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Trinity College Dublin

The TG Supramolecular and Medicinal Research Group - Achievements and Awards (RSC Bob Hay Lectureship 2006)

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Last updated:
March 06, 2007

Awards at the UK Macrocycles and Supramolecular Chemistry Group Meeting
(Belfast, December 19-21, 2006)
(link to Trinity Communications)

Professor Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson at the School of Chemistry (Trinity College Dublin) was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Bob Hay Lectureship at the UK Macrocycles and Supramolecular Chemistry Group annual meeting in Belfast. The prestigious award lecture is given in memory of Professor Bob Hay, one of the pioneers of macrocyclic chemistry in the UK. This is the first time that this prize has been awarded to a recipient that works outside of the UK. At the same meeting, Ms. Buddhie Lankage (research group of Professor Slyvia Draper) received a prize for the best poster.

RSC Bob Hay Lectureship 2006 (Left to right: Prof. Neil Champness (Nottingham) & Prof. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson)
(Left to right: Prof. Neil Champness (Nottingham) & Prof. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson)