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Trinity College Dublin

The TG Supramolecular and Medicinal Research Group - Postdoctoral Researchers

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Last updated:
March 17, 2006

Dr Andrew Harte

Dr Andrew Harte

Postdoctoral researcher

Ph.D. in Chemistry
(Trinity College Dublin)

B.A. (Mod) in Chemistry
(Trinity College Dublin)


I graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 2001 and after a quick tour around California, I started my postgraduate studies in October 2001 under the supervision of Prof. Thorri Gunnlaugsson and obtained my Ph.D. in 2005. My research is very similar to Sinead Mulready's. However, I am synthesising bis-cyclen systems for the cleavage of RNA. It is hoped that by introducing a second metal, in this case a lanthanide, into the system that faster rates can be achieved via a double Lewis acid mechanism. I also work in the area of lanthanide luminescent sensors and in collaboration with others in the group have developed a salicylic acid sensor and a Cu(II) sensor.

I enjoy football and reading. I also practice martial arts.