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Trinity College Dublin

Computational Chemistry Group
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Welcome to the web pages of the computational chemistry group led by Prof. Graeme W. Watson. The group uses advanced computational techniques to study a range of problems at the atomic level. These include;

(i) solid state problems such as transparent conducting oxides, magnetic semiconductors, fast ion conductors, lithium batteries etc.

(ii) Surface structure and reactivity including surface reconstruction, thin films, molecular adsorption, catalysis, surface oxidation and reduction

(iii) molecular properties such as organic reaction mechanisms, molecular excited states and optoelectronic material

On the links in the menu above you will find information about the research that we do, the journal papers we publish, the group membership, funding and research opportunities, recent news with regard to the group and some of the teaching that I do.

Graeme Watson

Job Opportunities

Funded positions None currently

Irish Research Council Postdoctoral fellowship Scheme
Irish Research Council Studentship scheme

The call for these schemes is usually in October for both Postdocs and studentships

If you are interested in applying for an IRC award please contact me.

Click here for further details.

Contact Details

Prof. Graeme W. Watson
School of Chemistry,
University of Dublin,
Trinity College,
Dublin 2.

Office: 2.36 Lloyd Insitute
Ph. +353 1 896 1357
Fax: +353 1 671 2826

 Cover of J Mat Chem shopwing Bi2Sn2O7

Recently Published Papers

  1. Brennan K., Watson G.W. and Garcia-Melchor M.
    Solvation effects in the electrochemical reduction of hydrogen cyanide for ambient ammonia production on a Ni cathode
    Catalysis Science and Technology 14, 1043 (2024)
    DOI: 10.1039/d3cy01333b

  1. Nicolson A., Kavanagh S.R., Savory C.N., Watson G.W. and Scanlon D.O.
    Cu2SiSe3 as a promising solar absorber: harnessing cation dissimilarity to avoid killer antisites
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11, 14833 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1039/d3ta02429f

  2. Casadevall C., Lage A., Mu M.T., Greer H.F., Anton-Garcia D., Butt J.N., Jeuken L.J.C., Watson G.W., Garcia-Melchor M. and Reisner E.
    Size-dependent activity of carbon dots for photocatalytic H2 generation in combination with a molecular Ni cocatalyst
    Nanoscale 15, 15775 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1039/d3nr03300g

  1. Savioli J. and Watson G.W.
    Defect chemistry of LaGaO3 doped with divalent cations
    Solid State Ionics 374, 115828 (2022)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2021.115828

For a full publication list click here

Email: watsong AT
Last updated: Apr 09 2024
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