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Trinity College Dublin


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TV Interviews

October 2012

Rai 3 - Alle falde del Kilimangiaro: “Interview with Prof. Silvia Giordani”

October 2010

Rai International TV: "Interview with Prof. Silvia Giordani"

Radio Interviews

July 2012

Morning Ireland: “Women should be encouraged to take up science - TCD's Prof. Silvia Giordani ”

Mooney Goes Wild: “Towards “Smart” Medicines - TCD's Prof. Silvia Giordani”


November 2012

YouTube: "Science it's your thing! by Silvia Giordani"

YouTube: "Science it's your thing! by Silvia Giordani (Italian Version)"

July 2012

YouTube: "ESOF 2012 - Elevator Pitch Contest: Prof. Silvia Giordani"

YouTube: "Intervista a Silvia Giordani - ESOF 2012 Dublino"

June 2012

L'Oreal 2012 Women In Science - Highlights Final

October 2011

vimeo: "BergamoScienza: Molecular Day
Chair: Prof. Silvia Giordani, Keynote: Prof. AP de Silva"

vimeo: "BergamoScienza: Molecular Day
Chair: Prof. Silvia Giordani, Keynote: Prof. FM Raymo"

September 2011

YouTube: "Culture Night 2011 at Science Gallery: Carbon BBQ"

YouTube: "Prof. Silvia Giordani at Carbon Barbecue, Culture Night 2011"


YouTube: "Elements: The Beauty of Chemistry"

October 2010

YouTube: "BergamoScienza 1-17 ottobre 2010 VIII Edizione"

August 2010

American Chemical Society: "Interview with Prof. Silvia Giordani"


YouTube: "LIGHTWAVE: Magic Torch, the Orb and light experiments"


December 2012

CRANN Webpage: “CRANN Investigator, Prof. Silvia Giordani, receives LEONARDO UGIS Award”

European Commission Webpage: “Italian scientific journalists' award goes to EU-funded scientist”

L'Eco di Bergamo: “Comunicare la scienza - Bergamasca vince il premio”

Corriere della Sera Ed. Bergamo: “Ricerca, premio a Silvia Giordani”

Corriere della “I premi UGIS 2012 a due donne scienziate”

November 2012

Il Giorno: “I valori di Silvia, la scienziata volata a Dublino”

October 2012

Federchimica - W la chimica: “Premio L'Oreal for woman in science”

August 2012

The Irish Times: “Developing new therapies for more efficient healthcare”

July 2012

Federchimica - W la chimica: “Due studenti bergamaschi all'Euroscience open Forum 2012”

L'Eco di Bergamo: “A ricercatrice bergamasca il Premio L’Oréal”
                              “Dal Natta a Dublino «Esperienza bellissima»” “Trinity scientist wins £15k award – a boost as funding shrinks”

Bergamo News: “Alla ricercatrice Giordani un'altra prestigiosa borsa di studio”

European Commission Webpage: “Former Marie Curie Fellow receives l’Oréal-UNESCO prize”

UNESCO Webpage: “2012 UK and Ireland Winners – Prof. Silvia Giordani, Trinity College Dublin”

TCD Webpage: “Trinity Scientist Wins 2012 Women in Science Fellowship”

SFI Webpage: “Prof. Silvia Giordani Wins 2012 Women in Science Fellowship”

CRANN Webpage: “CRANN Scientist Awarded Prestigious ‘Women in Science’ Fellowship”

Wiser Webpage: “Prof. Silvia Giordani wins Women In Science Fellowship”

NanoTP Webpage: “Prof. Silvia Giordani wins Women In Science Fellowship”

May 2012

Corriere della Sera: “«Cervelli in fuga e ritorno? Vorrei, ma non posso»”

October 2011

The Irish Times: “EU funding best hope for careers in research”

L'Eco di Bergamo: “Scienziato ospite al Natta”

L'Eco di Bergamo: “«Molecole 007» per illuminare cellule malate”

Bergamo News: “Bei cervelli tra Bergamo e Dublino”

Il Sole 24 Ore: “Un team under 18 Bergamo-Dublino”

Marie Curie Fellows Association: "Role models for mobility of MCFA women scientists"

June 2011

Federchimica News: “A Dublino cinque studenti del Natta di Bergamo: visita al Crann del Trinity College”

CRANN News: “CRANN Investigator hosts visit for her old high school students”

May 2011

L'Eco di Bergamo: “Dal Natta al Trinity College di Dublino Esperienza tra i ricercatori chimici”

L'Eco di Bergamo: “A Dublino 5 studenti del Natta: visita al Crann del Trinity College”

Bergamo News: “Ricerca sul campo: studenti a Dublino”

April 2011

L'Eco di Bergamo: “Dal Natta «promossi» scienziati a Dublino”

Bergamo News: “Silvia Giordani, ricercatrice a Dublino coccolata e corteggiata dalla sua Bergamo”

December 2010

Atomium Culture News: “TCD Scientist Highlights Benefits of Multidisciplinary Research for Future Applications of Nanoscience”

November 2010

TCD News: “TCD Scientist Highlights Benefits of Multidisciplinary Research for Future Applications of Nanoscience”

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Last updated: January 31, 2013