Niamh Murray
Postgraduate student
B.A. (Mod) in Chemistry
(Trinity College Dublin)
I graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 2004 and I started my postgrad in
October 2004 under the joint supervision of Prof. T. Gunnlaugsson and Prof. S.
My project involves the development of novel sensory systems and arrays for the
selective detection of ions and molecules (guests). To achieve this I will
immobilise lanthanide-based chemosensors (hosts) onto molecular defined surfaces
and extend this to Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) probe tips using self-assembly
monolayer (SAM) methodologies.
The Gunnlaugsson research group has extensively investigated the use of lanthanide
luminescent devices for sensing cations, anions, and neutral molecules in solution.
However for practical purposes it is desirable that such systems are embedded
into membranes such as hydrogels or onto solid surfaces.
The Jarvis research group has developed novel methods to probe the interactions of
macromolecular structures on surfaces.
This research plan ultimately aims to explore the use of lanthanide luminescent
sensors on surfaces, and the use of fluorescence microscopy and AFM for screening
biological samples, such as protein surfaces, antibodies, oligonucleotides, etc.
My other interests include reading and travelling.