The Senge group has received funding from many national and international funding bodies. These include the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Health Research Board (HRB), the European Commission and Industry. Funding from the Irish Research Council and the Science Foundation Ireland supports Ph.D. studentships and research infrastructure within the Senge laboratory.
We collaborate with many fellow researchers in the European Union's HORIZON2020 FET-Open project INITIO, towards versatile enantioselective sensors using porphyrin components. More information can be found here:
We collaborate in the H2020-MSCA-ITN-EJD project POLYTHEA, focussed on the development and translation of novel photodynamic therapies. More information can be found here:
EU Information POLYTHEA homepage
Prof. Senge has recently been awarded the prestigious Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship at The Technical University of Munich.