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Professor Eoin Scanlan
Professor In, Chemistry


PhD (Oct 2000- Oct 2003) University of St. Andrews, UK: Organic-Free radical Methodology and Natural Product Synthesis.

Post Doc (Jan 2004-Jul 2005)University of Bern, Switzerland: Free radical methodology, Organoborane Chemistry.

Post Doc (Aug 2005-Feb 2008)University of Oxford, UK: Carbohydrate Chemistry, Synthesis of Oligosaccharides and Glycoconjugates.

Lecturer Organic and Medicinal Chemistry (Mar 08-present) Trinity College Dublin.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Benny, A. and Di Simo, L. and Guazzelli, L. and Scanlan, E.M., Radical Mediated Decarboxylation of Amino Acids via Photochemical Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) Elimination, Molecules, 29, (7), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Rabadán González, I. and McLean, J.T. and Ostrovitsa, N. and Fitzgerald, S. and Mezzetta, A. and Guazzelli, L. and O'Shea, D.F. and Scanlan, E.M., A thiol-ene mediated approach for peptide bioconjugation using â€~green†solvents under continuous flow, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 22, (11), 2024, p2203-2210 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Benny, A. and Scanlan, E.M., Synthesis of macrocyclic thiolactone peptides via photochemical intramolecular radical acyl thiol-ene ligation, Chemical Communications, 60, (61), 2024, p7950-7953 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Wang, X. and Ding, Q. and Groleau, R.R. and Wu, L. and Mao, Y. and Che, F. and Kotova, O. and Scanlan, E.M. and Lewis, S.E. and Li, P. and Tang, B. and James, T.D. and Gunnlaugsson, T., Fluorescent Probes for Disease Diagnosis, Chemical Reviews, 124, (11), 2024, p7106-7164 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Nolan, M.D. and SchÃŒttel, M. and Scanlan, E.M. and Nielsen, A.L., Nanomole-scale photochemical thiol-ene chemistry for high-throughput late-stage diversification of peptide macrocycles, Peptide Science, 116, (1), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Craven, T.W. and Nolan, M.D. and Bailey, J. and Olatunji, S. and Bann, S.J. and Bowen, K. and Ostrovitsa, N. and Da Costa, T.M. and Ballantine, R.D. and Weichert, D. and Levine, P.M. and Stewart, L.J. and Bhardwaj, G. and Geoghegan, J.A. and Cochrane, S.A. and Scanlan, E.M. and Caffrey, M. and Baker, D., Computational Design of Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors of a Bacterial Membrane Lipoprotein Peptidase, ACS Chemical Biology, 19, (5), 2024, p1125-1130 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Smith, S.; Scanlan, E.; Colavita, P., Pro-Tects - A novel solution to the challenge of biologic instability, ONdrugDelivery, 2023, (142), 2023, p84-88 Journal Article, 2023

Smithers, L. and Degtjarik, O. and Weichert, D. and Huang, C.-Y. and Boland, C. and Bowen, K. and Oluwole, A. and Lutomski, C. and Robinson, C.V. and Scanlan, E.M. and Wang, M. and Olieric, V. and Shalev-Benami, M. and Caffrey, M., Structure snapshots reveal the mechanism of a bacterial membrane lipoprotein N-acyltransferase, Science Advances, 9, (26), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Lynch, D.M. and Nolan, M.D. and Williams, C. and Van Dalsen, L. and Calvert, S.H. and DénÚs, F. and Trujillo, C. and Scanlan, E.M., Traceless Thioacid-Mediated Radical Cyclization of 1,6-Dienes, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 88, (14), 2023, p10020-10026 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Barnes, D.D. and Kuznetsova, V. and Visheratina, A. and Purcell-Milton, F. and Baranov, M.A. and Lynch, D.M. and Martin, H. and Gun'ko, Y.K. and Scanlan, E.M., Glycosylated quantum dots as fluorometric nanoprobes for trehalase, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 21, (14), 2023, p2905-2909 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Calatrava-Pérez, E. and Marchetti, L.A. and McManus, G.J. and Lynch, D.M. and Elmes, R.B.P. and Williams, D.C. and Gunnlaugsson, T. and Scanlan, E.M., Real-Time Multi-Photon Tracking and Bioimaging of Glycosylated Theranostic Prodrugs upon Specific Enzyme Triggered Release, Chemistry - A European Journal, 28, (3), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Nolan, M.D. and Shine, C. and Scanlan, E.M. and Petracca, R., Thioether analogues of the pituitary neuropeptide oxytocin via thiol-ene macrocyclisation of unprotected peptides, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 20, (42), 2022, p8192-8196 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Martin, H. and Lázaro, L.R. and Gunnlaugsson, T. and Scanlan, E.M., Glycosidase activated prodrugs for targeted cancer therapy, Chemical Society Reviews, 51, (23), 2022, p9694-9716 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Nolan, M.D. and Mezzetta, A. and Guazzelli, L. and Scanlan, E.M., Radical-mediated thiol-ene â€~click†reactions in deep eutectic solvents for bioconjugation, Green Chemistry, 24, (4), 2022, p1456-1462 Journal Article, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Singh, M. and Watkinson, M. and Scanlan, E.M. and Miller, G.J., Synthetic Strategies for FRET-Enabled Carbohydrate Active Enzyme Probes, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2370, 2022, p237-264 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Iannaci, A. and Myles, A. and Philippon, T. and BarriÚre, F. and Scanlan, E.M. and Colavita, P.E., Controlling the carbon-bio interface via glycan functional adlayers for applications in microbial fuel cell bioanodes, Molecules, 26, (16), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

McLean, J.T. and Milbeo, P. and Lynch, D.M. and McSweeney, L. and Scanlan, E.M., Radical-Mediated Acyl Thiol-Ene Reaction for Rapid Synthesis of Biomolecular Thioester Derivatives, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, (29), 2021, p4148-4160 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Lundahl, M.L.E. and Fogli, S. and Colavita, P.E. and Scanlan, E.M., Aggregation of protein therapeutics enhances their immunogenicity: Causes and mitigation strategies, RSC Chemical Biology, 2, (4), 2021, p1004-1020 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

McCourt, R.O. and Scanlan, E.M., Radical-Mediated Approaches for the Synthesis of Thiolactones, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, (37), 2021, p5320-5334 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

McLean, J.T. and Benny, A. and Nolan, M.D. and Swinand, G. and Scanlan, E.M., Cysteinyl radicals in chemical synthesis and in nature, Chemical Society Reviews, 50, (19), 2021, p10857-10894 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Olatunji, S. and Bowen, K. and Huang, C.-Y. and Weichert, D. and Singh, W. and Tikhonova, I.G. and Scanlan, E.M. and Olieric, V. and Caffrey, M., Structural basis of the membrane intramolecular transacylase reaction responsible for lyso-form lipoprotein synthesis, Nature Communications, 12, (1), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

R. O. McCourt and E. M. Scanlan, Atmospheric Oxygen Mediated Radical Hydrothiolation of Alkenes, Chemistry A European Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Behan, J.A.; Myles, A.; Iannaci, A.; Whelan, E.; Scanlan, E.M.; Colavita, P.E., Bioinspired electro-permeable glycans on carbon: Fouling control for sensing in complex matrices , Carbon, 2020, p519 - 526 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Nolan, M.D. and Scanlan, E.M., Applications of Thiol-Ene Chemistry for Peptide Science, Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, (583272), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Olatunji S, Yu X, Bailey J, Huang CY, Zapotoczna M, Bowen K, Remškar M, Müller R, Scanlan EM, Geoghegan JA, Olieric V, Caffrey M., Structures of lipoprotein signal peptidase II from Staphylococcus aureus complexed with antibiotics globomycin and myxovirescin., Nature communications, 11, (1), 2020, p140 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Lundahl, M. and Lynch, D.M. and Barnes, D. and McSweeney, L. and Gorman, A. and Lebre, F. and Gordon, S.V. and Lavelle, E.C. and Scanlan, E.M., Mycobacterial para-Hydroxybenzoic Acid-Derivatives (pHBADs) and Related Structures Induce Macrophage Innate Memory, ACS Chemical Biology, 15, (9), 2020, p2415-2421 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Lynch, D.M. and Scanlan, E.M., Thiyl Radicals: Versatile Reactive Intermediates for Cyclization of Unsaturated Substrates, Molecules, 25, (13), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Alessandro Iannaci, Adam Myles, Thomas Flinois, James A.Behan, FrédéricBarrière, Eoin M.Scanlan, Paula E. Colavita, Tailored glycosylated anode surfaces: Addressing the exoelectrogen bacterial community via functional layers for microbial fuel cell applications, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text

Elena Calatrava-Pérez, Stefan Acherman, Lucas Stricker, Gavin McManus, Jason Delente, Amy D. Lynes, Adam F. Henwood, June I. Lovitt, Chris S. Hawes, Kevin Byrne, Wolfgang Schmitt, Oxana Kotova, Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson and Eoin M. Scanlan , Fluorescent supramolecular hierarchical self-assemblies from glycosylated 4-amino- And 4-bromo-1,8-naphthalimides , Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2020, p3475-3480 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Singh, M. and Watkinson, M. and Scanlan, E.M. and Miller, G.J., Illuminating glycoscience: Synthetic strategies for FRET-enabled carbohydrate active enzyme probes, RSC Chemical Biology, 1, (5), 2020, p352-368 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Doherty, W.; Dürr, E-M.; Baddock, H.; Lee, S.; McHugh, P.; Brown, T.; Senge, M.; Scanlan, E.; McGouran, J., A Hydroxamic-acid-containing nucleoside inhibits DNA repair nuclease SNM1A, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, p8094 - 8105 Journal Article, 2019

Calatrava-Pérez, E. and Delente, J.M. and Shanmugaraju, S. and Hawes, C.S. and Williams, C.D. and Gunnlaugsson, T. and Scanlan, E.M., Correction: Glycosylated naphthalimides and naphthalimide Tröger's bases as fluorescent aggregation probes for Con A (Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (2019) DOI: 10.1039/c8ob02980f), Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 17, (8), 2019, p2287 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

McCourt, R.O. and Scanlan, E.M., A Sequential Acyl Thiol-Ene and Thiolactonization Approach for the Synthesis of ÎŽ-Thiolactones, Organic Letters, 21, (9), 2019, p3460-3464 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

McCourt, R. O. Scanlan, E. M., 5-Exo Vs 6-Endo Thiyl-Radical Cyclizations in Organic Synthesis, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

McCourt, R. and Scanlan, E.M., 5-exo versus 6-endo Thiyl-Radical Cyclizations in Organic Synthesis, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 102, (11), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Doherty W., Durr E.-M., Baddock H.T., Lee S.Y., McHugh P.J., Brown T., Senge M.O., Scanlan E.M., McGouran J.F., A hydroxamic-acid-containing nucleoside inhibits DNA repair nuclease SNM1A, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 17, (35), 2019, p8094 - 8105 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Calatrava-Pérez, E. and Delente, J.M. and Shanmugaraju, S. and Hawes, C.S. and Williams, C.D. and Gunnlaugsson, T. and Scanlan, E.M., Glycosylated naphthalimides and naphthalimide Tröger's bases as fluorescent aggregation probes for Con A, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 17, (8), 2019, p2116-2125 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Petracca, R. and Bowen, K.A. and McSweeney, L. and O'Flaherty, S. and Genna, V. and Twamley, B. and Devocelle, M. and Scanlan, E.M., Chemoselective Synthesis of N-Terminal Cysteinyl Thioesters via β,γ-C,S Thiol-Michael Addition, Organic Letters, 21, (9), 2019, p3281-3285 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

D†amora, M. and Maffeis, V. and Brescia, R. and Barnes, D. and Scanlan, E. and Giordani, S., Carbon nano-onions as non-cytotoxic carriers for cellular uptake of glycopeptides and proteins, Nanomaterials, 9, (8), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

McCourt, R.O. and DénÚs, F. and Scanlan, E.M., Radical-mediated reactions of α-bromo aluminium thioacetals, α-bromothioesters, and xanthates for thiolactone synthesis, Molecules, 23, (4), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Myles, A., Haberlin, D., Esteban-Tejeda, L., (...), Scanlan, E.M., Colavita, P.E., Bioinspired Aryldiazonium Carbohydrate Coatings: Reduced Adhesion of Foulants at Polymer and Stainless Steel Surfaces in a Marine Environment , ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 6, (1), 2018, p1141-1151 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Viviana Maffeis, Ruairí O. McCourt, Rita Petracca, Olivier Laethem, Adalberto Camisasca, Paula E. Colavita, Silvia Giordani, Eoin M. Scanlan, Photocatalytic Initiation of Radical Thiol-ene Reactions Using Carbon-Bi2O3 Nanocomposites, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, 2018, p4120 - 4126 Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

McCourt, R.O. and DénÚs, F. and Sanchez-Sanz, G. and Scanlan, E.M., Rapid Access to Thiolactone Derivatives through Radical-Mediated Acyl Thiol-Ene and Acyl Thiol-Yne Cyclization, Organic Letters, 20, (10), 2018, p2948-2951 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Adam Myles, James A. Behan, Brendan Twamley, Paula E. Colavita, Eoin M. Scanlan, Spontaneous Aryldiazonium Grafting for the Preparation of Functional Cyclodextrin-Modified Materials, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 1, (3), 2018, p825 - 832 Journal Article, 2018 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Scanlan, E.M.; Colavita, P.E.; Esteban-Tejeda, L.; Duff, T., 'Beverage Dispensing equipment', Diageo Ireland, WO2019048212A1, 2017 Patent, 2017 URL

Barnes, D.D. and Lundahl, M.L.E. and Lavelle, E.C. and Scanlan, E.M., The Emergence of Phenolic Glycans as Virulence Factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, ACS Chemical Biology, 12, (8), 2017, p1969-1979 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Lundahl, M.L.E. and Scanlan, E.M. and Lavelle, E.C., Therapeutic potential of carbohydrates as regulators of macrophage activation, Biochemical Pharmacology, 146, 2017, p23-41 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Scanlan, E. and Yu, L. and Maskell, D. and Choudhary, J. and Grant, A., A quantitative proteomic screen of the Campylobacter jejuni flagellar-dependent secretome, Journal of Proteomics, 152, 2017, p181-187 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Scanlan, E. and Ardill, L. and Whelan, M.V.X. and Shortt, C. and Nally, J.E. and Bourke, B. and Ã" Cróinín, T., Relaxation of DNA supercoiling leads to increased invasion of epithelial cells and protein secretion by Campylobacter jejuni, Molecular Microbiology, 104, (1), 2017, p92-104 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Burke, H.M. and McSweeney, L. and Scanlan, E.M., Exploring chemoselective S-to-N acyl transfer reactions in synthesis and chemical biology, Nature Communications, 8, 2017, p15655- Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Pandurangan K, Aletti A.B, Montroni D, Kitchen J.A, Martínez-Calvo M, Blasco S, Gunnlaugsson T, Scanlan E.M, Supramolecular Anion Recognition Mediates One-Pot Synthesis of 3-Amino-[1,2,4]-triazolo Pyridines from Thiosemicarbazides, Organic Letters, 19, (5), 2017, p1068 - 1071 Journal Article, 2017 DOI URL

Calatrava-Pérez E, Bright S.A, Achermann S, Moylan C, Senge M.O, Veale E.B, Williams D.C, Gunnlaugsson T, Scanlan E.M, Glycosidase activated release of fluorescent 1,8-naphthalimide probes for tumor cell imaging from glycosylated 'pro-probes', Chemical Communications, 52, (89), 2016, p13086 - 13089 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

McSweeney L, DénÚs F, Scanlan E.M, Thiyl-Radical Reactions in Carbohydrate Chemistry: From Thiosugars to Glycoconjugate Synthesis, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, (12), 2016, p2080 - 2095 Journal Article, 2016 URL DOI

Burke H.M, Gunnlaugsson T, Scanlan E.M, Glycosylated lanthanide cyclen complexes as luminescent probes for monitoring glycosidase enzyme activity, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 14, (38), 2016, p9133 - 9145 Journal Article, 2016 URL DOI

Shortt, C. and Scanlan, E. and Hilliard, A. and Cotroneo, C.E. and Bourke, B. and Cróinín, T.Ã"., DNA supercoiling regulates the motility of Campylobacter jejuni and is altered by growth in the presence of chicken mucus, mBio, 7, (5), 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Zen, Federico, Angione, M. Daniela, Behan, James A., Cullen, Ronan J., Duff, Thomas, Vasconcelos, Joana M., Scanlan, Eoin M., Colavita, Paula E., Modulation of Protein Fouling and Interfacial Properties at Carbon Surfaces via Immobilization of Glycans Using Aryldiazonium Chemistry, Scientific Reports, 6, 2016, p24840-1 - 24840-10 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text DOI

Esson, D. and Mather, A.E. and Scanlan, E. and Gupta, S. and De Vries, S.P.W. and Bailey, D. and Harris, S.R. and McKinley, T.J. and Méric, G. and Berry, S.K. and Mastroeni, P. and Sheppard, S.K. and Christie, G. and Thomson, N.R. and Parkhill, J. and Maskell, D.J. and Grant, A.J., Genomic variations leading to alterations in cell morphology of Campylobacter spp, Scientific Reports, 6, (38303), 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Leticia Esteban-Tejeda, Thomas Duff, Guido Ciapetti, M. Daniela Angione, Adam Myles, Joana M. Vasconcelos, Eoin M. Scanlan, Paula E. Colavita, Stable hydrophilic poly(dimethylsiloxane) via glycan surface functionalization, Polymer, 106, 2016, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

Burke H.M, Gunnlaugsson T, Scanlan E.M, Recent advances in the development of synthetic chemical probes for glycosidase enzymes, Chemical Communications, 51, (53), 2015, p10576 - 10588 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Moylan C, Sweed A.M.K, Shaker Y.M, Scanlan E.M, Senge M.O, Lead structures for applications in photodynamic therapy 7. Efficient synthesis of amphiphilic glycosylated lipid porphyrin derivatives: Refining linker conjugation for potential PDT applications, Tetrahedron, 71, (24), 2015, p4145 - 4153 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Frasconi M, Marotta R, Markey L, Flavin K, Spampinato V, Ceccone G, Echegoyen L, Scanlan E.M, Giordani S, Multi-Functionalized Carbon Nano-onions as Imaging Probes for Cancer Cells, Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), 21, (52), 2015, p19071 - 19080 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL

Corcé V, McSweeney L, Malone A, Scanlan E.M, Intramolecular thiol-yne cyclisation as a novel strategy for thioglycal synthesis, Chemical Communications, 51, (41), 2015, p8672 - 8674 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Moylan C, Scanlan E.M, Senge M.O, Chemical synthesis and medicinal applications of glycoporphyrins, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 22, (19), 2015, p2238 - 2348 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text URL

Angione M.D, Duff T, Bell A.P, Stamatin S.N, Fay C, Diamond D, Scanlan E.M, Colavita P.E, Enhanced Antifouling Properties of Carbohydrate Coated Poly(ether sulfone) Membranes, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, (31), 2015, p17238 - 17246 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Giuntini, F., Bryden, F., Daly, R., Scanlan, E.M., Boyle, R.W., Huisgen-based conjugation of water-soluble porphyrins to deprotected sugars: Towards mild strategies for the labelling of glycans, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 12, (8), 2014, p1203-1206 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

Scanlan, E.M. Corcé, V. Malone, A., Synthetic applications of intramolecular thiol-ene "click" reactions, Molecules, 19, (11), 2014, p19137 - 19151 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Wu, D. Cheung, S. Daly, R. Burke, H. Scanlan, E.M. O'Shea, D.F., Synthesis and glycoconjugation of an Azido-BF2-azadipyrromethene near-infrared fluorochrome, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, (31), 2014, p6841 - 6845 Journal Article, 2014 DOI URL

Bourke J, Brereton CF, Gordon SV, Lavelle EC and Scanlan EM, The Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Mycobacterial p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Derivatives (p-HBADs), Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 12, (7), 2014, p1114-1123 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text

Daly R, McCabe T, Scanlan EM, Development of fully and partially protected fucosyl donors for oligosaccharide synthesis., The Journal of organic chemistry, 78, (3), 2013, p1080-90 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Malone A, Scanlan EM, Applications of 5-exo-trig thiyl radical cyclizations for the synthesis of thiosugars., The Journal of organic chemistry, 78, (21), 2013, p10917-30 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Markey, L, Giordani, S, Scanlan, EM, Native Chemical Ligation,Thiol-Ene Click: A Methodology for the Synthesis of Functionalized Peptides, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 78, (9), 2013, p4270-4277 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Markey, L., Giordani, S., Scanlan, E.M., Native chemical ligation, thiol-ene click: A methodology for the synthesis of functionalized peptides, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 78, (9), 2013, p4270-4277 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Daly R, Scanlan EM, An unusual glycosylation product from a partially protected fucosyl donor under silver triflate activation conditions., Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 11, (48), 2013, p8452-8457 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

Jayasundara, D.R., Duff, T., Angione, M.D., Bourke, J., Murphy, D.M., Scanlan, E.M., Colavita, P.E., Carbohydrate coatings via aryldiazonium chemistry for surface biomimicry, Chemistry of Materials, 25, (20), 2013, p4122-4128 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Malone A, Scanlan EM, Applications of thiyl radical cyclizations for the synthesis of thiosugars., Organic letters, 15, (3), 2013, p504-7 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Eoin M. SCANLAN, Paula E. COLAVITA, Deirdre Murphy, Jean BOURKE, 'Carbohydrate Functionalised Surfaces', EPO, 2012, Trinity College Dublin Patent, 2012 URL

Giuntini, F, Dumoulin, F, Daly, R, Ahsen, V, Scanlan, EM, Lavado, ASP, Aylott, JW, Rosser, GA, Beeby, A, Boyle, RW, Orthogonally bifunctionalised polyacrylamide nanoparticles: a support for the assembly of multifunctional nanodevices, NANOSCALE, 4, (6), 2012, p2034-2045 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Sagar, R, Rudic, S, Gamblin, DP, Scanlan, EM, Vaden, TD, Odell, B, Claridge, TDW, Simons, JP, Davis, BG, Conformational effects in sugar ions: spectroscopic investigations in the gas phase and in solution, CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 3, (7), 2012, p2307-2313 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI

Murphy, DM, Cullen, RJ, Jayasundara, DR, Scanlan, EM, Colavita, PE, Study of the spontaneous attachment of polycyclic aryldiazonium salts onto amorphous carbon substrates, RSC ADVANCES, 2, (16), 2012, p6527-6534 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Daly R, Vaz G, Davies AM, Senge MO, Scanlan EM, Synthesis and biological evaluation of a library of glycoporphyrin compounds., Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), 18, (46), 2012, p14671-9 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI

Soldi L., Cullen R.J., Jayasundara D., Scanlan E.M., Giordani S. and Colavita P.E, Photochemical reaction of thiols on highly ordered pyrolitic graphite, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 2011, p10196-10204 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Scanlan EM, Mackeen MM, Wormald MR, Davis BG, Synthesis and Solution-Phase Conformation of the RG-I Fragment of the Plant Polysaccharide Pectin Reveals a Modification-Modulated Assembly Mechanism., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, (21), 2010, p7238-7239 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Oliver B. Locos, Claudia C. Heindl, Ariadna Corral, Mathias O. Senge, Eoin M. Scanlan, Efficient Synthesis of Glycoporphyrins by Microwave-Mediated Click Reactions, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010, (6), 2010, p1026 - 1028 Journal Article, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gamblin, DP, Scanlan, EM, Davis, BG, Glycoprotein synthesis: an update., Chemical reviews, 109, (1), 2009, p131-163 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Schaffner, AP, Montermini, F, Pozzi, D, Darmency, V, Scanlan, EM, Renaud, P, An efficient radical procedure for the halogenation and chalcogenation of B-alkylcatecholboranes, ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS, 350, (7-8), 2008, p1163-1167 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Cocinero, EJ, Stanca-Kaposta, EC, Scanlan, EM, Gamblin, DP, Davis, BG, Simons, JP, Conformational choice and selectivity in singly and multiply hydrated monosaccharides in the gas phase., Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), 14, (29), 2008 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Portela-Cubillo, F, Scanlan, EM, Scott, JS, Walton, JC, From dioxime oxalates to dihydropyrroles and phenanthridines via iminyl radicals., Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), (35), 2008, p4189-4191 Journal Article, 2008 DOI TARA - Full Text

Renaud, P, Beauseigneur, A, Brecht-Forster, A, Becattini, B, Darmency, V, Kandhasamy, S, Montermini, F, Ollivier, C, Panchaud, P, Pozzi, D, Scanlan, EM, Schaffner, AP, Weber, V, Boron: A key element in radical reactions, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, 79, (2), 2007, p223-233 Journal Article, 2007 DOI

Eoin M. Scanlan and John C. Walton, Radical 4-exo Cyclizations onto O-Alkyloxime acceptors: towards the synthesis of penicillin-Containing antibiotics. , Helvetica Chimica Acta , 89, 2006, p2133 - 2143 Journal Article, 2006

Darmency, Vincent; Scanlan, Eoin Martin; Schaffner, Arnaud Pierre; Renaud, Philippe., Radical allylation of B-alkylcatecholboranes [ethyl 2-{[(1S,2R,3R,5S)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-yl]methyl} acrylate]. , Organic Syntheses , 83, 2006, p24 - 30 Journal Article, 2006

Pozzi, Davide; Scanlan, Eoin M.; Renaud, Philippe., A Mild Radical Procedure for the Reduction of B-Alkylcatecholboranes to Alkanes. , Journal of the American Chemical Society , 127, 2005, p14204 - 14205 Journal Article, 2005

DiLabio, Gino A.; Scanlan, Eoin M.; Walton, John C., Kinetic and Theoretical Study of 4-exo Ring Closures of Carbamoyl Radicals onto C:C and C:N Bonds. , Organic Letters , 7, 2005, p155 - 158 Journal Article, 2005

Scanlan, Eoin M.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Walton, John C., Preparation of b- and g-lactams from carbamoyl radicals derived from oxime oxalate amides. , Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry , 2, 2004, p716 - 724 Journal Article, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Scanlan, Eoin M.; Walton, John C., Preparation of oxime oxalate amides and their use in free-radical mediated syntheses of lactams. , Chemical Communications , 18, 2002, p2086 - 2087 Journal Article, 2002 TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise


Organic Chemistry



Expert reviewer for European Commission - ERC Consolidator Programme 2020 01/06/2020

Expert reviewer for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 05/01/2018

Awards and Honours

Fellow of Trinity College 2016

SFI Career Development Award 2016

Frontiers in Chemistry: Rising Stars 2020 2020


Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC) 01/06/2016 – current