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Dr. Richard Hobbs
Research Fellow, Chemistry

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Kenan Elibol, Clemens Mangler, David D. O'Regan, Kimmo Mustonen, Dominik Eder, Jannik C. Meyer, Jani Kotakoski, Richard G. Hobbs, Toma Susi, and Bernhard C. Bayer, Single Indium Atoms and Few-Atom Indium Clusters Anchored onto Graphene via Silicon Heteroatoms, ACS Nano, 15, (9), 2021, p14373-14383 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Putnam William, Keathley Phillip D., Hobbs Richard G., Berggren Karl K., Kaertner Franz, Probing the Femtosecond Response of Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Strong-field Photoemission , Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics , San Jose, California , 2017, , Optical Society of America , 2017, ppFM3H.1 Conference Paper, 2017 DOI URL

Yang Yujia, Hobbs Richard G., Manfrinato Vitor R., Goodman Sarah A., Berggren Karl K., Numerical Simulation of Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Aluminum Nanodisk Surface Plasmons , Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics , San Jose, California , 2017, , Optical Society of America , 2017, ppFM3H.4 Conference Paper, 2017 DOI URL

Putnam William P, Hobbs Richard G, Keathley Phillip D, Berggren Karl K, Kärtner Franz X, Optical-field-controlled photoemission from plasmonic nanoparticles , Nature Physics , 13, 2017, p335 - 339 Journal Article, 2017 URL

Agarwal, Akshay; Kim, Chung-Soo; Hobbs, Richard; van Dyck, Dirk; Berggren, Karl K., A nanofabricated, monolithic, path-separated electron interferometer , Scientific Reports, 7, 2017, p1677 Journal Article, 2017 URL

Agarwal Akshay, Kim Chung-Soo, Hobbs Richard, Van Dyck Dirk, Berggren Karl K, Monolithic Multi-Grating Diffraction in a Convergent Electron Beam , Microscopy and Microanalysis , 22 , (S3 ), 2016, p166 - 167 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Hobbs Richard G, Manfrinato Vitor R, Yang Yujia, Goodman Sarah A, Zhang Lihua, Stach Eric A, Berggren Karl K, High-energy surface and volume plasmons in nanopatterned sub-10 nm aluminum nanostructures , Nano Letters , 16 , (7 ), 2016, p4149 - 4157 Journal Article, 2016 URL

FX Kärtner, Frederike Ahr, A-L Calendron, H Çankaya, S Carbajo, G Chang, G Cirmi, K Dörner, U Dorda, A Fallahi, A Hartin, M Hemmer, RG Hobbs, Yi Hua, WR Huang, R Letrun, N Matlis, V Mazalova, OD Mücke, E Nanni, W Putnam, K Ravi, F Reichert, I Sarrou, X Wu, A Yahaghi, Hong Ye, L Zapata, D Zhang, C Zhou, RJD Miller, KK Berggren, H Graafsma, A Meents, RW Assmann, HN Chapman, P Fromme, AXSIS: Exploring the frontiers in attosecond X-ray science, imaging and spectroscopy , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment , 829 , 2016, p24 - 29 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Yang Yujia, Kim Chung-Soo, Hobbs Richard, Agarwal Akshay, Kruit Pieter, Berggren Karl K, A novel design of coherent and efficient electron beam-splitter based on quantum interaction-free measurement , American Physical Society, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016 URL

Kruit Pieter, Hobbs Richard G, Kim Chung-Soo, Yang Yujia, Manfrinato Vitor R, Hammer Jacob, Thomas Sebastian, Weber Philipp, Klopfer Brannon, Kohstall Christoph, Juffmann Thomas, Kasevich Mark A, Hommelhoff Peter, Berggren Karl K , Designs for a quantum electron microscope , Ultramicroscopy , 164 , 2016, p31 - 45 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Connaughton S, Kolesnik-Gray M, Hobbs R, Lotty O, Holmes J.D, Krstic V, Diameter-driven crossover in resistive behaviour of heavily doped self-seeded germanium nanowires, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, (1), 2016, p1284 - 1288 Journal Article, 2016 URL DOI

Putnam William P, Hobbs Richard G, Yang Y, Berggren Karl K, Kärtner Franz X, Ultrafast optical-field controlled photoemission from plasmonic nanoparticle arrays, Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, 2015 Journal Article, 2015 URL

Putnam WP, Hobbs RG, Yang Y, Berggren KK, Kärtner FX, Carrier-envelope phase sensitive photoemission from resonant and off-resonant plasmonic nanoparticles , European Quantum Electronics Conference, Optical Society of America , 2015, ppEE_5a_3 - Conference Paper, 2015 URL

Yang Yujia, Kim Chung-Soo, Hobbs Richard, Manfrinato Vitor, Celiker Orhan, Kruit Pieter, Berggren Karl, Interaction-Free Quantum Electron Microscope in Free-Space , 1 , 2015, pp21008 - Conference Paper, 2015 URL

Connaughton S, Hobbs R, Lotty O, Holmes J.D, Krsti- V, Variation of Self-Seeded Germanium Nanowire Electronic Device Functionality due to Synthesis Condition Determined Surface States, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2, (5), 2015 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

Hobbs Richard G, Yang Yujia, Fallahi Arya, Keathley Philip D, De Leo Eva, Kärtner Franz X, Graves William S, Berggren Karl K, High-yield, ultrafast, surface plasmon-enhanced, Au nanorod optical field electron emitter arrays , ACS Nano , 8 , (11 ), 2014, p11474 - 11482 Journal Article, 2014 URL

Hobbs RG, Yang Y, Keathley PD, Swanwick ME, Velásquez-García LF, Kärtner FX, Graves WS, Berggren KK, High-density Au nanorod optical field-emitter arrays , Nanotechnology , 25 , (46 ), 2014, p465304 - Journal Article, 2014 URL

Hobbs RG, Yang Y, Keathley PD, De Leo Eva, Graves WS, Berggren KK, Fallahi A, Kärtner FX, Ultrafast, surface plasmon-enhanced, au nanorod optical field electron emitter arrays , International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IEEE , 2014, pp16 - 17 Conference Paper, 2014 URL

Fallahi A, Hobbs GR, Yang Y, Keathley PD, Swanwick ME, Velasquez-Garcia LF, Berggren KK, Kärtner FX, Complete simulation of laser induced field emission from nanostructures using a DGTD, PIC and FEM code , International Particle Accelerator Conference, Dresden, Germany, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014 URL

Vitor R Manfrinato, Jianguo Wen, Lihua Zhang, Yujia Yang, Richard G Hobbs, Bowen Baker, Dong Su, Dmitri Zakharov, Nestor J Zaluzec, Dean J Miller, Eric A Stach, Karl K Berggren, Determining the resolution limits of electron-beam lithography: direct measurement of the point-spread function , Nano Letters , 14 , (8 ), 2014, p4406 - 4412 Journal Article, 2014 URL

Putnam William, Hobbs Richard, Yang Yujia, Berggren Karl K, Kärtner Franz, Carrier-envelope phase sensitive strong-field photoemission from plasmonic nanoparticles , CLEO, Optical Society of America , 2014, ppFTu1D - 5 Conference Paper, 2014 URL

Yu Ran, Georgiev Yordan M, Das Samaresh, Hobbs Richard G, Povey Ian M, Petkov Nikolay, Shayesteh Maryam, O'Connell Dan, Holmes Justin D, Duffy Ray, Junctionless nanowire transistor fabricated with high mobility Ge channel , Physica Status Solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters , 8 , (1 ), 2014, p65 - 68 Journal Article, 2014 URL

Borah, D., Rassapa, S., Shaw, M.T., Hobbs, R.G., Petkov, N., Schmidt, M., Holmes, J.D., Morris, M.A.,, Directed self-assembly of PS-b-PMMA block copolymer using HSQ lines for translational alignment, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1, (6), 2013, p1192 - 1196 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Borah, D., Rassapa, S., Shaw, M.T., Hobbs, R.G., Petkov, N., Schmidt, M., Holmes, J.D., Morris, M.A., Directed self-assembly of PS-b-PMMA block copolymer using HSQ lines for translational alignment, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1, (6), 2013, p1192-1196 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Rahme, Kamil; Chen, Lan; Hobbs, Richard G; Morris, Michael A; O'Driscoll, Caitriona; Holmes, Justin D; , PEGylated gold nanoparticles: polymer quantification as a function of PEG lengths and nanoparticle dimensions, RSC Advances 3, 17, 2013, p6085-6094 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

WS Graves, K Berggren, S Carbajo, R Hobbs, K Hong, W Huang, FX Kärtner, PD Keathley, DE Moncton, E Nanni, K Ravi, M Swanwick, LF Velásquez-García, LJ Wong, Y Yang, L Zapata, Y Zhou, J Bessuille, P Brown, E Ihloff, J Derksen, A Fallahi, F Scheiba, X Wu, D Mihalcea, Ph Piot, I Viti, Compact xfel light source , Free Electron Laser Conference, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013 URL

RG Hobbs, Y Yang, PD Keathley, WS Graves, ME Swanwick, LF Velásquez-García, KK Berggren, FX Kärtner, High-density optically actuated Au nanorod electron emitter arrays , International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IEEE , 2013, pp1 - 2 Conference Paper, 2013 URL

Manfrinato Vitor R, Zhang Lihua, Su Dong, Duan Huigao, Hobbs Richard G, Stach Eric A, Berggren Karl K, Resolution limits of electron-beam lithography toward the atomic scale , Nano Letters , 13 , (4 ), 2013, p1555 - 1558 Journal Article, 2013 URL

Lotty Olan, Hobbs Richard, O'Regan Colm, Hlina Johann, Marschner Christoph, O'Dwyer Colm, Petkov Nikolay, Holmes Justin D, Self-Seeded Growth of Germanium Nanowires: Coalescence and Ostwald Ripening , Chemistry of Materials , 25 , 2013, p215 - 222 Journal Article, 2013 URL

Hobbs RG, Schmidt M, Bolger CT, Georgiev YM, Fleming P, Morris MA, Petkov N, Holmes JD, Xiu F, Wang KL, Djara V, Yu R, Colinge J-P, Resist-substrate interface tailoring for generating high-density arrays of Ge and Bi 2Se 3 nanowires by electron beam lithography, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 30, (4), 2012 Journal Article, 2012 DOI URL

Hobbs RG, Farrell RA, Bolger CT, Kelly RA, Morris MA, Petkov N, Holmes JD, Selective sidewall wetting of polymer blocks in hydrogen silsesquioxane directed self-assembly of PS-b-PDMS, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4, (9), 2012, p4637-4642 Journal Article, 2012 URL DOI

Yu Ran, Das Samaresh, Hobbs Richard, Georgiev Yordan, Ferain Isabelle, Razavi Pedram, Akhavan Nima Dehdashti, Colinge Cynthia A, Colinge Jean-Pierre, Top-down process of Germanium nanowires using EBL exposure of Hydrogen Silsesquioxane resist , 2012, IEEE , 2012, pp145 - 148 Conference Paper, 2012

Hobbs Richard, Petkov Nikolay, Holmes Justin, Methods and materials for lithography of a high resolution HSQ resist , 2012, - Miscellaneous, 2012 URL

Hobbs Richard G, Petkov Nikolay, Holmes Justin D, Semiconductor nanowire fabrication by bottom-up and top-down paradigms , Chemistry of Materials , 24 , (11 ), 2012, p1975 - 1991 Journal Article, 2012 URL

Barth Sven, Kazakova Olga, Estrade Sonia, Hobbs Richard G, Peiro Francesca, Morris Michael A, Holmes Justin D, Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization of Coaxial Ge1-x Mn x/a-Si Heterostructures , Crystal Growth & Design , 11 , (12 ), 2011, p5253 - 5259 Journal Article, 2011 URL

Hobbs Richard G, Barth Sven, Petkov Nikolay, Zirngast Michaela, Marschner Christoph, Morris Michael A, Holmes Justin D, Seedless growth of sub-10 nm germanium nanowires , Journal of the American Chemical Society , 132 , (39 ), 2010, p13742 - 13749 Journal Article, 2010 URL

Arnold Donna C, Hobbs Richard G, Zirngast Michaela, Marschner Christoph, Hill Justin J, Ziegler Kirk J, Morris Michael A, Holmes Justin D, Single step synthesis of Ge-SiOx core-shell heterostructured nanowires , Journal of Materials Chemistry , 19 , (7 ), 2009, p954 - 961 Journal Article, 2009 URL

Richard G. Hobbs, William P. Putnam, Arya Fallahi, Yujia Yang, Franz X. Kärtner, and Karl K. Berggren, Mapping Photoemission and Hot-Electron Emission from Plasmonic Nanoantennas, Nano Letters, 17, (10), 2017, p6069 - 6076 Journal Article, 2017 URL DOI

Chung-Soo Kim, Richard G Hobbs, Akshay Agarwal, Yang Yang, Vitor R Manfrinato, Michael P Short, Ju Li, Karl K Berggren, Focused-helium-ion-beam blow forming of nanostructures: radiation damage and nanofabrication, Nanotechnology, 31, 2020, p045302- Journal Article, 2020

P. D. Keathley, W. P. Putnam, P. Vasireddy, R. G. Hobbs, Y. Yang, K. K. Berggren, F. X. Kärtner, Vanishing carrier-envelope-phase-sensitive response in optical-field photoemission from plasmonic nanoantennas, Nature Physics, 15, 2019, p1128- Journal Article, 2019

Chuan Zhong, Patrick Flanigan, Nicolás Abadía, Frank Bello, Brian D. Jennings, Gwenael Atcheson, Jing Li, Jian-Yao Zheng, Jing Jing Wang, Richard Hobbs, David McCloskey and John F. Donegan, Effective heat dissipation in an adiabatic near-field transducer for HAMR, Optics Express, 26, (15), 2018, p18842--18854 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Yujia Yang, Chung-Soo Kim, Richard G Hobbs, Pieter Kruit, Karl K Berggren, Efficient two-port electron beam splitter via a quantum interaction-free measurement, Phys. Rev. A, 98, 2018, p043621- Journal Article, 2018

Ranveig Flatabø, Akshay Agarwal, Richard Hobbs, Martin M Greve, Bodil Holst, Karl K Berggren, Exploring proximity effects and large depth of field in helium ion beam lithography: large-area dense patterns and tilted surface exposure, Nanotechnology, 29, 2018, p275301- Journal Article, 2018

Kamonpan Chumpol, Niall McEvoy, Xia Zhang, Richard G. Hobbs, Multiphoton absorption and graphitization in poly(methyl methacrylate)-coated aluminum nanoantenna arrays, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 124, (16), 2020, p8930 - 8937 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Turchetti M., Kim C.-S., Hobbs R., Yang Y., Kruit P., Berggren K.K., Design and simulation of a linear electron cavity for quantum electron microscopy, Ultramicroscopy, 199, 2019, p50 - 61 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Kenan Elibol, Clive Downing and Richard G Hobbs, Nanoscale mapping of shifts in dark plasmon modes in sub 10 nm aluminum nanoantennas, Nanotechnology, 33, 2022, p475203- Journal Article, 2022 URL

Yujia Yang, Richard G. Hobbs, Phillip D. Keathley, and Karl K. Berggren, Electron energy loss of ultraviolet plasmonic modes in aluminum nanodisks, OPTICS EXPRESS, 28, (19), 2020, p27405 - 27414 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Kenan Elibol, Toma Susi, Clemens Mangler, Dominik Eder, Jannik C Meyer, Jani Kotakoski, Richard G Hobbs, Peter A van Aken, Bernhard C Bayer, Linear indium atom chains at graphene edges, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 7, 2023, p2- Journal Article, 2023 URL

Chumpol, K. and Elibol, K. and Zhang, X. and Hobbs, R.G., Mapping electron emission and multiphoton absorption in plasmonic nanoantenna arrays, 2019, pp377-378 Conference Paper, 2019

Chuan Zhong, Patrick Flanigan, Nicolás Abadía, Brian Jennings, Frank Bello, Gwenael Atcheson, Jing Li, Jian-Yao Zheng, Richard Hobbs, David McCloskey and John F. Donegan, High Coupling Efficiency Adiabatic Near-field Transducer for (HAMR), 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2018, CLEO: Applications and Technology, 2018, OSA, 2018, pp1- Conference Paper, 2018 DOI

Putnam, W.P. and Keathley, P.D. and Hobbs, R.G. and Vasireddy, P. and Berggren, K.K. and Kartner, F.X., Sub-Cycle Effects in Carrier-Envelope-Phase-Sensitive Photoemission from Plasmonic Nanoparticles, (8426475), 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Rahme, K. and Chen, L. and Hobbs, R.G. and Morris, M.A. and O'Driscoll, C. and Holmes, J.D., Correction: PEGylated gold nanoparticles: polymer quantification as a function of PEG lengths and nanoparticle dimensions (RSC Adv. (2013) 3 (6085â€"6094) DOI: 10.1039/C3RA22739A), RSC Advances, 7, (15), 2017, p8798-8799 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Yujia Yang, Chung-Soo Kim, Richard G Hobbs, Phillip D Keathley, Karl K Berggren, Nanostructured-membrane electron phase plates, ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 217, 2020, p113053- Journal Article, 2020 URL

Navid Abedzadeh, MAR Krielaart, Chung-Soo Kim, John Simonaitis, Richard Hobbs, Pieter Kruit, Karl K Berggren, Electrostatic electron mirror in SEM for simultaneous imaging of top and bottom surfaces of a sample, ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 226, 2021, p113304- Journal Article, 2021 URL

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Nanolace
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 1 Jan 2020
  • Date To
    • 31 Dec 2024
  • Title
    • Engineering energy transfer on the nanoscale at plasmonic surfaces
  • Funding Agency
    • Royal Society and SFI
  • Title
    • Engineering plasmonic nanoantennas for nanochemistry and ultrafast electronics
  • Funding Agency
    • Royal Society and Science Foundation Ireland
  • Date From
    • 1 Oct 2021
  • Date To
    • 30 Sep 2024
  • Title
    • Engineering plasmonic nanoantennas for nanochemistry and ultrafast electronics
  • Funding Agency
    • Royal Society and Science Foundation Ireland