland, John J. and Segredo, Eugenio, Characterization of the Photoresist Residue in Integrated Thermionic Devices, J. Appl. Phys, 64, 1988, p2725 - 2728 Journal Article, 1988

Takamori, Takeshi., Boland, John J., Thermal Decomposition Mechanism of the Triple Carbonate (Ba,Sr,Ca)CO3, J. Appl. Phys, 64, 1988, p2130 - 2133 Journal Article, 1988

Boland, John J., Spatially Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies for Device-Type Applications, J. Vac. Sci. Technol, 4B, 1987, p1256 - 1258 Journal Article, 1987

Boland, John J. and Segredo, Eugenio, Observation of Apparent Compensation Behavior in Thermionic Electronic Emission, IEEE IEDM, 30.5, 1987, p87 - 701 Journal Article, 1987

Boland, John J., Voltage Contrast XPS - A Novel Scheme for Spatially Resolved XPS Studies, Surf. Interface Anal, 10, 1987, p149 - 152 Journal Article, 1987

Boland, John J., Halaka, Folim G. and Baldeschwieler, John D., A Novel Scheme for Structure Determination in EXAFS, Chem. Phys. Lett, 129, 1986, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 1986

Detection of Ionizing Radiation in, Nuclear Medical Physics, Vol. II, CRC Press , 1985, pp1 - 38, [Boland, John J. and Gamble, Ronald C.] Book Chapter, 1985

Boland, John J. and Baldeschwieler, John D., The Effect of Thermal Vibrations on Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure I, , J. Chem. Phys, 80, 1984, p3005 - 3017 Journal Article, 1984

Boland, John J., Halaka, Folim G. and Baldeschwieler, John D, . Identification of Neighboring Atoms in Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy, J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 106, 1984, p5408 - 5413 Journal Article, 1984

Boland, John J. and Baldeschwieler, John D, The Effect of Thermal Vibrations on Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure II, J. Chem. Phys, 81, 1984, p1145 - 1159 Journal Article, 1984

Boland, John J., Halaka, Folim G. and Baldeschwieler, John D, . Possibility of Bond Length Determination Without the Use of Model Compounds or Calculated Phase Shifts, EXAFS and Near Edge Structure III, Springer-Verlag, Berlin??, 1984, p80 - 82 Journal Article, 1984

Boland, John J., Halaka, Folim G. and Baldeschwieler, John D., Data Analysis in Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Determination of the Background Absorption and the Threshold Energy, Phys. Rev, B28, 1983, p2921 - 2926 Journal Article, 1983

Boland, John J., Crane, Stephen E. and Baldeschwieler, John D., Theory of Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Single and Multiple Scattering Formalisms, J. Chem. Phys, 77, 1982, p142 - 153 Journal Article, 1982

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

X Zhang, M Wang, H Wang, M Upmanyu, J Boland, , "Restructuring of emergent grain boundaries at free surfaces-an interplay between core stabilization and elastic stress generation", Research Square, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

T A. Crowley, B. Daly, M. A. Morris, D. Erts, O. Kazakova, J. J. Boland, B. Wu and J. D. Holmes , "Probing the Magnetic Properties of Cobalt-Germanium Nanocable Arrays" , J. of Materials Chem. , 15, (24), 2005, p2408 - 2413 Journal Article, 2005

Research Expertise


Research Funding ***Science Foundation Ireland Future Innovation Prize (2022/23) - €267 ***Science Foundation Ireland Future Innovator Prize (2021/22) - €220k ***ERC Proof of Concept Award (TALNET) (2020 -2021) - €150k ***SFI AMBER 2 Research Centre Award €42.2m(2019 - 2024): €127,500 to PI Grant no: 12/RC/2278_P2. Website *** Intel Research Programme (2020-2021) - €66,694 to PI (Part funded by SFI) ***Science Foundation Ireland PI Award ( 2018 - 2023): €1.8m PI. Grant No: 16/IA/4462 Website: ***FP7-2012-Ideas- ERC AdG - COGNET. (2013- 2018): €2.5m. Website: ***Science Foundation Ireland ERC Support Programme (2013 - 2017): 300K. Grant no. 13/ERC/12834 The SFI-ERC supplement to ERC-sponsored project (COGNET) ***Science Foundation Ireland PI Award (2013 - 2018): €1.3m PI. Grant No: SFI/IA/1482 Website: ***SFI AMBER Research Centre Award €58m(2013 - 2019); €1.1m to PI Grant no. 12/RC/2278 Website: ***Martin Naughton- Notre Dame Funding (2012 - 2016): US$70k. Website: ***EU FP7 ICT - 2012 FET 9.6 Molarnet (2012 - 2016) €595k (Collaborator with 5 Partners). Total EU Grant: €4m Website: ***IRCSET Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012 - 2014) €91k (IRC-P/D EMP12) Website: ***SFI TIDA Feasibility Award €50k(2011 - 2012) ***EU NMP FP7 Award MultiDimension SPM (MDSPM) €360k(2008 -2012) ***IRCSET P/G S/Ship (2007- 2010, Closed): €72k Grant No: RS/2007/02. Website: ***Science Foundation Ireland PI Award (2007 - 2012)€3.5m ***Science Foundation Ireland PI Award (2002 - 2006)€6.9m ***Prior funding from US NSF and US ONR totalling $2.4m (1994-2001) *"Mobility Key to Silicon Etching" Chemical & Engineering News, 11, Sept 10, 2001 *"Silicon Surface Key To Energetics Puzzle" Chemical & Engineering News, 78 (47), November 20, 2000 *"Scientists Tone Down Silicon Rockers" Science News 158, 287 (2000) *"STM Tips Scientists on Atomic Details" C&E News, Feb 16, 1998. *Top-ten most cited paper in chemistry (Science Watch, 1994) *"Magical Effects of Hydrogen Atoms on a Surface of Silicon", Science Watch, Jan. 1994. *"Dissecting Surfaces", by B. Schechter. Research, 3, 8 (1992). *"The Practical Blind Side of Basic Research" New York Times, March 1992. *"Hydrogen can peel atoms off layer by layer", by E. Pennisi. Science News, 141, 38 (1992). *"Silicon Surface Secrets revealed by STM", by D. Robbins. Physics World, 4, 24 (1991)



Over 140 invited presentations at universities, research centers and international scientific meetings.

Awards and Honours

SFI Researcher of the Year Award (2018) 2018

INTEL Outstanding Researcher Award (2017) 23 January 2018

Laureate of the 11th ACSIN Nanoscience Prize (2011), St Petersburg, Russia 2011

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research image of the year (2011) 2011

Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)(2011) 2011

Elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy (2010) 2010

Elected Fellow American Vacuum Society (AVS) (2009) 2009

Elected Professorial Fellow, Trinity College Dublin (2008) 2008

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Principle Investigator Award , Trinity College Dublin 2007 & 2002 & 2013

J.J. Hermans Chair Professorship, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC, USA 2000-2002

Faculty Teaching Award , UNC-Chapel Hill, USA (1996) 1996

UNC Faculty Award, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC, USA (1994) 1994

Outstanding Technical Innovation Award, IBM, USA (1994) 1992

Newby McKoy Graduate Research Award , Caltech, USA (1982) 1982

IBM Graduate Student Fellowship, Caltech, USA (1982) 1982 - 1984

Ryan Medal Recipient 1st Place Award BSc Hons, UCD (1979) 1979


Organising Committee, SOI and SI Nano devices, CRANN, TCD (2014) 2014 – 2014

Organising Committee, ISCP China-Ireland symposium (2014) 2014 – 2014

Organising Committee, Flatlands Beyond Graphene (2014) 2014 – 2014

Member Editorial Board, Institute of Physics, Journal of Physics D (2012-) 2012 – to date

Program Committee, 13th International Conference on Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, Prague (2011) 2011 – 2011

Advisory Board Committee, 6th International Symposium on Surface Science, Tokyo (2011) 2011 – 2011

National Academic Lead, INSPIRE Nanotechnology Consortium (2008 - 2011) 2008 – 2011

Expert consultant on Industry-Academia Engagement, VinNova, Sweden (2010) 2010 – 2010

Member Organizing Committee, 15th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Beijing (2010) 2010 – 2010

Program Committee, 26th European Conference on Surface Science, Parma, Italy (2009) 2009 – 2009

Program Committee, 13th European Conference on Applications of Surf & Interface Antalya (2009). 2009 – 2009

Program Committee, 12th International Conference on Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, Weimar (2009) 2009 – 2009

Chair, 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Dublin (ICSFS-14) (2008) 2008 – 2008

Advisory Committee, 5th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Waseda (2008) 2008 – 2008

Advisory Committee, 25th European Conference on Surface Science, Liverpool (2008) 2008 – 2008

Member Editorial Board, Nano Research (2008) 2008 – 2008

Co-Chair, 3rd Nanomaterials and NanoManufacturing Conference, Dublin (2007) 2007 – 2007

Member Royal Irish Academy Physical Sciences Committee (2004 - 2007) 2004 – 2007

Advisory Committee, 5th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Omiya (2006) 2006 – 2006

Advisory Committee, 13th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Bariloche (2006) 2006 – 2006

Associate Editor, Journal Vacuum Science and Technology (2006 - to date) 2007 – to date

Member SFI Physical Sciences Steering Committee (2004 -2006) 2004 – 2006

International Review Panel for Stacie Molecular Institute, CNR Canada (2004) 2004 – 2004

AVS Surface Science Division National Program Chair (2003) 2003 – 2003

Member Advisory Commitee, 7th Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Nara (2003) 2003 – 2003

Member Surface Science Executive Committee, American Vacuum Society (1999 - 2002) 1999 – 2002

Program Committee, Atomically Controlled Surtfaces and Interfaces, Tokyo (1999) 1999 – 1999

Program Committee, Gordon Research Conference on Electronic Materials (1999) 1999 – 1999

Chair Organizing Committee, SESAPS/MRS Regional Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, USA (1999) 1999 – 1999

Chair ACS Regional Meeting, Raleigh, NY, USA (1998) 1998 – 1998

Member, Organizing Committee, 4th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces and Interfaces, Waseda University, Japan (1997) 1997 – 1997

Chair, Surface Science Section, Southeast Regional ACS Meeting (1997) 1997 – 1997

Chair, Gordon Conference on Electronic Materials, New Hampshire,NY(1997) 1997 – 1997

Member NSF Nanotechnology Panel Review (1996) 1996 – 1996

Program Committee, N.C. Flat Panel Display Workshop (1996) 1996 – 1996

Organizing Committee, 3rd Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Raleigh, NY (1996) 1996 – 1996

Member NSF Materials Science Panel Review (1995) 1995 – 1995

President, North Carolina Chapter of the Materials Science Society

Referee for: Science, Nature, Physical Review, Physical Review Letters, Surface Science,Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of the American Chemical Society