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Trinity College Dublin

The TG Supramolecular and Medicinal Research Group - Postdoctoral Researchers

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Last updated:
March 17, 2006

Dr Julien Massue

Dr Julien Massue

Postdoctoral researcher

Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry
(University of Rennes 1, France)

M.Sc. in Molecular Chemistry
(University of Rennes 1, France)


I graduated from the University of Rennes in 2002 (my Masters degree included a six-month training period in Prof. Stanley M. Roberts' group at the University of Liverpool (UK) in 2001). After graduation, I started a Ph.D. in materials chemistry at the University of Rennes (France) under the co-supervision of Prof. Dominique Lorcy and Dr Nathalie Bellec. My Ph.D. objectives were to use the redox molecule tetrathiafulvalene and its derivatives to make new hybrid materials involving the coordination of transition metallic ions, and also to study electrochemical sensing of divalent metallic cations. Last December, I joined Prof. Gunnlaugsson’s group at Trinity College after receiving an IRCSET postdoctoral fellowship. A part of my project involves the study of lanthanide complexes grafted on nanoparticles as mimics of ribonucleases.

Outside chemistry, I love to sleep, to rest, to just do nothing, reading, watching TV and spending hours and hours with my friends in pubs...