SUN-PILOT is an EU funded project aiming to develop a novel and cost-effective platform for up-scaling the fabrication of sub-wavelength nanostructures across large and non-planar surfaces
Zeroptica Is a spin-off company from the group and aims to produce antireflective glass through a process that is "low cost, highly scalable and applicable to both flat and curved surfaces".
Horizon2020 is one of the funding bodies of this work.
The AMBER centre is a national and international collaboration of leading material science researchers.
Scientific Interest
Quanta magazine contains articles on Maths, Science, Computer Science, etc. "Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism."
ThatsMaths is a periodical blog about interesting, everyday occurences of mathematical principles/ideas. Amongst its goals, the website lists demistifying maths and discussing technological applications.
Mozilla's 'learn' webpages are a wonderful resource for learning about coding, computer science and the internet in general.